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BASD e-News May 27, 2022

The BASD e-News is designed to inform BASD staff, parents, students, and the Bethlehem Community with updated information weekly. We hope you find it informative. If you would like to nominate a student, staff member, or a BASD graduate to be spotlighted or if there is an activity at your school you would like highlighted, please email, Barbara Clymer at

Our hearts are broken as we think about the tragic loss of lives and the impact on the Uvalde community. Please view Dr. Roy's video message to our BASD Families.

*********************#BASDProud of Our Students********************

Our Highlighted Student of the Week is from Fountain Hill Elementary School.

******************* Teachers, Administrators, and Staff - Thank You ******************

This week we celebrate Sue Weisler-Smith from Governor Wolf Elementary School.

We will be highlighting teachers and staff in this new THANK YOU section. If you would like to thank someone in BASD - email


This week our Built by Bethlehem Celebrity is Gina Martens a 1986 Graduate of Freedom School.

****COVID Information*****

BASD Families - Please remember if your student has COVID, you need to report the absence on our COVID Reporting Tool. You can click on the link below to access the tool ...

For all COVID related documents, please click on the link below...

**************BASD News from our Schools***************

BASD Take 2 - Freedom High School Art Show

Give us about 2 minutes, and we give you a quick look at an amazing person, place or event in the BASD. In this episode of Take 2, we stop in at Freedom High School, as their student artists displayed their talents at the recent FHS Art Show. Take a look at projects from the exhibition.

BASD Available Resources
FREE Planet Fitness Summer Membership for Teens Ages 14-19 All Summer. Click on the link to sign up.

FREE Pre-K Program

********BASD Videos and Pictures from the Week******

This video below called Chimney Swift are original poems inspired by the beautiful birds of Bethlehem--the Chimney Swifts, written and recited by Freemansburg Elementary School 4th Graders, as part of the Artist in Education (AIE) Residency, supported by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA), Mock Turtle Marionette Theater, and ArtsQuest, and in cooperation with the Bethlehem Area School District. A must watch!!!

Executive Deputy Secretary Trusky at the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing w/Northeast students
Thank you to our LHS seniors who will joining the military after graduation. Bottom Left to Right Gabriel Nieves: United States Marine Corps Andrew Getz: PA Army National Guard Erick Aparicio-Alvarez: PA Army National Guard Cesar Acosta: United States Army Top Left to Right Joseph Castro: United States Marine Corps Landon Foster: United States Army Gavin Evans Gartley: United States Army Gentry LaMartin: United States Navy Vangelo Martinez, Jr.: United States Army Not present Angel Bonilla: PA Army National Guard Luis Santiago: United States Marine Corps. #BASDProud
FHS Seniors that attended Governor Wolf returned to their elementary schools to parade down the halls on their last day of school. They were followed by the 5th grade class.

The Elementary Spanish teachers of the Bethlehem Area School District held our Bilingual Story Time event at the Bethlehem Public Library on May 24th. Please enjoy some pictures of this fun event!

Governor Wolf's Aida Santana and Principal Amato
LHS Academic Awards Dr. Roy, Amari Corbin and Dr. Bailey
Dr. Roy with BASD Coffee Shop Students Vincent and Spencer
*******************BASD Job Opportunities***************

FOR TEACHING POSITIONS - BASD utilizes an online applicant tracking system - Frontline Recruiting & Hiring, for all Instructional positions. Paper applications will only be accepted for support positions.

Available BASD Support Positions Include:

*****BASD Gear******
*****BASD Dining Services*****

Join Executive Chef Laura McMann as she demonstrates how to make one of the newest additions to the BASD Dining Services Secondary Schools Menu, the Bahn Mi Sandwich

Did you know how important dairy is for our growing students? Dairy products are a good source of calcium for STRONG BONES, protein for HEALTHY MUSCLES and vitamins & minerals for GOOD HEALTH. Milk is available EVERY DAY for breakfast AND lunch in our cafeterias.

******Our Community******

City of Bethlehem

********The Foundation for the Bethlehem Area School District*******

Formerly known as the Bethlehem Area Education Foundation (BAEF), The Foundation for the Bethlehem Area School District began in March of 1999, after a one-year feasibility study. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of members of the community working in concert with, but independent of the Bethlehem Area School District. To move the Foundation forward, the Board of Trustees amended the bylaws to include paid employees and hired a part-time Executive Director in the fall of 2014. Over the years, the foundation has worked closely with school district administrators to prepare programs and opportunities for funding that will support rigor, relevance and innovation in classrooms throughout the district.

University and College Resources

Moravian University

Bethlehem Area Public Library
Upcoming Events and Programs in the Area
June Session is FULL but July is still available.


Sign up for Lehigh Academy Soccer Academy today!

Created By
Barbara Clymer