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WE GROW CABARRUS NC Cooperative Extension - Cabarrus County

Our Mission: North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.

Cabarrus County 4-H

Calling All Entrepreneurs

We had Youth Market Work Sessions this month. That worked with local small business owners, building youth brands, logo, elevator pitches and so much more. This was four week sessions. Youth left with a custom shirt design for their business.

Next step is attending the farmers market the second Saturday of the month on Winecoff road.

Thanks you to: Queen City Tea Shop, 4-H Foundation, and Honeysuckle Hill

Youth Market is the second Saturday.

Please contact 4-H Agent, Molly Kleman with any questions.

State 4-H School Programming Award

Congratulations to Michelle Hodge who received the State 4-H School Programming Volunteer Recognition Award. Michelle was recognized during the State 4-H Volunteer Leaders’ Conference in Raleigh on February 4. Michelle won this award for her dedication to the 4-H After School Program in Cabarrus County. She is a teacher at Odell Kids:Plus.

Cabarrus County Horticulture

Preparing for Spring

Cabarrus County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer had a busy winter garden workday this month. We had 19 volunteers who help clean and prepare our extension gardens for the warm days that are ahead.

If your interested in learning more about garden tours or joining Cabarrus County Master Gardeners email Tracy LeComplete or call 704-920-3310.

Cabarrus County Family and Consumer Sciences

New Pam’s Kitchen Episodes

New Pam’s Kitchen episodes appeared on Cabarrus County, Cab. Co. Channel 22 during this past month. This is a long standing partnership between Cabarrus County and NC Cooperative Extension . FCS Extension Agent Pam Outen uses this as an opportunity to share quick, easy, and healthy ideas with Cabarrus County residents in their homes. Winter recipes featured included Baked Salmon with Vegetables and 15 Minute Soup.

MED Instead of MEDS

A large group of Forest Hills Methodist Seniors enjoyed a presentation on “MED instead of MEDS for Better Health” at their February meeting presented by Pam Outen. NC Cooperative Extension promotes eating the “ Med Way.” Research shows that eating the “MED” way to promotes health and decreases the risk of many chronic diseases.


ECA member Barbara Looney led sewing workshops to benefit soldiers and Alzheimer’s patients during February, and ECA member, Sandy Kendall, led a heritage basket making class using cotton roping. Classes led by volunteers extend the FCS program reach!


Extension and Community Association (ECA) members met to finalize plans for their upcoming ECA Achievement and Cultural Arts Celebration which will be held on Saturday, March 25 at the Cabarrus Arena.

If you have any questions about nutrition, health, food safety, or food preservation please contact Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences Pamela Outen or call 704-920-3310.

Be sure you sign up for our email updates to not miss any of our future events.

Cabarrus County Agriculture

Animal Welfare and Handling Training

Our Livestock and Field Crops Agent Hosted an Animal and Welfare handling training for emergency personal last month. Trainings included , animal welfare issues, animal husbandry, basics of stockman-ship, and live demonstration with livestock.

Cabarrus County Cattlemen's Association
Darell Furr receiving an award on his service of being the president of the Cabarrus County Cattleman’s Association. He served as president from 2006-2022

For more information about Cabarrus County Cattlemen's Association please contact Extension Agent, Agriculture - Livestock and Field Crops Mackenzie Hallor call 704-920-3310.

Save The Date for our Winter Annual Field Day!

When: Saturday, April 1st

Where: Union County

Registration and more information coming soon!

2023 Spring Plant & Herb Festival

It’s Back! All of the things you love from the past festival and a few more things thrown in. Join us for the 2023 Spring Plant & Herb Festival hosted by the N.C. Cooperative Extension, Cabarrus County Center.

This is a rain or shine event. Please plan to join us April 29, 2023 8 a.m – 1 p.m.

Cabarrus Arena & Events Center located at 4751 St. Hwy 49, Concord NC 28025

Created By
Jessica Cline


NC State University and NC A&T State University commit themselves to positive  action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment  regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, genetic information, national origin,  political beliefs, race, religion, sexual identity (including pregnancy) and veteran  status.  NC State, NC A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. Created with images by NC Cooperative Extension - Cabarrus County Staff