If you are joining our Nursery or Foundation Stage classes in September welcome! Thank you for attending our transition events we ran over the summer term. Please follow this link to the transition presentation Mrs Paddock shared with you on our information sharing event!
We have lots of movement around the school this summer and lots of exciting projects, including the relocation of our library space after securing some funding! If you are not sure where to go in September please use the maps below to help!
Our school is open Monday to Friday and our school day is 845-315. This provides our children with 32.5 hours of school over the week.
If a child of compulsory school age is registered at a school it is essential that they attend school regularly and maintain a pattern of good attendance throughout their school career.
Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential.
Below are just some of the key reasons why it is so important children attend school:
To learn.
To make new friends.
To experience new things in life.
To develop awareness of other cultures, religion, ethnicity and gender differences.
To achieve.
To gain qualifications.
To develop new skills.
To build confidence and self-esteem.
To have the best possible start in life.
Establish a good routine in the mornings and evenings so your child is prepared for the school day ahead.
Make sure your child goes to school regularly and follows the school rules.
Ensure your child arrives at school on time – not late.
Arrange dental and medical appointments outside school hours when possible.
Always inform the school if your child is absent due to illness.
Take family holidays outside term time.
Talk to your child about school and take an interest in their school work.
Attend parent evenings and school events.
Praise and reward your child’s achievements at school.
Discuss any problems or difficulties with the school – staff are there to help and will be supportive.
For some parents, 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, but the reality is that 90% attendance means that your child will miss half a school day each week or 19 days of school during the school year – that’s nearly 4 school weeks.
Uniform Expectations
In September we will continue to ask pupils to come to school in their PE kits on PE days. There is an image below which shows you what day your child will be doing PE and will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit. We will also be launching our new House System. Each pupil will be given a house and awarded their first house PE t-shirt free of charge! PE bottoms need to be black or navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms.
Please watch this video to understand our uniform expectations for next year! T-shirts can be white or navy. Trousers, shorts, dresses or skirts can be black, or grey. Children can wear trainers or school shoes. Logoed uniform can be ordered from Vortex on the link below or can be plain from other shops but must be in school colours.
School Meals
There are new menus for the Autumn term, please see the menus following the link below. We will continue to work on a 3 week cycle to provide a varied choice for all our pupils.
If pupils choose to bring their own packed lunch can we please remind families of making healthy choices and ensuring that packed lunches provided a balanced lunch for our learners. Thank you
KEY DATES FOR 2022/2023
Created with an image by Prostock-studio - "African American School Girl Pointing Fingers Up, Yellow Background"