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All About Me: Miss Ryan

Why do I want to teach?

Growing up, I had so many teachers make a huge impact on my life, and it made me realize that I wanted to be that person. A person who has resonating enthusiasm in and outside of the classroom, and an irreplaceable impact on future students' lives both personally and academically. I wanted to make an impact on kids, so I knew teaching was what I wanted to do. I want to see my students' reach goals they never thought they could, or set their mind to be whoever they want to be. I want to make sure that, at the end of the day, students' know that it's okay for them to be curious, it's okay to be themselves, and it's okay to be wrong. Throughout all of this, I will be there every step of the way to help them be successful in whatever they choose to do, and however they choose to do it. I will always try to teach a child today, and see them change the world tomorrow.

My Family

I have one sister, Holly, and she is six years older than me. She is a Doane College grad. She currently works at "Kugler Vision" in Omaha. My dad, Tony, owns "Brothers Equipment", an agriculture business in Friend, NE and my mom, Dawn, works as a office secretary at my dad's business. My family has always been my biggest supporters in my life. I would not be the person I am today without them.

All About Me!

I grew up in Friend, a small town in Nebraska. I started preschool there and then graduated in 2016. In high school I played volleyball and basketball for four years and golf for one year. I am proud to say that I was a part of the 2014 state basketball championship team. Athletics has always been a big part of my life. I am still involved in athletics at Norris. I am an assistant coach for the high school girls softball team and an assistant coach for the high school girls basketball team. The community of Friend really does live up to its name and I would not be who I am today without it. I am so happy that I get to live in Hickman where I feel very much at home because it is very similar to where I grew up. After graduating high school, I went to Doane University in Crete, Nebraska. I received my bachelors degree in Elementary Education with and endorsement in Early Childhood Education in 2020. I am currently working on my masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction through Doane University. My favorite thing to do is shop. If you see my at Target, it shouldn't be a surprise.

Downtown Friend
Doane Tigers

My Favorites


Macaroni and Cheese




I LOVE cacti!

This Year

Your child is going to learn and grow a lot this year. Some things they are going to learn will include:


  • Count to 120 by 10s and ones
  • Add and subtract within 20 using a variety of different strategies
  • Find the sum of three whole numbers
  • Decompose circles and rectangles into two and four equal parts using the term halves
  • Measure using a shorter object
  • Tell time to the hour and half hour using different clock forms
  • Understand, name, and identify the value of dimes and pennies
  • Organize data using picture graphs

Language Arts

  • Segment words into sounds
  • Reading and generating rhyming words, manipulate initial sounds, medial sounds, and final sounds.
  • Blend syllables and sounds in words
  • Listen and read more lengthy and complex text.
  • Read and recognize grade level vocabulary
  • Identify and utilize various comprehension skills. i.e. setting, character, main idea, and authors purpose.

I could not be more excited to start this school year. Your child is going to learn and grow a tremendous amount in first grade. I cannot wait to get started. I hope your summer is going well. I cannot wait to meet all of you soon!


Created with images by padrinan - "green art wood" • stux - "black board chalk traces" • Joanna Nix - "untitled image" • David Pennington - "The world’s best pencils. Apparently. In a world inundated with the freshest technology, no one has ever found a reason to improve upon a pencil."
