Now closed
invite you to
work with a team to design & share a digital solution to a problem
using Adobe tools
Open to QUT students
Adobe merchandise prizes for the best entries.
Kick off event recording
The problem
In 2015, the United Nations established 17 interconnected Sustainable Development Goals that need to be achieved by 2030 to ensure a better future for our globe. Unfortunately, these goals are not widely publicised so we need your team to help promote them.
Each goal addresses the following global challenges:
- Poverty
- Inequality
- Climate change
- Environmental degradation
- Peace and
- Justice
The solution options
Work in a team of between 2 and 5 to produce an Adobe Express website featuring any of the following:
- a video (no longer that 1 minute) made with either Adobe Express, Premiere Rush; Character Animator, After Effects &/or Premiere Pro (the video needs to be embedded into the Express site via an Express link (not YouTube, not Vimeo). Note that if you create your video with Rush, Character Animator or Premiere Pro, please import it into an Express Video solution to upload and generate an Express URL that can be embedded into an Express website.
- a mobile app or infographic design with Adobe XD & Photoshop (shared as a video on the Express site)
- a poster/flyer with Adobe Express, InDesign, Illustrator &/or Photoshop (embedded into the Express site)
- an animation with Adobe Animate (loaded into an Express video and embedded into the Express site)
- a drawing/painting/graphic art piece with Fresco, Photoshop or Illustrator (embedded into the Express site)
See a list of resources & tutorials below to help your learn the above Adobe applications.
Please add any associated notes/annotations into the Express site to show the judges what you have achieved and how you collaborated.
Registrations will close on Wed 3rd August at 12 noon.
Submissions will close on Wed 10th Aug at 12 noon.
- All designs need to be featured in a live Adobe Express site;
- Students need to work with a group (teachers can help);
- All work needs to be G rated;
- All associated images & audio need to be either original or royalty free and appropriately credited;
- Any video content needs to be uploaded via Adobe Express (video), no external video links such as YouTube or Vimeo;
- Each video or animation needs to have an opening title and closing credits (please only include first names in the credits);
- Videos or animations should be well paced with no images on the screen for longer than about 7 seconds;
- Video sound quality is important - use an external microphone for important dialogue;
- Please don't add any other external Internet links;
- All entries for the showcase must be submitted via this form before 5 PM, Mon 21st August, 2022.
Royalty Free resources
- Music - Bensound
- Video -Pexels, Mixkit
- Drone footage -
- Still images - Unsplash-, Pixabay -
Advice for video makers
- Give your story a structure (beginning, middle & end) so that you are telling a convincing, interesting (or entertaining) story.
- Plan your story as much as you can before filming. Type out a script (if required) and draw a storyboard representing the structure of the story and how it will be captured.
- 1 min seems short but you can pack a lot of content in that time.
- Follow the 7 second rule (no visual edit should go longer than 7 seconds - preferably shorter).
- Type out important elements of dialogue and have the talent read from a tele-prompt app or laptop screen
- Use an external microphone (or seperate audio recording device) for any important dialogue. Audio is worth 60% of your video.
- Use more than one camera when filming so you have different angles & frames to edit.
- Use the rule of thirds so that the most important part of your frame is slightly to the left or right of your frame.
- Avoid headroom, keep the top of the head at the top of the frame and fill the frame with relevant content.
- Use a tripod or gimbal wherever possible.
- Avoid zooming and panning, let the edits tell the story.
- Make sure all interviewees and other talent is labeled with lower third text (use first or fake names only) including in the credits.
- Allow time to export. Don't leave the exporting to the last minute.
We are looking forward to working with you
If you have any comments or questions, please contact Dr Anastasia Tyurina (