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March 2023 @BVNLibrary A lot happened in the library during March. Psychology, sociology, and ela spent a lot of time with us in addition to our regulars! Read on to learn more.

Psychology & Sociology

Students in Ms. Salimbene's Psychology classes completed a research project about the psychology of the criminal mind. Sociology students also investigated social norms through the lens of childrens books. Upperclassman story time in the library was a total blast and hopefully no one was surprised by the messages of "never give up" and "be kind to others"!


Students in HELA 9 classes began book clubs today after hearing some book talks from librarians. In small groups, students chose a genre, topic or author and then self-selected books that matched their group's choice! Librarians helped students find the books they wanted while also placing holds from other schools as well as the Johnson County Library. Students cozied up with their books and spent some quality time reading alone-together!


Students in AP Human Geography classes got a jump on their AP Test preparation with our Gale Databases. Students also learned about Learning Express Library (a state-funded resource). Both of these databases allow students to take practice AP tests in a timed or untimed format. These databases also allow students to save their progress so they can take their time while studying and they don't have to sit down and complete an entire practice test at one time. Many students appreciate the ability to do a little at a time during AST and then continue after school.


Students in Ms. Salimbene's Psychology classes returned to the library to research and prepare PSAs about stress management. Students researched coping skills and self-care techniques to share in PSA-style graphics that could be easily implemented by any passer-by. The students shared their work in a Canvas discussion and evaluated the work of their classmates.


Even with over a week off for Spring Break, we collaborated with 42 classes in only 16 days of school! We saw over 1,000 students with classes, and countless others for checkout, lunchtime jam sessions and for help with regular coursework. The library also sees hundreds of students per day needing supplies, snacks, hugs, and help with the printers!


Created with an image by andreusK - "a spring narcissus and daisy flowers and green grass background"


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