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please do not forget!

Temple President

andrea comerchero

Dear Temple Tikvah Families

  • As promised, we are writing to update you on the status of our building, the work that has been completed to date, and our next steps. Although we have made significant progress in evaluating the damage to our building, there are still many unanswered questions.
  • When we last gathered as a congregation the building was still underwater, and our focus was on emergency actions to prevent additional damage. Since then, we have completed the mitigation phase of the project which has included drying the building and filtering the air, as well as removing all carpeting, drapes, and wall fabric from the building.
  • Remediation Update: There has been a significant amount of damage to the building that requires a lot of work. According to New York State Law, we are legally obligated to bring the building back up to environmental code. Toward that end, we hired a consultant to help us evaluate the damage and determine levels of asbestos and mold that need to be remediated. • Asbestos: The floodwaters brought up floor tiles which disturbed asbestos in multiple areas of the building. The abatement will commence on November 8th and will take approximately two weeks. During this time, our building staff will only enter the building at times when it is deemed safe. • Mold: Based on moisture readings there was significant presence of mold in the building. The mold remediation process required us to cut out two to four feet of sheetrock and plaster from the ground up from most of the walls throughout the building. As part of the mold remediation, all furniture will be given a deep clean with products specially designed to clean and sanitize for the type of damage we suffered. • Building Furniture: We also evaluated the furniture throughout the building. We were able to salvage most furniture made of wood or metal, however we had to dispose of furniture made of pressboard or other porous material due to deep water damage. • Sanctuary Furniture: Thankfully, all of the sanctuary furniture can be kept and deep cleaned. We have been able to save about 70% of our prayer books. As mentioned at the last congregational meeting, the Torah scrolls and silver are all protected. • Main Office: The main office and Beber Auditorium did not suffer any mold or asbestos damage. However, out of an abundance of caution, we are limiting entry to the entire building to necessary personnel only. • Financing Update: We have submitted all appropriate paperwork to our insurance company and to FEMA and we are awaiting their decisions on what they will reimburse us for. I would like to thank Sandy Peskin for all her hard work helping to prepare the paperwork, as well as Congressman Tom Suozzi’s office for personally working with us to expedite the submission process with FEMA. • Donations: We continue to receive your donations, as well as donations from the greater community to help our efforts. We are grateful for this outpouring of support. • What’s next: We are working with the three congregations that have opened their buildings to us – Lake Success Jewish Center, Shelter Rock Jewish Center, and Temple Judea – so that we can continue to worship together, educate our children, celebrate lifecycle events, and hold choir practice.
  • Our plans for our building are still uncertain. However, please be assured that the Board of Trustees and the Future Planning Committee are highly engaged and focused on securing our future. We are a vital community, and we remain strong.
  • We anticipate scheduling a meeting of the congregation sometime in the next several weeks to update you further. Please be on the lookout for a communication about that.

As always if you have any questions feel free to reach out to either of us: Andrea Comerchero, President - and Randy Sheinberg, Rabbi -


  • ANGEL • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Cheryl & Steve Levine • Barbara Silberman • Ken & Neela Weber
  • CHESED • Lynn & Jay Beber • Andrea & Marc Comerchero • Phyllis & Marc Newman • Janet & Barry Spool • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • TZEDEKAH • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Justin Wax Jacobs • Anonymous • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Marilyn Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Sandra & David Peskin • Susan & Martin Siroka • Madeleine Wolf
  • BENEFACTOR • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashitpour • Arline & Jack Cazes • Nancy Eschemuller • Libby Glowatz • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Carole Kaplan
  • PATRON • Robert Bader • Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Beth Feldman • Sonia Fink • Fran Fredrick • Lori & Mark Gordon • Ronni & Charles Hollanders • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Traci & Victor Levy • Helaine & Ed Schachter • Stuart & Judy Weinstock
  • SPONSOR • Maureen & Steve Berman • Brotherhood of Temple Tikvah • Terry & Michael Cutler • Arleen & Ronald Degen • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard • Joe & Judy Kirschner • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie • Lynn Moser • Phyllis Richards • Susan Schall
  • DONOR • Muriel Adler • Sharon Adler • Michael & Karen Arkin • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Florence Baravarian • Sharon Bibergal • Betsy Jacob Bivrano • Henry Bloch • The Chirel Family • The Diamond Family • Rochelle & Evan Fischer • Vivian E. Floch • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Sharon Fricano • Steven & Doreen Geller • Vivian Goldbaum • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Anonymous • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Mimi Kahn • Andrea & Doug King • Leslie Kizner • Joel & Sadie Kramer Sandra Lichtenstein • The Magidson Family • Mark & Robin Mandell • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ravens • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg & Family • Ron, Barbara, Melissa & Justin Schreiber • June & Jack Schwarz • Claire Shapiro • Doris & Irv Silberman • Julie Steiner O'Donnell • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Joan Wiener • Laurence & Aki Wolfson • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos
  • PARTICIPANT • Deborah Abramowitz • Jeanie & George Berger • Cindy & Joe Bettelheim • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Sharyn & Joel Chanin • Rochelle & Evan Fischer • Muriel Gorochow • Toby & Steve Israel • Abe & Hanna Kormas • Steven B. Levine • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg • Helene & Alene Schonhaut • Susan & Irwin Schneider • Rosalyn Schwartz • Jeffrey Young • Howard & Gale Zeidman

rabbi randy sheinberg

“Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha” - “O Good One, Your Mercies Never End

  • This is the season to give thanks. As you read these words, you are no doubt thinking ahead to the secular holiday of Thanksgiving that is coming up at the end of the month of November.
  • On reflection, it might not seem to be the most obvious time of year to offer thanks. I often find myself being a bit grouchier than usual as Fall comes in. Yes, the colored leaves are beautiful, and the crisp temperature invigorating, yet the shortened daylight hours make everything feel a bit pressured and portend the cold winter ahead.
  • On second thought - perhaps that makes this season an especially good time to be thankful. Gratitude, after all, is not only about giving thanks when something good comes your way. It is also about recognizing the blessings all around you, even when it feels like those blessings are few in number.
  • In the Jewish way of thinking, gratitude is not something we reserve for a particular time of year only. Giving thanks is a regular part of our daily prayer life. One of my favorite prayers is the Hoda’ah, the prayer we recite just prior to our prayer for peace. In it, we say, “Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha” - “O Good One, Your mercies never end.” The prayer reminds us that God’s blessings are unending, and around us all the time.
  • If the blessings are always there, how do we better train ourselves to see them? How can prayer help awaken our awareness of those everyday miracles, even in the darkest hours of the calendar year, or of our lives?
  • Again, the Hoda’ah prayer proves helpful. It says, “We thank You, God, for Your wondrous deeds at every time of day: evening, morning and afternoon.” Whenever I read those words, I try to think of something specific for which I am grateful that has happened to me at each of those times of day - evening, morning, and afternoon. It is not always easy to do, and I cannot always think of something at the moment that I am praying. However, the very specificity of the prayer reminds me to be on the lookout for those blessings throughout the day. It helps me recognize them when they come along.
  • This year, once again, Temple Tikvah will host our Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. I hope many of you will join us virtually on November 23rd at 7:00pm as we celebrate with our neighbors of different faiths and cultures. It promises to be an uplifting experience appropriate for the whole family…please come and invite your neighbors to join us as well.

May this season awaken your own sense of gratitude. Thank you for being part of my Temple family.

Our house of worship that feels like home...

It is heartwarming to remember the many beautiful celebrations we shared in our Temple, and now it is heartbreaking to see the devastation from the flood. However, we are more than a building. We are a community!

religious school

Hakarat Hatov is bigger than gratitude, it's recognition for the things we have and the people we sometimes take for granted. Watch for some practical ideas for teaching kids to have a more grateful perspective on life.

Education Director


We Rejoice in Sharing Our Awareness of What We Have – One Another and Our Community

  • The school is thriving, and our students are together. Thank you to Shelter Rock Jewish Center for providing this space for us as we are unable to use our building.
  • Each week we are designating a half hour to our youth to something “special” about our faith in an informative, yet caring and sensitive manner, for example - the Rabbi (Ask the Rabbi), Cantor (experiencing seeing the Torah up-close), Cheryl (Activities about Hebrew names) or me (Book Club readings and discussions.) During our “special” time in October our students learned about the lulav and etrog while spending time in Shelter Rock’s Sukkah. Cantor Contzius also gave students a close-up look at the Torah to show them the details in the words written on the parchment.
  • I will be exposing our students to the Holocaust during our Book Club “special” time. Students are reading the following age-appropriate books: Grades 6 & 7: “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” by John Boyne • Grade 4 & 5: “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry • Grades 1, 2 & 3: “Hidden” by Loic Douvillier
  • We hoped to be able to Consecrate our new students in our own sanctuary. However, with timing uncertain, we have scheduled Consecration for Friday Shabbat Services on December 3rd during Hanukah. All families and students are invited to attend services in-person at Lake Success Jewish Center. The following students will be Consecrated: Sarah Escobar, Emmy Adrian, Harrison Gries, Benjamin Podber, Ava Shonsky, Valerie Ford, Alex Lefkof, Sebastian Lefkof, Julia Adrian, Yiara Nislow, Abigail Podber, Quincy Ford, and Ian Nislow.
  • Upcoming Events: November 14th - Religious School Committee Meeting • November 28th - RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLOSED / 1st Night of Hanukah • December 3rd - Consecration Service at Lake Success. Jewish Center 7:30pm • December 5th - Religious School Hanukah Program

Hoda'ah - We are thankful for what we have...



Breathe In…Breathe Out... Breathe In… Breathe Out

  • Any parent with a little one knows that refrain well. We not only prompt our children to do it, but at times, we remind ourselves of the need to inhale and exhale deeply. With every breath, we are reminded how grateful we are – grateful to share in the joys, the jubilation, the triumphs, the exhaustion, and the challenges that accompany raising the youngest members of our Jewish Community.
  • As parents, we teach our children to practice gratitude all the time: “Say thank you to grandma for your new toy.” • “Thank your sister for sharing her cookies.” • “Tell your friend thank you for coming over to play.” With each thank you we ask our youngest ones to give, they find a moment to pause and realize there is so much to be grateful for. This is also a great reminder to us as parents to take stock of all that we are blessed to have, starting with the ability to kiss every scraped knee, to hear the giggles, and to wipe away the tears.
  • When my daughters were tots, we used to pause every night to reflect on the day. I would ask what they were grateful for that day and jot their ideas on scraps of paper to place in our jar of gratitude. Each New Year’s Eve, we would open the jar and read all the good that happened that year. We would fill up our hearts with all the gratitude we could muster. I must have many of those jars lined up in a closet in our basement now. Perhaps it is time to restart that tradition this year and I encourage our tot families to join in the fun.

We would love to see many families at our upcoming Tot Programs and hope that perhaps a slip of paper in your gratitude jar can be for Tikvah Tots and the joy of imparting Judaism to your children.

Director of Youth & Family Engagement

Cheryl Stern

What Are You Grateful For?

  • I hope you and your families are doing well. This is the time of year, when we tend to take a moment to look at all the things we have to be thankful for. This year I am particularly thankful for my Tikvah family that I get to see both in person and on screen.
  • Judaism fosters and encourages all of us to instill gratitude into our lives. Whether we choose to strive for 100 blessings on a daily basis or not; we need to remind ourselves, our youth, and one another to acknowledge, recognize, and say thank you for all the good that surrounds us. How may you ask? Some suggestions: Discuss Jewish values with one another or perhaps Imagine how you can have your values come to life or maybe Engage in conversations with your family, friends or community about values.
  • Although we do not presently have a Junior Congregation Service for November, going forward our plan is to hold one every Shabbat each month from 9:30am – 10:30am. When one is scheduled if you are able to RSVP please do so, yet if not, you are always welcome. Please continue to check your emails and the Weekly Update as our schedule can be fluid.
  • November’s Youth Schedule: Friday, November 12th - Family Shabbat Services at 7:30pm; Sunday, November 14th - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am; Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:30am; Chai/Teen Event at 12:00pm; and Pizza Havdallah Event from 12:00pm - 1:30pm for all families at Shelter Rock Jewish Center; and Sunday, November 21st - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am
  • If anyone is interested in Virtual Community Service opportunities or helping to give back, please reach out to me via email

Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Happy Hanukah





Gratefulness Connects Us Up to The Great Flow of Receptivity and Generosity (Rabbi Shefa Gold)

  • Our House of Worship That Feels Like Home is sadly presently closed. Along with our hardworking leadership and committed congregants, Brotherhood is continuing to rejoice as a cohesive, proactive group; and continues to work and practice the attitude of gratitude with sharing and giving.
  • We continue to meet monthly on the 1st Wednesday every month. We meet on ZOOM to talk about the things we can do to support our Temple and its members. Ideas, thoughts, and suggestions are shared. In addition, as the leader of this pack, I would like to thank everyone who has joined and encourage anyone who has not, to consider doing so.
  • On Tuesday, November 9th we would love for everyone to join us at Ben’s Deli in Bay Terrace located at: 211-37 26th Avenue - Bayside, NY 11360 for a Brotherhood Fundraiser. Please refer to the upcoming Weekly Updates for the Flyer. It is required for Brotherhood to receive a portion of your bill. The flyer can be used for indoor dining or take out. Sounds like a yummy deal to me.
  • Also, in November look for Brotherhood to personally hand deliver a Shabbat Challah to each of our members on Friday, November 26th (another good reason to join Brotherhood…wink • wink.)

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." (JFK)



Let Us Embrace Hikarat Hatov – Recognize the Good

  • The theme of this edition of the Tikvah Times is gratitude, which is very appropriate for November. There are several holidays this month where we can express gratefulness. One of them is Election Day on Tuesday, November 2nd. We New Yorkers are fortunate that we have easy access to voting. Be sure to exercise this civic duty. Following Election Day is Veterans Day on November 11th. We all need to pause and remember and acknowledge those who fought for our country and be thankful for their sacrifices. Then at the end of the month we gather with our families and celebrate Thanksgiving on November 25th. Perhaps this year you will be able to share your holiday with more friends and family than last year, a good reason for gratitude.
  • Sisterhood is grateful that we have a wonderful group of women who are happy to work together to help each other, the Temple, the community, and even those we do not know.
  • Sisterhood participated in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Campaign at Jones Beach on Sunday, October 17th. We donated funds and championed this cause in solidarity with those in need of support, community, and comfort. Together our goal is to conquer cancer for our loved ones today and for future generations.
  • There are other programs that Sisterhood usually sponsors, however we are constrained by the Covid issues. We will happily reinstate them when it is permitted. However, we do rejoice in what we can do AND rejoice in the cooperation and spirit of our membership.

Practicing gratitude means recognizing the good that is already yours…


Together with Social Action, Sisterhood have organized a *ZOOM Program entitled: “Ready to Bust Beauty Myths?” for all of us to learn about the safety and sustainability of cosmetics and personal care products. Please join us on Thursday, November 4th at 7:30pm for a conversation with Jana Jacobson, who is a Clean Beauty Expert and Sustainability Enthusiast. *See Weekly Update for LINK.



Let’s Make Something of Beauty Out of What We Do Have, Though It May Not be Complete (

  • This month’s theme is gratitude or the practice of recognizing what we have and appreciating that. One way we have tried to be conscious of what we have was at the October 22nd Social Action Shabbat, which we hope you enjoyed either from the comfort of your home or in the sanctuary of the Lake Success Jewish Center, who have been kind enough to share with us since the flooding of Temple Tikvah caused by Hurricane Ida. We were fortunate to have Patti Woods of Grassroots Environmental Education ( talk with us about the safety of our local water supply. As part of our emphasis this year on the concept of “Think Globally, Act Locally,” we ask you to consider taking the Temple Tikvah Climate Change Pledge to make a positive difference and protect our environment. In addition, since early voting in NYS began on Saturday, October 23rd we encourage you to look into the proposals on the Fall 2021 Ballot, especially Question #2 which concerns a Constitutional right to clean air, clean water, and a healthful environment.
  • As a continuation of “Think Globally, Act Locally,” we coordinated with Sisterhood for a presentation by Jana Jacobson on November 4th entitled: “Ready to Bust Beauty Myths?” so we can learn about the safety and sustainability of cosmetics and personal care products. We hope to record the session so others can learn from it too, even if you are not able to attend. There are many organizations from which we can learn more about ways to recognize and protect our surroundings, and if you are interested, you might explore any of the following websites:;;; the Water Resilience Coalition (;; or Finally, one more area we encourage you to look into is the NYS Senate Bill S4262A to enact the Climate and Community Investment Act. There are so many ways to recognize what we have and appreciate it all!
  • We invite you to join us at the next meeting of the Social Action Committee on Sunday, December 12th at 10:30am (ZOOM invite will be in the Weekly Update) as we discuss what to undertake next. We will be post-Thanksgiving and still celebrating Hanukah, yet always thinking about new ways to repair the world!

Warm wishes for a wonderful November, savoring our gratitude for what we have and who we are with.

lifelong learning


There are Three H’s of Jewish Life, Head, Heart, and Hand (

  • This month for our Lifelong Learning Event will be commemorating Kristallnacht, which literally means: The Night of Broken Glass.
  • Appointed this summer, “Deborah Lipstadt is the President’s special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. She’s a scholar of modern Jewish history and Holocaust studies who fights relentlessly against Holocaust denialism, including in a landmark London trial when she was sued for libel by a Holocaust denier, resulting in an overwhelming victory for Deborah and all those fighting Holocaust denialism. She was also a two-term member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council and represented our country at the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.” (
  • Join us on Saturday, November 13th at 11:00am for a screening of the film, Denial for our commemoration of Kristallnacht. “When Deborah Lipstadt speaks out against Holocaust denier David Irving over his falsification of history, she discovers that the stakes are higher than ever in the battle for historical truth. Now faced with a libel lawsuit in British court, Lipstadt and her attorney have the heavy burden of proving that the Holocaust actually happened, in a riveting legal fight with stunning consequences.”
  • Denial is available on the Kanopy APP. Feel free to watch it on your own and join us for a discussion at 12:50pm or join us on ZOOM at 11:00am to watch the film then. Either way, we look forward to your participation. The ZOOM LINK will be available in the Weekly Update.
  • Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via ZOOM with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We are currently reading from B’reishit, the Book of Genesis and learning about our ancestors and how along with their strengths and flaws, their stories are still relevant today. No experience necessary and all are welcome. Please see the Weekly Updates for the ZOOM LINK.

The balanced tripod of Jewish living: “Al Shelosha Devarim, upon three thing the world stands: Torah, worship, and deeds of kindness and compassion.” (Pirke Avot 1;2)

caring community


If You Concentrate on Finding Whatever is Good in Every Situation, You Will Discover That Your Life Will Suddenly be Filled with Gratitude, a Feeling that Nurtures the Soul (Rabbi Harold Kushner)

  • To prepare for this article, I have been reading and thinking about the theme of Gratitude. I have read many quotes by others on the subject that I present to you as a guide as we go forward…
  • What more can we all do for ourselves and one another - “To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” (Albert Schweitzer)
  • As we approach the holiday season, we would like to share some food for thought: Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. (Henri Frederick Amiel) • Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. (Melodie Beattie) • Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy. (Jaques Maritain)
  • In addition, once again I want to share an edited prayer that has appeared in previous November articles: IN GRATITUDE TO THE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCED - Many served our country in years gone by - to them, we are indebted for the freedoms we enjoy today. Others continue in service at this time around the world. We are thankful for their many sacrificial acts on behalf of our great nation. Bless each of these men and women. Instill in them pride in their service, ever increasing love of country, and enduring devotion to their sacred calling. Grant to all of us gratitude to our military, and the husbands and wives, giving partners, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters of all who serve. They too sacrifice for our beloved country, here and abroad. Let us all find inspiration in these men and women. May we all stand ready to defend our country and the principles on which it stands. Bless the United States of America. Bless us all with your choicest blessing, the blessing of peace. AMEN
  • REMINDERS: The Creative Writing Club will next meet on Tuesday, November 16th at 7:30pm. • The Evening Book Club will next be reviewing The Hamilton Affair by Elizabeth Cobbs (Set against the dramatic backdrop of the American Revolution, and featuring a cast of legendary characters, historian and master storyteller Elizabeth Cobbs tells the sweeping, tumultuous, true story of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler, from passionate and tender beginnings of their romance to his fateful duel on the banks of the Hudson River. - at 7:30pm on Monday, November 22nd. • The Afternoon Book Club will next be reviewing Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (Never Let Me Go breaks through the boundaries of the literary novel. It is a gripping mystery, a beautiful love story, and also a scathing critique of human arrogance and a moral examination of how we treat the vulnerable and different in our society. In exploring the themes of memory and the impact of the past, Ishiguro takes on the idea of a possible future to create his most moving and powerful book to date. - at 1:30pm on December 9th (Please note time change.)


with Gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה


  • HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECT FUND:Robert Bader in memory of Leslie Bader & Lester Bertan and in honor of Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Mimi Kahn in memory of Lester Bertan
  • CARING COMMUNITY FUND: Stuart & Judith Weinstock in memory of Libby Glowatz
  • KEHILA FUND: Mindy Aloff • Florence Baravarian • Diane Berger • Michael Blick • Betsy Jacob Biviano • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Sharyn & Joel Chanin in memory of Lester Bertan • Ariel Cohen • Michael & Talia Cohen • Bernice Comerchero • The Domeny Family • Assemblyman Anthony D'Urso • Randee Epstein • Jewish Federation & Foundation • Rochelle Fischer • Judith Fisher • Steven Greenstein • Irene Haber • Alana Hollander • Andy Hollander • Terry Hood • Charles Hyman • Rabbi Lewis Kamrass • Audrey & Paul Korman • Cheryl Kuster • The Mah-Jongg Ladies in memory of Lester Bertan • Laurence Lande • Nicole & Rachel Lavoie • Susan & Andre Louis • Bonnie & Bob Love • Mark & Robin Mandell • Jill Marcus • Marsha Mason • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Libby Glowatz • Michele Mavrovouniotis • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Henry Mohrman • Roni Nelson • Edna Diana Oling • Karen Palmer • Lois Pepkin • Sandra & David Peskin • Dr. Benjamin Piltch in honor of April, Hodari & Jeremy Heron • Alene Schonhaut • Claire Shapiro • Lois Silverman • Michael & Ruth Smilg • Joyce Stoner • Maura Turner • Ken & Neela Weber • Joan Wiener • Susan & Walter Witte • Henry Zanetti • Temple Tikvah Board of Trustees in memory of Libby Glowatz
  • MI SHEBARACH LIST: Terry Hood & Family for Matthew Hood
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Cantor Kat Hastings in memory of Kathryn Stinchcomb • Janet Riger • Irene & Stanley Zorn in memory of Libby Glowatz
  • SIMCHA FUND: Rita & Murray Borsuk in honor of Cheryle Levine’s Birthday • Lori Domeny in honor of Phyllis Richards and in memory of Bob Richards • Gloria & Larry Konstan in honor of Andrea & Marc Comerchero 20th Wedding Anniversary • Barbara & Joseph Massey sends Happy Birthday wishes to Cheryle Levine • Barbara Massey wishes a very Happy Birthday to her husband Joe • Barbara Silberman in honor of Susan & Alan Fogelman's new grandchild and Rebecca McCorey’s Bat Mitzvah
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Muriel Adler in memory of Libby Glowatz • Ann Arkin in memory Milton Arkin • Florence Baravarian in memory of Libby Glowatz • Marian & Seth Baskin in memory of Harry Baskin • Gilbert & Hedy Bertan in memory of Lester Bertan • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch in memory of Judson Schiebel • Brotherhood in memory of Lester Bertan • Doris Brown in loving memory of Harvey Garson • Lynn & Roy Cohen in memory of Gloria Miller • Michael & Talia Cohen in loving memory of Loretta and George Cohen • Mindy & Mark Daniels in loving memory of Kay Jedlin • Elaine Farber in memory of Walter Roth and Dora Berger • Pamela & Mark Fisher in memory of Roberta Salshutz • Yury Gabay in memory of Henry Gabay • Sue & Bob Gelfand in loving memory of Ann Ader and Frank Gelfand • Michele & Marc Gold in memory of Norman Reiss (Reese) • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg in loving memory of Samuel Goldberg • Terrie & Lawrence Goldstein in memory Etta Goldstein • Lori & Mark Gordon in memory Herman Gordon and Betty Gordon • Marilyn & Daniel Hahn in memory of Lester Bertan • Terry Hood & Family in loving memory of Libby Weisbrot Glowatz • Lois & Richard Howard in loving memory of Henrietta Feitell and Lawrence Feitell • Charles Hyman in memory of Sophie Hyman and Iris Hyman • Steven & Toby Israel in loving memory of Jules Beers • Carol Kanarek in memory of Libby Weisbrot Glowatz • Andrea & Doug King in memory of Lawrence Barach • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory of Libby Glowatz • Laurence Lande in memory of Libby Glowatz • Elaine Lasner in loving memory of Theresa Reisman and Harry Schechtman • Terry & Ira Lepzelter in loving memory of Frances Lepzelter • Cheryle & Steve Levine in memory of Libby Glowatz • Susan & Andre Louis in memory of Libby Glowatz • Estelle Magidson in memory of Joseph Farber and Goldie Farber • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell in memory Dr. Ira Gold • McCorey Family in memory of Harriet Dubow • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in memory of Sidney Fingerhut and Bess Mandell • Michael & Gigi Newman in memory of Manuel Gutierrez and Carmen Gutierrez • Barbara Orville in memory of Libby Glowatz • Beverly Osrow in memory of Louis Kerbel and Rochelle Weisman • Karla & Orlando Osuna in memory of Harry Brooks and Martha Steinberg • Sandra & David Peskin in memory of Libby Glowatz • Craig & Julie Reinstein in memory of Peter Kerpen • Phyllis Richards in memory of Hyman Glick, Sam Soloshatz, George Glick, and Lester Bertan • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg in memory of Henry Rosenberg • Suzanne Rosenberg/Smiley in memory of Molly Smiley • Barbara Rosenthal in memory of Libby Glowatz • Martin & Lorraine Ross in memory of Roberta Amrani • Jayne Rudick in loving memory of Ervin Rudick • Susan Schall in memory of Peter Kerpen, Libby Glowatz, and Lester Bertan • Rosalyn Schwartz in memory of Harold Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz in memory of Lester Bertan • Claire Shapiro in memory of Libby Glowatz • Barbara Silberman in memory of Libby Glowatz • Doris & Irv Silberman in memory of Dorothy Feldman and Harry Silberman • Barbara Yanofsky in memory of Libby Glowatz • Justin Wax Jacobs & Family in loving memory of Helen Jacobs, Leonard Jacobs, Sheryl William, Corey William, Joseph William, Goldie Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Eva Jacobs, and Samuel Jacobs • Neela & Ken Weber in memory of Sidney Weber • Joan Wiener in memory of Irving Kolman • Elaine Zipser in loving memory of Morris Zipser

NOVEMBER yahrzeits


*november calendar

  • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd - Choir Rehearsal at Lake Success Jewish Center at 6:00pm & Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4th - A Taste of Wise Aging at 11:00am; On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm; Sisterhood General Meeting at 7:00pm; and Sisterhood/Social Action Event at 7:30pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th - Brotherhood Fundraiser at Ben’s Delicatessen in Bayside
  • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th - Choir Rehearsal at Lake Success Jewish Center at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11th - VETERANS DAY / On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th - Family Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th - Torah Study at 9:00am & Lifelong Learning at 11:00am
  • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14th - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am; Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:30am; Chai/Teen Event at 12:00pm; and Pizza Havdallah Event from 12:00pm - 1:30pm for all families at Shelter Rock Jewish Center
  • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16th - Creative Writing Group Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17th - Choir Rehearsal at Lake Success Jewish Center at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19th - Tikvah Tots Shabbat Service at 6:30pm
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20th - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21st - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am
  • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd - Evening Book Club Meeting at 7:30pm
  • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Virtual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at 7:00pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th - Challah Day for Brotherhood Members & Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27th - Torah Study at 9:00am



Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant


Created with images by MabelAmber - "flowers twigs dry" • Wokandapix - "plan objective strategy"
