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The Success Express is created by the Brian Lamb School of Communication Online Success Coach team, designed to help graduate students develop success strategies as they complete online graduate communication programs at Purdue University.

In This Issue

Faculty Spotlight

Mike Kohler teaches the following online graduate communication courses: Organizational Culture and Internal Communications, and Leadership Communications. Mike's research interests include practicing inclusion as a leadership skill and leveraging diversity of life experience.

Student Success Story

What does your communication style say about you?
Jess Carpenter, MS Communication student

My communication style says that I am grateful, value self-care, and love to support and encourage others.

I believe we communicate to others how we feel on the inside, whether we want to or not. For that reason, I believe self-care is important. I want genuine positive interactions and that becomes much harder if I’m not taking care of myself.

When I’m taking care of myself and all my needs are met, I have the emotional ability to support others. With the overwhelming number of negative stories circulating and isolated individuals, supporting and encouraging others is important for society. Giving back to others without taking care of myself, is not sustainable. Eventually, lack of self-care will catch up and I try to avoid that from happening. I am at my best when my needs are met, while also better positioned to help others.

A degree in communications will improve the odds of snagging that dream job, but the real value of communication is the ability to connect with others and form meaningful relationships.

Communication is the pathway to connection, which is the most important part of life. Connecting with others in a meaningful way is vital for ourselves, our communities, and society to flourish. Gratitude helps me set my ego aside, make space for others, and connect without judgment.

My communication style has evolved over the years, as I have evolved.

As a kid, I was shy and reserved when not in my element, which was athletics. Those closest knew my character, but those on the outside might have viewed my shyness as arrogance. When I lacked confidence in my abilities, which I did in grade school, I was afraid to engage and participate. As I learned more about myself and others, I became more confident and willing to contribute my thoughts and ideas.

The more I understood myself, the better I took care of myself, and the more confidence I gained. Taking care of myself and feeling confident, directly correlated to my interactions with others. I became less concerned with my thoughts and more available to help others.

Unfulfilled needs nag until filled. Once free from the nagging chains of unfulfilled needs, attention can turn from focusing on ourselves to focusing on others.

Which helped me realize, that I wasn’t misperceived. I was in my head as a kid and young adult. I needed to figure out who I was and what I wanted. It’s a necessary part of life, but a selfish part. The more questions I answered on the inside, the more emotional space I had free to explore the outside.

I hope my communication style says that I’m grateful, take care of myself, and encourage others to go for their goals. That the world is connected and when we take care of ourselves, we aren’t just helping ourselves, we’re helping the world.

Using google scholar

For those who have not had the pleasure of attending one of Dr. Collin’s Coffee Chats, you are missing out on his great in-depth tutorial on how you can use Google Scholar for your next research paper!

What is Google Scholar?

This free academic version of Google is a tool that helps find relevant scholarly research such as academic journals, articles, books, case law, dissertations, theses, and other scholarly research.

How does Google Scholar work?

Instead of searching all available content across the web (which is a lot!), Google Scholar searches and sorts content in the same way researchers do. It’s designed to look for where and when the content was published, who wrote it, and how often the content was cited in other scholarly research.

Features of Google Scholar

  • Familiar search engine interface and functions like any other database
  • A “one stop shop” for all scholarly research
  • Customize your search preferences
  • Provides more relevant search results
  • Specifically link Purdue University libraries to your Google Scholar searches

How do I access Google Scholar?

The link to Google Scholar is To link Purdue University Library material to your Google Scholar settings, click this link and follow the step-by-step guide!

Upcoming Virtual events

Networking Night | Brian Lamb School of Communication | Tuesday, Jan 31 at 7pm ET

This is an opportunity to meet your peers and establish professional connections that will serve you throughout graduate school and beyond. Registration is required prior to the event, and you can find the event details, along with the registration link below. If you have any questions, please email let me know! Hosted by the your Success Coach Team.

Sleeping for Success | Thursday, Jan 26 from 12-1pm ET

Not getting a good night’s rest? Built to help participants better understand the role of sleep, this presentation equips listeners with powerful sleep tips and knowledge to help them make the most of a good night’s sleep. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office

Comparing Job Offers | Tuesday, Jan 31 from 11am-12pm ET

Received two job offers? Congratulations! Which is the better deal? Learn key things of what to look for before saying "yes." Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office

Time Management | Monday, Feb 13 from 11am-12pm ET

Intended to teach participants how they can make the most of their time, this presentation touches on ways our brains work against us when completing tasks. Listeners will learn ways to reduce ineffective time management and will participate in activities to identify areas in their lives that need improvement when it comes to spending time wisely. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office

LinkedIn | Wednesday, Feb 15 from 2-3pm ET

Attend this presentation to learn how to improve your LinkedIn profile, and use the website for networking, information gathering, and job searches. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office

Important Dates

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Being a Boilermaker comes from the great successes in your life, and for that we say Bravo! Many of you have received job promotions, added to your family (including pets!), presented at national conferences, or have celebrated personal achievements and we'd love to celebrate with you!

Kaytee is a graduate student in our MS Communication program and received a promotion at work! Bravo, Kaytee!

Pets of Purdue

Contact us

Kiley Kallenberger |

Scott Smith |