1. Personal Development
- Personal Finance Education
- Employability skills
- Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education provision
- Growth mindset and Metacognition
- Resilience development strategies
- Activities focused on building self-esteem
- Work to develop confidence
- Mental Health & well-being provision
2. Social Development
- Relationship, Social and Health Education provision
- Citizenship
- Charitable work
- Pupil Voice through School and Eco club
- Nurture and social groups
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles
- Provisions linked to the school’s accreditation Well Being school
- Access to pastoral support and counselling
3. Spiritual and Moral Development
- Our Religious Education and Philosophy Curriculum
- Our collective acts of worship and reflection including Thinking Thursday
- Support for the expression of individual faiths
- Inter-faith and faith-specific activities and speakers
- Visits to religious buildings and centres
- School-linking activities, locally, nationally and internationally
- The Good to be Green behaviour system and restorative framework
- Contributions to local and national charitable projects.
4. Physical Development
- Healthy Eating promotion
- Anti-bullying and safeguarding strategies
- Well-being Wednesday and well-being promotion activities
- Extra-curricular sports
- The celebration of sporting achievement including personal fitness and competitive sport
- Cycling training and balanceability
- Activities available for unstructured time, including lunch and break times
- Outdoor education residential trips
- The curricular programme related to food preparation and nutrition
- Advice & guidance to parents on mental health and well-being
- The promotion of walking or cycling to school to reduce road congestion, encourage active travel, improve pupil's health and well-being and improve air quality.
5. Cultural Development
- Citizenship Education
- Access to the Arts
- Involvement in Arts projects such as Kirklees Woven Festival
- Music lessons, visitors and participation in music festivals and events
- Access to the languages and cultures of other countries through the curriculum
- Promotion of racial equality and community cohesion through the school’s ethos and practice.
Our Biennale Finale May 2021
A Kirklees Art and Culture Festival
Young Voices choir 2020 at Manchester arena with 8000 other children
Woven Arts Project 2019
Woven Project 2021
World Book Day
The Biggest Sing 2021
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