We explored different poems and discussed the similarities and differences.
We used Thesaurus.com to generate high quality adjectives to describe the new characters in our poems.
We used rhyme zone to generate rhyming words.
We included our new vocabulary when planning our poems. We then orally rehearsed them.
Read some of our poetry
We received a sweet treat and a new story. We used our senses to describe how they tasted, felt and smelt. We added the new vocabulary to our working wall.
We ranked expanded noun phrases and used green pen to uplevel them. We then wrote our own expanded noun phrases to describe Biscuit Bear’s friends.
We explored the features of instructional writing.
We followed instructions and created our own Biscuit Bear.
We built our fluency on Numbots and TTRockstars.
This half term we learnt about fractions. We explored fractions of a shape, object and amount.
We then revisited shape and time.