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Class 4 Autumn term 2

Topic - Art

School of Sculpture

We visited an art gallery in school and looked at the work of Barbara Hepworth and Alberto Giacometti.

We explored how time can have an effect on sculptures


We explored the different techniques that sculptors use.

We then designed our own sculptures.

We had lots of fun creating these.



We explored the features of a poem.

We explored different poems and discussed the similarities and differences.

We used to generate high quality adjectives to describe the new characters in our poems.

We used rhyme zone to generate rhyming words.

We included our new vocabulary when planning our poems. We then orally rehearsed them.

Read some of our poetry

Writing a set of instructions

We received a sweet treat and a new story. We used our senses to describe how they tasted, felt and smelt. We added the new vocabulary to our working wall.

We ranked expanded noun phrases and used green pen to uplevel them. We then wrote our own expanded noun phrases to describe Biscuit Bear’s friends.

We explored the features of instructional writing.

We followed instructions and created our own Biscuit Bear.

Read some of our instructions.


Multiplication and Division

We used practical apparatus and then moved on the pictorial representations.

We built our fluency on Numbots and TTRockstars.

This half term we learnt about fractions. We explored fractions of a shape, object and amount.

We then revisited shape and time.


We observed the seeds over three weeks and discussed what we could see.

We recorded our results and discussed why we thought some had grown and some hadn’t.

Religious Education

Our Key question this half term was ‘Why are some places special’.

We discussed places that are special to us and why? We then took a virtual tour of a Gurdwara and discussed why it is important to Sikhs.

We explored the Buddhist holy building, the Vihara. We took a virtual tour and discussed the similarities and differences to the other holy buildings we have learnt about.

We practiced meditation.


Health and well being

We discussed how our feelings can affect behaviour.

We spoke about how our actions can affect feelings.

We discussed different ways to feel calm and happy.

We discussed loss and how we can deal with these feelings.

We then looked at why games and apps have restrictions.

We discussed personal information and how we can keep safe online.


This half term was all about singing. We started by singing nursery rhymes and listening to a live and recorded performance.

We enjoyed warming up our bodies and voices before singing.

We explored and identified pitch. We then controlled our vocal pitch when singing.

We were able to sing a range of songs for our Christmas performance.

Physical Education

In PE we learnt the skills required to play bench ball.

We had lots of fun practicing these skills.


IT around us

We explored the features of information technology

We identified the uses.

We explored information technology beyond school.

We explored the benefits for using IT.

We explored internet safety.

Odd Socks Day

Celebrating our differences and kicking off anti bullying week.

Remembrance Day

Children in need

Santa’s Saunter

Santas on strike!

Spring 1

Literacy - information text

Maths - place value, addition and subtraction

RSHE - Bullying and safe relationships

PE - gymnastics

RE - special celebrations

Computing - digital photography

Science - living things and habitats

We wish you a very magical Christmas and wonderful New Year.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Abbott, Miss Lewis, Miss Jones and Mrs Trainer
