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Into the Canyon Winter 2023 Newsletter of Friends of the Cheat

Immediate Business:

  1. The 29th Annual Cheat River Festival is May 5-6 in Albright, WV. Get your Cheat Fest tickets here!
  2. Preorders for Cheat Fest merch are open. Orders received prior to April 2nd, 2023 will be available for pickup at Cheat Fest. Orders received after April 2nd will be delayed until our second printing in mid May. Pick up and shipping options are available! The Cheat Fest online store will be open for business from March 17th to May 13th.
  3. Saturday, April 8th - Join FOC AllStars Dani Martin and Chrissy Zeltner for a Cheat Narrows Spring Clean Up!
  4. Sunday, April 23rd - Join FOC on April 23rd for our Spring Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pickup Event - let's clean up Rt. 26 for Cheat Fest!
  5. Sign up to receive emails about tree planting opportunities in the Upper Cheat River watershed this spring. FOC’s Riparian Tree Planting program aims to reforest streambanks along the Cheat River main stem and select tributaries with native trees and shrubs. 2023 planting events will likely happen in April or May, and again in November.
  6. Help WVDNR biologists track the distribution of hellbenders and mudpuppies in West Virginia. Anglers and members of the public who see a hellbender or mudpuppy in their local waterway, or inadvertently catch one while fishing, can report their sighting to the WVDNR by completing a short questionnaire, which includes questions about the date and location of the observation. Submitting a photo is encouraged.

Into the Canyon - Newsletter of Friends fo the Cheat Winter 2023

Board of Directors and Key Personnel

Amanda Pitzer, Executive Director; Owen Mulkeen, Associate Director; Madison Ball, Conservation Program Director; Garrett Richardson, Monitoring Technician; Valorie Dixon, Bookkeeper; Beth Warnick, Media and Outreach Specialist; Lisa Maraffa, Program Assistant and Events Producer

Board Members

Chair: Rich Dennis, Vice-Chair: Chris Wade, Treasurer: Miranda Peddicord, Secretary: Michael Strager, Charlie Walbridge, Sarah Hinnant, Connie Miller, Ben Hogan, Rick Chaney, Zach Fowler, Dani Martin, Justin Reedy

Cheat River Narrows Receives Funding For Future Improved Access

Owen Mulkeen, FOC Associate Director

Are you thirsty? While we all are a little dehydrated from time to time, we certainly carry a constant thirst for good news about the Cheat River and its paddling.

Friends of the Cheat is proud to announce a new $15K grant award from Hydro Flask and their Parks-for-All Grant Program to begin improvement designs for the heavily used Cheat River Narrows “Caves Put-In” along Route 72. We are working with Arkley Forestlands LLC to secure long term access and parking.

The grant funds will be used to survey the property and define the specific areas targeted for future river access improvements, as well as develop a site plan that will add parking and increase safety for commercial and private boater use. The survey and design will allow us to work with WVDOH to permit an improved shoulder pull-off so that both commercial outfitters and private boaters can safely unload to the pool above “Caves” rapid. Paddlers familiar with this section of the Narrows know how stressful it can be when unloading boats and humans along the narrow scenic byway.

With the new public river access point (take-out for the Cheat Narrows) at the Cheat River Trailhead moving through construction and slated to open for the spring paddling season, the Cheat River Narrows is likely to see increased usage. FOC is committed to improving this prized section of river over the next few years to make it one of the more user-friendly access points in West Virginia.

To help quench the financial thirst of this project, Hydro Flask has also donated over 200 stainless steel bottles to aid in our fundraising efforts. This donation is part of Hydro Flask’s Refill for Good campaign of eliminating single use plastics. The Refill for Good campaign will be highlighted at our Cheat River Trailhead where two water bottle filling stations will help you stay hydrated without the use of throwaway plastic. You can find bottle refilling stations at

Be on the lookout for a way to snag a free custom FOC bottle! We have our Whitewater Access Fundraiser, Cheat Fest, and Paddler Appreciation Cookout coming up in 2023, and we will be giving out these bottles to those that support our work and events!

In its sixth year of giving, The Parks For All program has donated over $3M to 204 non-profit organizations that are dedicated to building, restoring, maintaining, and providing more equitable access to parks and recreational public lands.

Hydro Flask has made quite the splash in WV this year with FOC being an awardee along with the New River Conservancy, to aid in plastic reduction in the New River Gorge National Park, and to the Access Fund to support their Climbing Stewards program to improve participation in rock climbing. WV has certainly a lot to offer for its outdoor assets and it's great that the outdoor industry is supporting its growth in equitable ways.


Cheat Watershed Sponsors: Walbridge Family Foundation, Charlie Walbridge, Eliza Walbridge, Margeret Walbridge, Patrick & Lisa Ward, Thomas & Hope Covey, Sunrise Sanitation, Community Foundation for a greater Richmond, Robert Uram, Randy Robinson

Cheat River Sponsors: Richard Volkman, The Oakland Foundation, Szilagyi Family Foundation, The Reed Foundation, Scott Mitchell & Dan Cardinali, Northeast Natural Energy

Stream Stewards: Joe Sinsheimer & Toddi Sleelman, John & Emy Hinnant, Don & Susan Sauter, John Guilfoose, Peter Lusardi, David Brisell, Calleva Outdoor Inc, Hoffman Construction Company, Newton Gorrell, Stratford Douglas & Jodie Jackson, Bill & Megan Carlson

For the period November 1, 2022 through February 20, 2023

Canyon Contributors: Allan & Millie Karlin, Chris Wade, Heather Lukacs & Kyle Doerksen, Miriam & Robert Miller, North Fork Recordings LLC, Paula Dinnerstein, Randy Robinson, Bronnie Stroud, John Kobak, Robert Moore, Interfluve Inc, Jay Mullen, The Wildflower on Abrams Creek, Charles & Kathryn Lilly, Pamela Schwer

Narrows Navigators: Allie Smith, Constance Miller, David Hough & Cyndy Graves, James Bradley, Michael Ambinder, Rich & Bettina Dennis, Todd Fedak, Brent Bailey, Vincent Fusco, Elizabeth Wilson & William Guthrie, Mowry Smith III, Samuel Liston, Edward Hughes, Johnathan Myers, Martin Lackovic, Earl Baer, Jason Smith, Rachel Meininger, Stephen Ingalls, Judith Knisely, Anonymous, Art & Erin Barket, Knecht Family Charitable Fund, Alyeska Inc, Charles Duffy, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Book Exchange Inc, Bruce & Cindy Wiles, George Street, Michael Bradley, Kenneth Gfroerer, Michael & Laura Blackburn, Mills Group LLC

Confluence Crew: Amy Conger, Ben Badger & Jessica Zamias, Chris Kyle, Daria & Randy Jones, David & Shelley Poli, David Gross, Diane Macklin, Jeff Cessna, Jeremy Peterman, Kathy Furbee & Martin Christ, Kurt Haas, Mac Thornton, Mary Wimmer, Michael Buric & Patricia Kotchek, Robert Vagnetti, Ruth & Douglas Willenborg, Steven De Boer, Thomas Pue, William Geary, Michael F. Kalanick, Roland Savage, Tim McIntosh, David Greenwald, William & Kathryn Tuscano, David Plott, Kaitlyn Snyder, Penny Letts, Zach Fowler, Gregory Belcher, Eugene Baker, Dan Henninger, Carlton Gutschick, Kingwood Pharmacy, Rainbow Tire Service, Patrick Rivers, Bill Buda, Annie & Josh Parenti, Sally Wilts & Duane Lazzell, David & Lena Cerbone

Five Forks Friends: Bill & Anna Mae Thorne, Caroline Coleman, Everett Mulkeen, Grant Smith, Jen & Greg Short Jr., Liz Deardorff, Rebecca Stanevich, Rich Brooks, Shannon Orcutt, Sharon Belcher, Trevor & Darla Swan, Francis & Barb Slider, Gregory Belcher, William Sheppell, Edward Gertler, Rachel Henry, Jeffry Kahn, Benjamin Scoville, Lova Jaros, Donald DeLorenzo, Mike McCarty, Robert Alexander, Judith Clister, Jason Coffman, Ben Grimm, Michael & Amy Savage

Good Ole Friends: Michael T. Burk, Tom Nutter, Monica Fronzaglio, Phil & Mary Wotring, Bonnie Cupp, Brenden Lingg, David Atkinson, Gerald Andy, Janie Lou White, Ken Durr, Paul Lange & Karen Frank, Harris Wright, Jeff Macklin, David Kiel, Marianne Kline, Neal Dana, Heather Mae Pusztai, Mary Ellen Hannah, Janet Ady, Trent Porter, William Fischer, Dani Martin, Jim Snyder, Donna Morgan, Adrienne Epley Brown, Carol Nix, Mindful Trout LLC, Thomas Belden, Marcia Hamm, Martha Summers, Caroline Richmond, Robert Sypolt & Carolyn Baumgardner, Art Bertol, Deb Hemler & Roger Opal, Jennifer McBee, Don Frew, Scott Stough, Donald Shelters, Paul Cline, Barbara Horn

Swim Guide Donors: Adam Webster, Theo, Colette, Sera, & Nico Zegre

#GivingTuesday Donors: Jorge & Gale Flores, Travis Hines, Clint Bowman, John Burchett, Jessica Campbell, Larry Krall, LisaHollingsworth-Segedy, Sam Golston, Kimberly Manuel, Brianna Cain, Jeffrey Preischel, Martha & Chip White, Jennifer & Gary Cooper, Ella Belling, James Nardozzi, Brian Carlson, Garrett Thompson, Jim Hunt, Katie Plum, Rich & Beth Cichoski, Ben & Dana Beasley, Ben Badger & Jessica Zamias, Bill Shick, Cara Damm, Douglas & Margaret Richardson, Eileen Paquette, Fern & Rita Mulkeen, Kristy Martin, Michael Strager, Tess Meinert, Todd Fedak, Katie Heisler, David Hough & Cyndy Graves, Susan Rogers in honor of Bret Rosenblum, Diane Green, Justin & Joelle Cameron, David Brisell

In Memory of Tom Bobo: Charlotte Wiles

29th Annual Cheat River Festival

by Lisa Maraffa, Festival Coordinator

Mark your calendars for May 5th & 6th, 2023 and join us along the banks of the mighty Cheat River at the 29th annual Cheat River Festival!

FOC’s largest annual fundraiser and outreach event, Cheat Fest brings folks together from all over to celebrate the inspiring comeback story of the Cheat River watershed. Attendees enjoy local music, artists, food trucks, vendors, whitewater and foot races, kids activities, educational talks, and more during this fun-filled weekend - rain or shine!

Downriver Race

The Cheat River Festival weekend kicks off on Friday with the largest mass start, whitewater downriver race in the country known as the Cheat River “Massacre-ence”. A race steeped in history, the DRR hosts some of the best whitewater boaters on the East Coast, as well as some of our most beloved local friends. Come join the race and show us what you got! Registration is online only and closes May 1st, 2023.

5K Foot Race

The Cheat Fest 5K Foot Race is held the Saturday morning of Cheat Fest at the Preston County Country Club, where participants cruise along the gently rolling course through the grounds of the golf course, the rhododendron lined banks of Buffalo Creek, and along the mighty Cheat River. Registration is online only and closes April 30th, 2023.

Food Drive

We are partnering with Food for Preston to collect non perishable food items and hygiene items to stock their 11 pantries around Preston County. We encourage everyone who attends to contribute an item to our Drive. The Donation List can be found here.


Volunteers are the lifeblood of the festival. There would be no Cheat Fest without volunteers, and in return we hook them up in with festival perks such as free entry, on site camping, food and drinks. Most volunteer positions are 4-hour shifts during the festival, but some pre- and post-fest shifts are still available. Sign up now!

We’re still looking for a couple lead volunteers to manage the volunteer cafe and off-site parking.

Volunteer Cafe: This position requires an attentive person to train volunteers throughout the weekend in the Cafe, which is located Backstage. Volunteer responsibilities are to serve donated food on Friday and to restock charcuterie items throughout the day on Saturday, as well as keep the areas clean and sanitary.

Off-site Parking Leads/Groups: We are looking for a group of people to set up and run our Public Parking area during Cheat Fest weekend. This would include setup of parking lanes pre-fest, collecting donations, parking cars, and dealing with issues within the lot during the Fest. FOC would consider monetary reimbursement if your group would like to take this on. Contact for more details.

Christmas came early for mine drainage polluted rivers! On December 23, the lame duck Congress included the STREAM Act in the Omnibus spending bill. This is the fix we had been pleading for! The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) passed the previous year included a historic amount of funding for Abandoned Mine Land (AML) reclamation ($2.1B for West Virginia, $11.3B overall) but it did not clearly authorize the use of long term set-aside accounts.

Set-aside accounts allow states to invest money and use the returns to pay for the long term operations and maintenance costs of remediating mine drainage from AMLs. The STREAM Act allows for up to 30% of BIL funds to be deposited into set-asides (as has been done for many years under the traditional AML program). The bottom line here is that with the passage of the STREAM Act, states will be able to stretch fund-ing to clean up mine drainage and restore streams. Many organizations and advocates worked hard to get this legislation passed during a transitional and murky time in DC. Thanks to all, notably Senator Manchin and Senator Casey. A big shout out to the Pennsylvania AML Campaign for their leadership, organization, and communication on this issue. This is truly a grassroots victory that we should celebrate!

Did you celebrate? OK, wonderful, now let’s get to work because there is a lot to do. This investment is West Virginia’s best, and possibly final, opportunity to reclaim abandoned mine lands and restore streams destroyed by AMD. This effort should not be taken lightly; it is imperative that all partners, public and private, work together to drive a well-planned and coordinated execution of abandoned mine land reclamation, water treatment, and economic development projects across our coal-impacted communities.

FOC is using our experience and capacity, with funding support from the Just Transition Fund and critical staff support from the WV Rivers Coalition, to help convene stakeholders. This new ad hoc group is being called the WV AML Workgroup and includes many faces familiar to FOC. We recently had our first group meeting with AML leaders at WVDEP where we presented our shared mission and vision statement. Like my buddy Brian Hurley, Executive Director at Friends of Deckers Creek, I’m cautiously optimistic.

Great news for Cheat Canyon water quality! The Town of Albright just passed the milestone of substantial completion on their sewer project. Mark Belcher, PE with Thrasher Engineering stopped by the FOC office to share data from the treatment plant. Just a year ago, the plant was frequently exceeding its treatment capacity of 30,000 gallons/day. It simply couldn’t handle the storm-water that would overtake the system after precipitation events, which exceeded 140,000 gallons at least twice in 2022. That’s a lot of untreated sewage! The recent work included fixing the 8” sewer main which was damaged by the locally-famous “poo pole” and repair-ing and sealing manholes.

Next up on the sewer overhaul list: Rowlesvegas baby! (That’s Rowlesburg to Sinuosity newcomers.) With support from the Preston County Economic Development Authority, the Town of Rowlesburg has hired Thrasher Engineering to design this multi-million dollar, phased endeavor. The project partners have submitted the preliminary application to WV Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council for the first phase of the sewer project, called the Preston Park Project. The “Park” project will separate the sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines on North Buffalo Street and eliminate the combined sewer overflow (CSO) that discharges into the Cheat River. The Rowlesburg CSO discharges into the Cheat River have led to numerous Notices of Violation (NOV) from the WVDEP. This CSO (yes, we have a name for this offender too - the “poo pipe”) has led FOC to hold back broadpromotion of the last stretch of the Upper Cheat River Water Trail. Further, the NOVs and subsequent Consent Decree between the Town of Rowlesburg and WVDEP means that no new sewer customers can be added to the system until the situation is improved. The sewer overhaul is imperative for Rowlesburg to expand existing businesses, recruit new business, and ultimately succeed as a Trail Town.

Congratulations to the citizens of Rowlesburg for their commitment to pursuing this big project, and for all the little things they do too! Recently the Park Commission was awarded funds from the Preston County Commission to replace the roofs of the park pavilions and the bathroom/concession stand. Make sure to include a visit to the Rowlesburg Park on your summer calendar this year!

Poo Patrol: Until the projects are complete, you can keep an eye on all the popular recreation sites FOC monitors for harmful levels of bacteria at

If this monitoring program is valuable to you, consider making a contribution or becoming a sustaining monthly donor.


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