Stirring up spiritby Darcy Leber, Skylar Greulich and Grace Elder
On Friday, Aug. 19, SHS had their first pep session of the year to celebrate fall sports.
(left) SHS mascot celebrates the win after defeating Roncalli in the battle during a skit put on by the Booster Club. (right) Seniors Dariely Raudales and Hannah Matthews play cardinals sitting in the cardinal's nest during the skit. photos by Darcy Leber
Seniors Grayson Meece (top left), Kham Thangnan (top right) and Girolamo Anselmo (bottom) run through the tunnel as they're announced. photos by Darcy Leber
Juniors Jonathan Parks and Kevin Rogers walk off the court after getting out of the game. photo by Grace Elder
(top left) Juniors Alexandra Torres and Ellie Herwehe smile at the students as they cheer. (top right) SHS Cheer faces the flag while the marching band plays the national anthem. (bottom) The Cheerleaders amp up the students at the rally to boost morale. photos by Darcy Leber
Senior Sam Brookshire leads the game at the end of the pep rally. photo by Grace Elder
Sophomore Lucy Kautsky attempts to increase school spirit by smiling while doing her cheer routines. photos by Skylar Greulich