Headteacher's Message
Dear SJV family and friends,
It’s my pleasure to lead this week’s school newsletter and I hope that it finds you well and enjoying the slightly longer days, now that January is over.
It has been another busy and fulfilling week here at school, with a multitude of activities taking place that continue to provide our children and young people with a range of opportunities and experiences that enrich their learning experience as they prepare for adulthood. Class 8 have had lots of trips out this week and I was most envious of their brilliant work-based visit to Manchester Airport, where they got to go aboard an aircraft and roleplay different jobs and skills; I would definitely book a flight on SJV airlines!
Preparation for adult is a core component of the steps of progress for any child or young person with an EHCP and here at St John Vianney School we strive to give our pupils as many opportunities as we can to help to build their aspirations for their futures; this includes next step transitions to college or work placements. Thank you to Mr Cooper and the Careers Information and Guidance team who organised a College morning on Tuesday. We had Colleges from all over Greater Manchester where parents and young people from Key Stage 4 upwards were able to talk to about future goals and learning opportunities. There are so many great opportunities out there now for our young people and we strive to support them in getting the best next step option available. I look forward to discussing this further with parents at the KS4 and 5 annual reviews that continue to take place.
Whilst some pupils may be thinking about leaving us, others are looking to join us in September and one of my key roles in school is supporting admissions. I am welcoming lots of potential parents and young people into school for consult visits. I am always so proud to show the facilities and curriculum we have to offer, but more importantly I love the warm welcome that our staff, children and young people show to visitors and this is always something that gets commented on. This week one potential pupil said ‘I hope I get to come here, everyone seems so nice!’ Transitions to new schools can be such a challenge for our young people and we strive to make it as supportive and as possible.
On Thursday of this week we had a supportive visit from Rachel Gittens our advisor from the Autistic Society. Mr Donovan, our Autism Lead, and all staff were able to show the wide range of resources and strategies we use to support our Autistic young people throughout the school day from the minute they arrive. The accreditation process is such an important one and helps staff to feel confident that they are providing the best provision for our school community. Mrs Gittens was very positive in her feedback to us and really enjoyed the learning experiences she was part of, during her day in school.
A reminder that next Tuesday is Safer Internet day and Child Mental Health takes place all next week. Pupils have attended special assemblies this week and will be doing more focused work over the next week. Life online is an integral part of our lives and it is really important that our young people can keep themselves as safe as possible. It is also important that our pupils have opportunity to develop skills that promote good mental health and well-being. Themes of connection and togetherness are being shared with pupils.
Thank you for your continued support in helping our young people to come to school ready to learn each day, we really do appreciate all you do and wish you all a very happy and restful weekend.
Best wishes,
Ms Nesbitt
Extra May Bank Holiday 2023
Please be informed that on Monday May 8th 2023 the School will not be open. This is because of King Charles’ coronation on May 6th. The Government have announced Monday May 8th will be an extra Public Holiday in Great Britain. This is in addition to the May Day Bank Holiday, which falls on Monday May 1st 2023.
Stars of the Week
Molly - For settling in well to Class 12 and engaging in all lessons
Keenan - For having a brilliant week and a positive attitude.
Sean - For having a positive attitude school activities
Sadie - For a vast improvement in her attitude to learning and socialising with her peers.
Sana - Sana's had a great week in school; she's tried really hard in her assessments and has been super in all lessons this week.
Isaac - For having an excellent week
Shawn - For using full sentences when he is speaking.
Hassan - For a very settled week. :)
Leon - For his consistent effort in all aspects of school life.
Mikail - For a fantastic performance at football!
Bruno - For outstanding contribution and enthusiasm for WRL trip to Airport
Jack - For settling in well and being responsible
Student Voice
Name; Andrew
What I've been doing this week;
I've enjoyed doing work experience on Tuesday. I was Mrs Wood's personal assistant. We have been learning about Romeo & Juliet, it is fun learning all about the story.
What is the best thing about SJV?
All the teachers and staff are so kind, they are always there to support me and send me on the right path.
I have good friends here too which is lovely, they always help me.
It would be even better if.......
There is nothing I would change really! it's really good already. I just love this school, its the best possible school.
Hopes & dreams for the future;
I want to be an actor and a singer
SJV College Open Morning
On Tuesday we had another successful College morning, where Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils and Parents had an opportunity to discuss future options with various Colleges from around Manchester. Also present were Connexions who offer advice around Careers and College options. The Department for work and Pensions also shared information with parents about Access to Work and Personal Independence Payments (PIP).
A special thanks to parents for your attendance. If you have any feedback you would like to offer please contact me via the school office.
Our next event is scheduled for Tuesday 26th September 2023. Keep an eye out for more information in the summer term.
Darren Cooper
Laudato Si at SJV!
Class 12 were working with Mr Lomax in PSHE this week and were asked to consider how they could raise awareness about environmental issues and what the current global crisis means to them.
They produced collectively the excellent poem below; a real cry for us all to do more to take greater ‘Care of our Common Home’. (Laudato Si.)
Mother Earth
I wish I could become a Superhero and save the planet Earth
I would fight with all of my worth
It's time for our imagination to take initiative
Saving the world is more than just a wish-list
We need to encourage each other to save our planet
Stop all this fighting and kick our bad habits
Think about the earth, all animals have worth
We should be on a mission, to use our vision
People can push away their selfish thoughts of destroying our planet
And letting rubbish kill nature's habitats
It's ours to keep, we need to speak, and turn over a new leaf
We've gotta stay strong, to keep our bond, it's our last roll of the dice
Or Mother Earth in her beautiful patience might become the ghost of paradise.
Class 12
Class News
Class 3
After MT suggested us visiting last week, this week we went to the Imperial War Museum as a part of their travel training! They learned about World War 2 and had a talk from one of the museum staff.
On Thursday they continued work on their clocks in DT, with the aim that they will be finished by the end of the half term next week.
The class have also continued their core strength work with City in the Community on Friday. Taking part in some fun races against each other!
Class 4
In our art lessons class 4 have been learning about the artist Matt Sesow and drew inspiration from his life story and art work. The children designed their own interpretation of Matt Sesow's work and what an amazing job they did, so much so Miss Rock contacted the artist and sent him the pictures of class 4's work. Matt was extremely impressed and sent class 4 an email saying how amazing their work was and how honoured he was to be the inspiration. Well done class 4.
Class 6
This week at Forest school class 6 played fun games and a obstacle course which involved a slack line.
We also found a stick and engraved our own personal message on it.
Leon goes to Carrington on Tuesday and he helps look after the animals there.
Our Catholic School
SJV Eco-Committee
The next school focus of the Eco-Committee is how we can save energy! We will be promoting this in school, however here are 5 top energy saving tips to make positive changes at home:
1. Turn off lights when you leave a room.
2. Switch off devices when not in use
3. Reduce water consumption
4. Keep the thermostat at a low temperature
5. Wash clothes at a cold temperature.
Mrs Jordan 🙂
Created with images by Rawpixel.com - "Shiny golden stars glitter festive background" • Syda Productions - "artist with pencil drawing picture at art studio" • Philip Steury - "Row Of Messy Colorful Paint Brushes And Containers On Isolated White Background - Creativity Concept" • Rawpixel.com - "Old reclaimed wood background" • Rawpixel.com - "Paint on a canvas" • sakhorn38 - "texture of bee hive background" • Rawpixel.com - "Diversity Friendship Togetherness Unity Friends Concept" • Chalabala - "Amazing sunset at the airport" • Johnstocker - "Silhouette of healthy woman is practicing yoga at mountain lake" • master1305 - "Two young ballet dancers practicing. attractive dancing" • hin255 - "Leonardo da vinci statue artist in Florence city ,Italy." • zhu difeng - "apparatus and equipment in modern gym"