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Global Fund Seventh Replenishment Preparatory Meeting Social Media and Communications Toolkit

In 2002, in an act of extraordinary global solidarity and leadership, the world created the Global Fund to fight what were then the deadliest pandemics: HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

Over the 20 years that followed, this Global Fund partnership has invested US$50 billion, saving 44 million lives, and reducing the yearly death toll from the three diseases by 40% in the countries in which the Global Fund invests.

In 2022, we need another such moment of global solidarity and leadership.

This is the moment for the world to recommit to protect everyone, everywhere from the deadliest infectious diseases.

The Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment is the world’s opportunity to rise to the challenge and take bold action.

Join us to #FightForWhatCounts.

Table of Contents

Countdown to Preparatory Meeting of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment

Key Messages

Five Days - Countdown to Fight for What Counts

  • 5 Days / 18 February: Vietnam
  • 4 Days / 19 February: Mozambique
  • 3 Days / 20 February: Guatemala
  • 2 Days / 21 February: Djibouti
  • 1 Day / 22 February: Bangladesh
  • It's time to Fight For What Counts

Multimedia Resources

Social Media Messages

Take Your #FightForWhatCounts Photo

Countdown to Preparatory Meeting of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment

Join the Global Fund and partners as we countdown to the launch of the Global Fund Seventh Replenishment Investment Case and the opening of the Preparatory Meeting, co-hosted by five African heads, their Excellencies the Presidents of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Senegal, and the Republic of South Africa.

In the five days leading up to the Preparatory Meeting, we’ll be sharing five stories that capture the impact of the Global Fund partnership to fight HIV, TB and malaria, build resilient, sustainable systems for health, strengthen global health security, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of health and well-being for all.

With the opening of the Preparatory Meeting (23 February), we’ll be releasing the Global Fund Seventh Replenishment Investment Case, calling the world together to fight for what counts and protect everyone, everywhere from the deadliest infectious diseases and build a healthier, more equitable world.

Key Messages

In 2002, in an act of extraordinary global solidarity and leadership, the world came together to create the Global Fund to fight what were then the deadliest pandemics confronting humanity: HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

When the Global Fund was created 20 years ago, HIV, TB and malaria seemed unbeatable. But we have proven that with science, adequate resources, and effective global collaboration, we can force even the deadliest diseases into retreat. In just 20 years, our partnership has saved 44 million lives and cut the death toll by 40%. We have faced impossible odds before, and we can do it again.

In the face of the catastrophic impact caused by COVID-19 on the fight against HIV, TB and malaria, the choice is stark: We either increase funding, or we abandon the Sustainable Development Goal target of finally defeating these pandemics by 2030.

COVID-19’s deadly global impact has shown that we must fight existing pandemics and prepare for future health threats at the same time. Investing in resilient, sustainable systems for health is the most effective way to defeat HIV, TB and malaria, strengthen global health security, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of health and well-being for all.

With 20 years’ experience bringing diverse partners together to fight the world’s deadliest pandemics, the Global Fund partnership is uniquely positioned to support countries to fight HIV, TB and malaria and strengthen their systems for health. By investing through the Global Fund, we can take advantage of the significant overlap and interconnectedness between fighting existing diseases and preparing for new ones, and thus maximize the impact of every dollar.

Now is the moment to fight for what counts and protect everyone, everywhere from the deadliest infectious diseases and build a healthier, more equitable world.

Five Stories Over Five Days

Use your social media channels to share the impact of the Global Fund partnership to fight HIV, TB and malaria, build resilient, sustainable systems for health, strengthen global health security, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of health and well-being for all.

Friday, 18 February 2022

Five Days to Go - Get Ready to Fight for What Counts

Meet Nhin Kpă, a Community Health Worker Fighting Malaria

Nhin Kpă is a community health worker who travels by motorbike to provide essential health services to people living in a remote region of Vietnam who are at high risk of malaria.

When COVID-19 hit, health workers like Nhin took on an even larger role, sharing information about the new pandemic, providing masks and hand sanitizer, and giving out much-needed food packages to families.

As part of a Community Malaria Action Team, Nhin and his fellow community health workers are the first to recognize and respond to disease outbreaks, and providing protection against future health threats.

  • Tweet: In 5 days, @GlobalFund Seventh Replenishment Prep Meeting opens virtually, uniting partners from around the world to #FightForWhatCounts. Read how Nhin, a community health worker in Vietnam, is on the frontlines of the fight against malaria.
  • Tweet: Nhin Kpă is a community health worker who travels by motorbike to bring health services to people in a remote region of Vietnam. As part of a Community Malaria Action Team, Nhin and his colleagues are on the frontlines in the #FightForWhatCounts.

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Four Days to Go – Get Ready to Fight for What Counts

Mozambique: Building Stronger, Faster Laboratories to Fight COVID-19

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Mozambique’s public health laboratory network experienced frequent supply stock-outs and limited capacity.

Funding from the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response Mechanism helped Mozambique’s Ministry of Health gain access to international stockpiles of COVID-19 tests, and train additional staff to increase access for remote communities, capacity, and response times.

During the country’s fourth wave of COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant, Mozambique’s laboratory network has been able to conduct 12,000 tests a day – 20 times as many compared to the first wave of the pandemic.

Investments in Mozambique’s laboratory capacity are strengthening the country’s health system to respond to current pandemics while preparing for future health emergencies.

  • Tweet: In 4 days, @GlobalFund Seventh Replenishment Prep Meeting opens virtually, uniting partners from around the world to #FightForWhatCounts. See how investments in Mozambique’s labs have increased #COVID19 testing 20x from the start of the pandemic.
  • Tweet: To fight pandemics, we need strong and resilient systems for health. In Mozambique, @GlobalFund investments are helping labs conduct 20x as many COVID-19 tests as during the first wave of the pandemic. Working together to #FightForWhatCounts

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Three Days to Go – Get Ready to Fight for What Counts

Guatemala: Meet Bryanna Nicole Camey, Using Self-Testing to Protect Her Health

When COVID-19 arrived in Guatemala, the community health center where Bryanna and her fellow sex workers got tested for HIV closed its doors.

“It was like the end of the world for many of us. We were afraid because we had to continue working and we had lost our support groups,” she says.

To maintain testing services, the Global Fund worked with community-based organizations to provide HIV self-testing kits that were promoted on social media and delivered by post.

Bryanna uses the self-tests herself and spreads the word to other members of her community. Self-tests are safe, convenient, and accurate, and are an important tool to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the fight against HIV.

  • Tweet: In 3 days, @GlobalFund Seventh Replenishment Prep Meeting opens virtually, uniting partners from around the world to #FightForWhatCounts. In Guatemala, HIV self-tests help Bryanna and fellow sex workers protect their health despite COVID-19 closures.
  • Tweet: When #COVID19 arrived in Guatemala, the community health center where Bryanna and her fellow sex workers got tested for HIV closed its doors. But with new self-testing kits delivered by post, Bryanna can still protect her health. #FightForWhatCounts

Monday, 21 February 2022

Two Days to Go – Get Ready to Fight for What Counts

Djibouti: Women-run Mobile Brigades Fight HIV and COVID-19 Together

In Djibouti, people living with HIV often face stigma and discrimination. These barriers can prevent people – particularly women – from getting the treatment and testing services that they need.

To help ensure access to services, the Global Fund is working in partnership with UNDP and UNAIDS to support mobile brigades – teams of medical staff who bring HIV testing and prevention services to communities through mobile clinics.

Many of the doctors and health care workers on the mobile teams are women, which means that women in the community often feel more comfortable seeking testing and treatment.

When COVID-19 hit, the mobile teams were able to quickly adapt to offer COVID-19 testing and maintain HIV services. In Djibouti, building on existing infrastructure has proved to be the speediest and surest way to fight COVID-19 and prepare for future pandemics.

  • Tweet: In 2 days @GlobalFund Seventh Replenishment Prep Meeting opens virtually, uniting partners from around the world to #FightForWhatCounts. Read how women-run mobile brigades in Djibouti are fighting HIV & COVID-19 & ensuring access to health services.
  • Tweet: Working with @UNDP @UNAIDS, @GlobalFund is supporting mobile brigades in Djibouti – medical teams (many women-run) to bring HIV testing and prevention services to communities through mobile clinics. Working together to #FightForWhatCounts.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

One Day to Go – Get Ready to Fight for What Counts

Bangladesh: Fighting TB and COVID-19 Together

When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit Bangladesh, tuberculosis case notifications dropped by 22% between 2019 and 2020, an alarming decrease in one of the world’s 30 high-TB burden countries.

The Global Fund was quick to respond with investments to support the distribution of personal protective equipment for health workers and community volunteers, the integration of COVID-19 messages into TB campaigns as well as increasing the number of community outreach events.

Bangladesh also used investments to strengthen testing capacity for both TB and COVID-19, introduced simultaneous TB and COVID-19 testing using GeneXpert diagnostics machines.

Through the leadership of the National TB Program, effective collaboration with partners, including Global Fund, BRAC, WHO and USAID, and working closely with communities and private sector, Bangladesh achieved a quick return to pre-pandemic notification levels by the end of 2020, and notification rates exceeded targets for the first six months of 2021.

  • Tweet: Only 1 DAY until @GlobalFund Seventh Replenishment Prep Meeting opens virtually, uniting partners from around the world to #FightForWhatCounts. Read how Bangladesh is using GeneXpert diagnostics machines to introduce simultaneous TB & COVID-19 testing.
  • Tweet: Bangladesh is using @GlobalFund investments to protect health workers, reach marginalized communities and strengthen testing capacity for both TB and COVID-19 with GeneXpert diagnostics machines. Working together to #FightForWhatCounts.

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

It's time to Fight for What Counts.

Seventh Replenishment Investment Case

Investment Case: Fight For What Counts

Press Release: Five African Presidents Launch Global Fund's US$18 Billion Campaign to Restore Progress Against AIDS, TB and Malaria Amid COVID-19 Disruption

Social Media Messages

To get back on track against HIV, TB and malaria, to build stronger systems for health and to save 20 million more lives, the Global Fund needs at least US$18 BILLION during the Seventh Replenishment. #FightForWhatCounts

Reaching this target means:

  • Averting more than 450 million infections or cases of HIV, TB and malaria
  • Accelerating people-centered and inclusive systems for health
  • Protecting everyone, everywhere from the deadliest infectious diseases

At least US$18 billion for the @GlobalFund Seventh Replenishment would save 20 million lives, cut the death rate from HIV, TB and malaria by 64% and strengthen systems for health to build a healthier, more equitable world.

Investing in global health isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do. Every $1 invested in fighting HIV, TB and malaria yields $31 in health gains and economic returns. #FightForWhatCounts

Fight for What Counts – today, tomorrow, until the job is finished.

Twenty years after the Global Fund was created, the world is in crisis again. We must fight for what counts – to defeat HIV, TB and malaria, end health inequity and protect humanity from pandemics. The Global Fund is calling on the world to mobilize US$18 billion to save 20 million lives. Because who, if not us? And when, if not now?

This is our fight. This is what counts. #FightForWhatCounts.

Multimedia Content and Social Media Messages

Social Media Messages

Tweet: 20 years ago, the world came together to create @GlobalFund to fight the deadliest pandemics confronting humanity. Now it’s time for another moment of global solidarity. The Global Fund Seventh Replenishment is the time to #FightForWhatCounts.

Tweet: The @GlobalFund partnership is a powerful and proven solution for combatting the deadliest pandemics. The Global Fund Seventh Replenishment is the time to strengthen what we’ve built and #FightForWhatCounts.

Tweet: Now is the moment to #FightForWhatCounts and build a healthier, more equitable world. The @GlobalFund’s Seventh Replenishment is the world’s opportunity to rise to the challenge and take bold action.

Tweet: The @GlobalFund is proof that the deadliest infectious diseases can and will be beaten. Together, we’ve saved 44 million lives. But the fight isn’t over. Now is the time for even greater focus and determination. Now is the time to #FightForWhatCounts.

Tweet: For 20 years, @GlobalFund has been a united fight against the world’s deadliest infectious diseases. 44 million lives saved. Now is the time to strengthen what we’ve built together and work towards a better future. #FightForWhatCounts

Take Your #FightForWhatCounts Photo

Take Your #FightForWhatCounts Photo

If you’re ready to #FightForWhatCounts, take a photo in the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment digital photo booth. Scan the QR code with your phone or use the link, take a selfie, and add customizable frames and stickers. Share your photo directly to your social media platforms and use the hashtag #FightForWhatCounts.

Global Fund on Social Media

Follow the Global Fund on social media for the latest updates and content.
