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School of Social Work Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2022

This newsletter was created by Student Assistant Destiny Santana, on behalf of the School of Social Work. For any accessibility or broken link problems, please email

School of Social Work

Social Media

We thrive to build a connection with our social work community by sharing resources, community events, and by shining a spotlight on our School, Students, Alumni, and Faculty! Follow us today!

Instagram @sjsusocialwork

Linkedin @SJSU School of Social Work

Youtube @SJSU School of Social Work

TikTok @sjsusocialwork

Office Contact Information

Office Telephone # 408-924-5800

Official Website:

General Email Address:

Post Masters PPSC Email:

On-Campus PPSC Program Coordinator:

Office Address: One Washington Square. WSQ Room 215 San Jose, CA 95192-0124

School of Social Work Evaluation, Suggestion, and Feedback Form (Anonymous):

A Message from the Director of the School of Social Work

Dear Social Work Students,

We are beginning our new academic year, and I hope that you are doing well. Thank you so very much for choosing social work and for your passion to serve others!

We imagine that many of you are excited about your education and training opportunities, and about seeing your colleagues and classmates. We also want to acknowledge that there remains a very high level of anxiety and challenge. With COVID now affecting us for 18 months (and counting), and the stress of personal circumstances including the uncertainties and transitions to more in-person activities, life is still very difficult.

Please take time to practice self-care, seek-out resources, and build your support network. SJSU, our College, and our School can provide services and referrals to help you complete your degree and reach your career goals. A few highlights:

Open Office Hours with the Director. In addition to the support you receive from your professors, I will be hosting periodic open office hours (virtually via Zoom can be found in the original email). The first opportunities are:

Tuesday August 31st from 12:00 Noon to 1:00PM

Thursday September 2nd from 5:30PM to 6:30PM

Feedback Form. We have a form: "School of Social Work Evaluation, Suggestion, and Feedback Form." This form may be completed anonymously, and used by anyone to provide information of any kind to the School. Some uses are to:

  • Provide unofficial evaluative information about our School of Social Work;
  • Make a complaint or raise a concern;
  • Share about something positive;
  • Contribute a suggestion;
  • Provide insight

SJSU Resources. There are several university programs and resource centers that might be of help. Do a web search or start here:

You will find information about services such as:

  • Health and Wellness Resources
  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
  • Accessible Education Center (AEC)
  • Writing Center
  • Career Center
  • Student Success Centers (including identity-specific centers)
  • Financial Resources
  • SJSU Cares
  • Library Resources

Thank you again. We wish you health and success.

Dr. Peter A. Lee


MSW Students have a message for new/incoming students. Check out our TikTok below!

Can't find the School of Social Work? Check out our TikTok below to find our office!

Student Success Tips from/to Social Work Students

Academic Success Tips

  • Stay organized (use planners, calendars, spreadsheets - whatever works for you)
  • Start your assignments early (Don't procrastinate)
  • Do your module readings/or other assigned task before class (This will help you have a better understanding and experience during the in-class lectures and discussions)
  • Students always ask, should I do the readings? - The answer is, Yes; How much you take away is up to you and the effort you put in.
  • Check in with your peers and cohort (Use each other as a support system)
  • Be prepared for group works (lots of group work)
  • Pomodoro Technique -- 25 mins of study/5 mins of rest (repeat)
  • Set a designated study day of the week
  • Study with your cohort
  • Get into good habits early

Communication Tips For Students with their Professors

  • Utilize office hours
  • Be honest about issues and concerns
  • Let them know what is going on in your life, so they can help support you academically
  • Ask for help!
  • Get clarification on what is expected for assignments
  • Let them know what works/doesn’t work with Canvas formatting

Virtual Learning Tips

  • Zoom Fatigue
  • Stretch as often as possible
  • Drink/Eat throughout the day
  • Ask for breaks if not given
  • Creating a safe space at home if possible
  • Check in with your peers during breakout groups to feel a sense of connection

Social Tips

  • Get to know your cohort and classmates
  • Create a group chat with your peers on GroupMe, Signal or Discord
  • Use the study spaces around campus to meet with peers to do assignments
  • Set boundaries with your friends and family. There may be times you may have to decline an invite or say no.
  • Get involved on campus. There are tons of student organization or events that happen either on-campus or online.

Self-Care Tips

  • Make time for laughter and family
  • For some this may include deep breathing, meditation, taking a bath, walking, calling a friend, watching Netflix or setting boundaries. Do what works for you. Everyone is different.
  • Daily walks around your neighborhood
  • Setting boundaries with friends and family
  • Sleep
  • "Be kind to yourself, your doing the best that you can"

Yummy Food Options for In-Between Classes (for on-campus students)

  • Student Union has great food options
  • Philz Coffee (of course!)
  • Tostadas Restaurant (walking distance from campus) - 7th and E. Santa Clara St
  • Cali Spartan Mexican Kitchen on 10th Street
  • Sammy G's Pizzeria on 10th St
  • Whispers Cafe and Creperie on 3rd St (take your student ID for a discount)
  • Yogurtland on 4th Street
  • 4th Street Plaza, on-campus, usually has cool tabling from other student organizations. Stop by and talk with different student clubs (There's usually free food or giveaways!)

Great Study Spaces

  • Library has silent and non-silent floors
  • Library, floor 4 (no-silent floor) has nice study group spaces and white boards
  • Tower Lawn (Take a blanket)
  • SRAC Gym - Second floor
  • Student Union
  • Starbucks Student Union


Welcome Evelynn Chan, Administrative Support Coordinator I, and Sandy Amaral, Administrative Support Coordinator II- Field Education. We are so excited to have you as part of the department!

Professor Stephanie Ruiz, LCSW becomes our new Field Education Director

Congratulations Professor Ruiz!

Congratulations Dr. Powell

Our very own SJSU Social Work Associate Professor, Dr. Chaunise "Chaun" Powell, Ed. D, MSW, LCSW, PPS has been elected as the Assistant Regional Director for the NASW-CA, Region B.


The Social Work Graduate Student Association or SWGSA is a student organization created by and for MSW students at SJSU. All students in the MSW program at SJSU are automatically enrolled as members. ​SWGSA thrives to build connections and enact social change on every level as well as be a voice for the students. Please join us during the year as we embark on learning, growing, and shaping the school to suit us - not the other way around.

Social Media

Congratulations Newly Elected SWGSA Leaders of 2022-2023

SWGSA/USWA Graduation Committee


The Undergraduate Social Work Association (USWA) is a student-led organization created by and for BASW students at SJSU. All BASW students are automatically registered as members of USWA. Follow USWA on social media today!

Instagram @uswasjsu

Facebook Group: Undergraduate Social Work Association

Email Address:


President: Madillene Western

Vice-President: Isabel Lopez

Secretary: Brandon K. Wong

Treasurer: Avir Kishan

Merchandise Officer: Alejandra Miramontes

Social Events Coordinator: Aldo De La Cruz

Graduation Officer: Karley Ruvalcaba-Enriquez

Education and Empowerment Officer: Alejandra Aguirre



The School of Social Work partnered with SWGSA and USWA to co-host and organize several orientations throughout the summer. We want to say thank you to all of the Student and Alumni Panelist, NASW-CA Director, and other faculty who were able to attend.

Below are some photos of our first in-person BASW orientation since the pandemic! Thank you USWA Officers for organizing such a great event!!


Brenda Jones (she/her)

MSW Student - Full-Time Program (Class of 2023)

SWGSA Social Justice Committee Chair

Brenda at the Arco de Santa Catalina

"This summer I went on my first ever international trip! I was a Spanish major during undergrad and love the Spanish language, but have never before had the means to travel abroad. As a social worker in San Jose speaking Spanish is a critical skill and I saw this trip as an investment in my career. As I inch closer to graduation I decided that I wanted to sharpen my language skills by finally having an immersive experience. I traveled to Antigua, Guatemala (by myself!) for just under two weeks where I stayed with a host family and attended a language school. The language school was the highlight of my time there because the teachers were so thoughtful and skilled! My teacher went out of her way to tailor my lessons to the social work profession and we had conversations daily about local social issues. My host family made delicious home-cooked, traditional Guatemalan dishes and welcomed me into their family celebrations of their abuela’s 85th birthday. And of course, I made sure to enjoy all of Antigua’s classic tourist attractions like the Arco de Santa Catalina, a macadamia farm, incredible volcano views, a day trip to lake Atitlán, a hike to Cerro de la Cruz, and even a little Hobbit town nestled high up in the hills. My trip was an incredible learning experience that I will never forget, and my Spanish has never been better!" - Brenda Jones

In San Pedro one of the little lake towns around Lake Atitlán
The boats that take you around lake Atitlán
Volcanoes surrounding lake Atitlán
At Cerro de La Cruz
My Classroom in Antigua!
The host family’s dog, Maximilliano
Arco de Santa Catalina

Assistant Project Coordinator, Title IV-E

The San José State University Research Foundation continues to seek to hire an Assistant Project Coordinator for the Title IV-E Child Welfare Program! This position supports the development of new and/or enhanced child welfare program curriculum and field activities for MSW graduate students in the CalSWEC Title IV-E Child Welfare Stipend and Training Program.

Check out the revised job description


Dear School of Social Work Students, Staff, and Faculty,

We are all invited to participate in our College of Health and Human Sciences (CHHS) Fall 2022 Ice Cream Social! The purpose of this event is to welcome new students to the college, as well as bring continuing and graduate students, student organizations/clubs, departmental resources, and faculty together in a fun and festive way!

  • Tuesday, September 6th 2022
  • 2pm to 3:30pm
  • Outside of Spartan Complex East (between DBH and SPX)
  • * Come if you can; we realize some are in-between classes or off-campus that day

The event will include, of course, ice cream, giveaways, music, and other activities. Students will be required to get at least 2 signatures from different departments in order to get the ticket for ice cream, which will encourage the students to learn important information about the college and major. Make sure to bring your student ID card.

We hope to see you there!

On behalf of the School of Social Work, we wish all of our students and faculty a successful, fruitful, and happy semester!!

Have stories you want to share with the school? Accomplishments, publications, or highlights? We encourage you to send them over to Student Assistant for review!

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