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Careers Guide

This guide will lead to you tools for exploring various careers, finding job opportunities, and preparing for interviewing. For more specialized help, including help with your resume and connecting you to potential employers, consult the Job Resource Center on campus.


Skills & Interests

These tools can help you assess your own skills and interests in order to determine potential career matches for yourself.

My Next Move Answer questions about yourself to explore careers that may interest you.

O'Net*Interests Find out which careers match your personal traits and interests.

career guides

Career guides provide lots of information about a chosen career including duties, salary, education required, and what the job outlook may be.

Books & E-Books

The library has hundreds of books about careers, both general and very specific. To search, start with the keyword "vocational" and add words for your field (such as social work, teaching, welding, food, etc.) or your attributes (such as women, introverts, Asperger's, veterans).

Databases & Websites

Occupational Outlook Handbook Current information about hundreds of careers

Illinois Career Information System (CIS) Information about careers for residents of Illinois

Job & Internship Listings

MVCC - Job Resource Center This online job board includes regional listings and is available to students, alumni, community residents and approved employers.

Career Builder Search job listings from around the country, get email job alerts, upload your resume, research salaries and more.

Indeed Search millions of job listings, upload your resume, read company reviews, and research salaries. Look for jobs at Chicago area Non-Profit organizations.

AbilityLinks A web-based community for job seekers with disabilities and inclusive employers Search by keyword and geographic area. Search by keyword and geographic area.

Resumes, Cover Letters & Interviewing




Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS): Wage Information Find wage data in Illinois.

Salary Expert Use the Job Seekers area to research salaries and cost of living for various careers and locations in the US. A premium customized report is available, but for a fee. The Salary Wizard and the Cost of Living Wizard provide information for various careers and locations in the US. A personalized report is available, but for a fee.

Company & industry research

Visit the MVCC Library's Business Research Guide for tips and resources for finding information about specific companies or various industries.


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