Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!
Thank you for all of your support this week in raising funds for Comic Relief through the sale of red noses and our non-school uniform day. We will let you know next week how much money we have raised. We have also chosen to support another very worthwhile charity, MacMillan Cancer Support. On Wednesday 6th April we will be holding a coffee morning and would like to invite parents to join us. You are welcome to come along and stay for a coffee, cake and a catch up or take some treats away. We would appreciate any cakes, buns or other baked goods donations which can be brought into school on 5th April.
You may have noticed some changes happening in the playground, particularly outside the Year 1 classroom entrance. We are working alongside our newly formed Eco Council to design and build a science garden and planting area for children, to help our children learn about how to care for plants and where some of our food comes from. We have a new sports shed on the top playground/ball court with sports equipment for the children to use at playtime and lunchtime. We are also investing in some quieter games, books, lego and activities for children to use at playtime and lunchtime on the bottom playground.
West Meadows have decided to support this year’s Easter Egg Appeal for Barnsley and Sheffield Children’s hospital and children from the Ukraine. If you would like to make a donation of an easter egg, please bring this into school with a little note attached with a message and which child it is from. The deadline for bringing them in is Wednesday 6th April.
We are working to develop our outdoor learning offer for children, including developing our Wild Walk. We are looking for parents who are willing to help support us. If you love gardening or have some DIY skills to offer please look out for the letter sent home this week or see Mrs Evans. We are looking forward to getting our wonderful community involved!
We have afternoon nursery places available for children after Easter who turn 3 before 31st March. Please enquire at school or contact Barnsley Admissions.
Every Monday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life.
Last Week's Attendance:
F1 AM: 96.47%
F1 PM: 80.00%
F2: 93.33%
Year 1: 88.33%
Year 2: 93.57%
Year 3: 97.04%
Year 4: 87.58%
Year 5: 93.13%
Year 6: 96.33%
Congratulations to this week's winners, Year 3!
22nd March
PTA at 2:00pm
25th March
Year 5 Esports Games session 2
1st April
Year 5 Esports Games final session
5th April
Parents' Evening
6th April
Parents MacMillan Coffee Morning
7th April
Enrichment Afternoon
8th April
Easter Celebrations: Easter Bonnet Parade (EYFS and KS1) ; Easter Egg decorating competition (KS2)
Easter Disco
Break up for Easter holidays
25th April
Return to school for Summer Term
9th-13th May
Key Stage 2 SATs Assessments
13th May
Time Trial Cycling Competition KS2
20th May
Girls' Football Competition
27th May
Queens' Jubilee Celebrations
Break up for Half term
Created with images by thewet_new - "hand help war" • Kaufdex - "ukraine flag banner" • congerdesign - "apple books garden" • Couleur - "easter eggs basket" • webandi - "to dye watercolor colour" • webandi - "calendar wall calendar days"