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A UNIque property management couple To care for your unqiue place!

Bruce Weaver and Tarini Bauliya



With over ten-plus years as a property caretaker and facilities manager, and decades as an earth-steward, Bruce brings a hands-on approach and a unique capacity for anticipatory thinking to problem-solve, and execute on property visions and goals. Efficiency, resourcefulness and a keen attention to detail are among his superpowers.


Visualizing harmony between the planet + people. Nature and technology in holistic systems. Creativity, big ideas and playfulness!

His Story

Whether owning his own handyman/landscape business in which he taught others how to DIY (do it yourself) and where he hand-crafted landscapes using locally harvested materials and Permaculture concepts, or as an early pioneer in an eco-tour business, or as a professional caretaker and property manager, Bruce has always taken care of place, lands and their properties with the esthetic of an artist with an eye for detail, and an imperative to create beauty. When he later turned this aesthetic to Transmedia storytelling, his multi-media stories remained true to his bond with nature; preservation of the natural world, organic food, farming, and the wonders of nature.

Bruce was raised in rural Missouri in a “do-it-yourself” family; the right combination of terrain and fertile soil that germinated the seeds of the Renaissance man he continues to become. As a child if Bruce wasn’t in his father’s workshop fixing a family car, repairing a washing machine or studying a manual on How To ____(fill in the blank), he would doubtless be buried in a National Geographic magazine, or exploring the geography of the family’s forty + acre property with his artist mother whose prolific sketching, painting, and photography, seamlessly wove themselves into the fabric of Bruce’s own way of being. It is this mixture of an undaunted curiosity, love of self-sufficiency, affinity with nature, and the genetic inheritance of an artist, that connect Bruce’s passions and interests with his life, and work.

After high school Bruce entered the Air Force where he trained as an Armaments Specialist with a top security clearance to load Nuclear weapons on F-4 fighter jets, and B-52 bombers; an experience that proved enlightening and ushered in a knowledge that his path would be that of the peaceful warrior. When later his artistic urges merged with Internet technologies, he entered and won a scholarship contest to attend film school, and went on to earn a degree in New Media/Transmedia from the prestigious Vancouver Film School. Art, technology, and exploration merged, when he single-handedly set out on a backpack-broadcasting trip, traveling throughout the U.S., India and Columbia, to make a documentary film about humanity living through planetary changes. Today he creates short-form Transmedia stories, while continuing his study, practice and research of sustainability, permaculture, regenerative analog agroforestry, and holistic grazing concepts.

Tarini Bauliya


Tarini has 15+ years as a sales leader in the natural products space providing executive-level management, and organizational excellence. Inspirational leadership with a deep understanding of how purpose transforms organizations and the people who lead them is Tarini’s hallmark.


Nurturing human potential. Laughter. Yoga. A fine turn of phrase. Creating beauty in the world be it freshly pressed sheets, a belly laugh, or a kind word—ahh…what could be more beautiful than that?

Her Story

Like millions of young girls, I was a Girl Scout. And like so many others, I dutifully memorized its laws, which included: To respect myself, and others, to use resources wisely . . . and to make the world a better place. Who knew that mantra would have the staying power of gum on my shoe?

Not me. I was seven.

What I knew was, I wanted to wear that nifty uniform, go camping, and be part of something… to fit in. It wasn’t until I sold some cookies that I found the courage and confidence organizations mission intended, and I got my first glimpse of one of my superpower: my words. Shazam! Words tumbled out of my mouth in ways that captivated others, and inspired them to buy. A lot.

The moment was pure magic.

Fast forward several decades and what feels like a couple of lifetimes, when I was introduced to a grassroots organic supplement company with a pure intention to deliver the wisdom of nature and relieve suffering for humans, and the planet. My ability to inspire others, and transfer enthusiasm played a vital role. It was there that I learned to hone a message that connects with others on shared values, tell a disruptive story that makes a difference in the world, and lead with the heart to enroll others in a mission to make change in the lives of people in need of natural medicines.

Over the years I came to coach and lead multiple story sales teams who disrupted the supplement space with organic whole food, and lead to a multinational acquisition. And I earned my sales degree—the honorary kind!

Today I spend my time teaching others how to do the same, coaching and advising small businesses with a purpose how to shape their story, and lead with heart to fulfill their mission in the world. When I am not doing that, I can be found practicing or instructing yoga, writing stories, or hanging out in nature with my family or friends.

It has been said that it take a village to raise a child...

and it takes teamwork with years of combined experience to care for your unique place in the world.

BRUCE makes the best dry rub ribs, or Buffalo chicken wings west of the Rockies and a killer Blue Corn cinnamon roll you won't believe!
TARINI makes wicked-good Paleo granola, and almond-meal, banana, dark-chocolate & nut muffins that are guilt-free!

Contact info: Bruce & Tarini | phone 360-296-1927 | email

Created By
Bruce Weaver


Photography by Bruce Weaver
