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Star Board Term Three Week Ten

Principal's Message

Kia Ora Koutou

First, we farewell a much appreciated staff member. We have become very familiar with the presence of Mrs Roesler Ward in our classes. But very soon she will take her leave of St Matthew’s to take up the wonderful opportunity of preparing tertiary students to undertake roles similar to that we have experienced from her.

Her expertise has benefitted so many in our school and that she can now share that with so many more is actually representative of the journeys each of us embarks upon in life…to make a difference, big or small, in the world.

Wendy, you represent service to others, and it has been absolute honour and pleasure to have been able to work with you and I know that those who have received your tutelage young and old will be forever grateful.

So now continuing in the vein of advice to serve. Max Ehrmann’s poem, "Desiderata," is a poem that is there to teach you something, He wrote the poem for his daughter. It contains practical advice for day-to-day life, moral and religious philosophy, and ethics. Many of you will recall I have included this poem two times previously, but so important is the message I have put it in again with explanations.

He is giving advice to remain calm amongst the bustle of everyday life and to practice silence. Be on good terms with people without giving up personal values and assertiveness. Do not be argumentative but remain calm in interactions with others, to whom you should be respectful and attentive, even if you consider a person to be dull or ignorant. Everyone has a right to be heard.

Avoid people who are loud and aggressive, as they may upset your balance. There is nothing to be gained from comparing yourself to other people as there will always be those higher and lower in the pecking order. Comparisons can lead to vanity or bitterness. Keep it simple and enjoy your own achievements in life ….or your plans for you.

Whatever you do, treasure it and do your best, as it is better to be employed, however humble the work might be, than to be unemployed. Be grateful that you have something that you do. Be cautious when conducting financial transactions because some people will attempt to deceive you. But despite the fact that there are many fraudsters and not so very nice people, do not become blind to the fact that there are also many good people, who have high moral standards. There are heroes in every walk of life.

Do not pretend to be the type of person that you are not, or to have feelings that you do not have. Most of all do not pretend to like a person when there is no love in your heart. But do not underestimate the power of love, which survives in the most terrible of circumstances. Defer to the wisdom of the older generation. Develop a strong character that will help you to survive the things that are difficult, but do not imagine bad things that may never happen - you may be thinking of such things because you are tired or lonely.

Do not be overly self-critical. You are part of an all-encompassing universe and no less important than any other component within it. You may not realise this, but there is a purpose for us all.

Accept of the reality of God, or a greater power than human, whatever you imagine 'Him' to be. Maintain a clear conscience. Despite the things that do not go the way we want; the world is still beautiful. Remain cheerful and, most of all, put your best efforts into being happy.

Congratulations to all receiving awards- we are proud of you. Congratulations to you all for all you achieved, and attempted this term.

Have a stunning break, make the most of your down time seniors as you prepare for DGEs, thank you all for this term, and most of all be safe.

Ngā Mihi


Around School

Boarding Note from Jo Booth

Last night we had our special boarders end of term dinner. This is a celebration of the end of a busy term and all that has been achieved in boarding. As always all boarders are welcome to attend this, so going forward, any part time boarder who does not normally stay on a Thursday night, is encouraged to alter their nights or to add an additional night so they can attend.

A very big thank you to our two lovely tutors Alex and Bronte, and all boarding staff for all you do for our girls. We are so fortunate so have such a caring team.

Here is a photo of the Term 3 recipients of the Boarding Values awards

Stella, Hester, Sophie, Rhiannon and Riley
  • Year 8- Sophie Herrick - for her inclusiveness and friendliness in boarding.
  • Year 9- Rhiannon Clark - for always showing respectful behaviour in boarding.
  • Year 10- Riley McAlister- for her tenacity, integrity, and reliability in boarding.
  • Year 11- Tess Southey - for her enthusiasm and leadership in boarding.
  • Year 12- Hester Radford - for her improved attitude in boarding.
  • Year 13- Stella Masters - for always being kind, caring, thoughtful and for all the baking!

Enjoy the break and we will see you again on Sunday 16th October when all boarders are expected to return between 2-5pm. Afternoon tea will be provided for all parents between 4-5pm if you can make it.


Chapel Service

We were delighted to have Rev Pete Watson lead us in prayer and officiate alongside Pastor Wendy and Rev Lorna Gray. Our student Chapel team helped with readings and communion.

Kapa Haka Festival

Our Kapa Haka group performed at the Wairarapa Schools Kapa Haka Festival that took place at Chanel College on Thursday. It was great to see performances by other schools as well as to perform in a large venue in front of so many people. This group has only been running since the start of the year and the girls have become more confident during that time. We look forward to seeing them go from strength to strength!

Numeracy Pilot

In Terms 2 and 3 this year, some of our year 10 students sat the Numeracy Pilot test. This has been part of the nationwide trial to test the new standards and assessments which will occur in NCEA from 2024 onwards in which many of the current requirements to gain each level and the type of examination, will change.

This has given the students an opportunity to experience digital examinations which are becoming more frequently used for NCEA examinations. The other benefit for our students being part of the pilot trial is that those who achieve the standards i.e. ‘pass the test’ will be awarded those credits for next year.

There has also been a benefit to teachers, allowing us to see the level and type of questions asked, so we can better prepare our students for these tests in the future.


Last evening I took a party of 36 to the WOW preview show: Year 11-13 Fashion students, teachers and whanau.

I was super proud to be with this group of young people, they were perfect role models for the values that we work towards instilling at our two schools; Manners, respect, presentation and following instructions.

Most of the students had not been to WOW before and did not know what to expect, the feedback was that they were totally WOWED and have come away inspired to think outside the square with their future creations and choreography.

A highlight of the evening was seeing the work of talented St Matt’s colleague Allison MacKay in the Open section.

If you get the chance do it, book tickets to this world class event that is right on your doorstep.

Thank you to everyone involved you made the evening run like clockwork.

Ngā Mihi - Ruth Bucknell

School App

If you are new to St Matthew's Collegiate, or have yet to download, please follow the link to install our school app

For current families, please update your subscription groups by clicking on the cog in the top right hand of the screen. It will take you to the groups for you to change.

Key Dates

  • Monday 17th October - First day Term 4
  • Monday 17th to Friday 21st October - Derived Grade exams (Y11)
  • Tuesday 18th to Wednesday 26th October - Derived Grade exams (Y12&13)
  • Friday 21st October - Orientation day 2023 Y7, Y8 and Y9
  • Monday 24th October - Labour Day public holiday
  • Friday 28th October - Y11 orientation at Senior College
  • Saturday 29th October - Senior College Dinner Dance
  • Monday 31st October - Lion King matinee
  • Tuesday 1st November - Lion King 7pm
  • Wednesday 2nd November - Lion King 7pm
  • Thursday 3rd November - Lion King matinee
  • Thursday 3rd November - Senior College prizegiving
  • Friday 4th November - Lion King 7pm
  • Monday 7th November - NZQA Exams begin
  • Monday 21st November - Teacher Only Day
  • Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th November - Year 9 Camp
  • Monday 28th November - Teacher Only Day
  • Saturday 3rd December - End of Year Prizegiving/last day
  • Monday 5th December - Leavers Ball

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Created with an image by Plutmaverick - "Teacher's day background. Black chalk board empty copy space and fresh wildflowers in vase. Holiday feminine poster.Spring greeting 8 march icon."