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Global Design Thinking Festival September and October 2022


The D-Schools in Stanford, Potsdam, and Cape Town are shaping Design Thinking education, and training, thanks to the Hasso Plattner Foundation. In 2022, it is time to celebrate 15 years of Design Thinking at Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam and five years of connecting the international Design Thinking community with the Global Design Thinking Alliance (GDTA). Moreover, in Cape Town we will highlight the opening of the first building designed specifically for a Design Thinking school. To celebrate these milestones and the impact of Design Thinking on business and society, the HPI D-School Potsdam and the Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika at the University of Cape Town are hosting the Global Design Thinking Festival in September and October 2022.


Design Thinking ImpAct Conference

15 Years of Design Thinking at Hasso Plattner Institute

September 15-16th, 2022

Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany, and online

As drivers of innovation, the HPI and its School of Design Thinking have successfully shaped the future of learning and work. Since its opening in 2007, the HPI D-School has enabled more than 3.000 students to gain an innovative mindset and develop human-centered solutions with an impact. The HPI Academy has trained more than 10.000 professionals. Join the Design Thinking ImpAct Conference to review the highlights of the last 15 years of Design Thinking activities at HPI and discuss how we can further shape business and society with the innovation approach.


Global Design Thinking Challenge 2022

Sustainable Learning in Schools

September 8th-October 14th, 2022

We invite aspiring change-makers worldwide to be active participants in our Global Design Thinking Challenge to create ideas and solutions with social impact. This event will allow you to work in internationally diverse teams, in hybrid formats, together with a global partner and create local and global social impact. The challenge is open to anyone worldwide who has a passion for social change and sustainability. We will virtually kick off at the “Design Thinking ImpAct Conference" in Potsdam, connecting learning, community, and impact in a vibrant, interactive and experiential approach. The winning teams will have the opportunity to present their most inspiring solutions at the d.confestival in Cape Town.


d.confestival at d-school Afrika

October 12-14th, 2022

Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika, Cape Town in South Africa, and online

The d.confestival is a unique event that brings together international innovators and Design Thinkers from business, society, education, and research. The event merges elements of a conference with the cultural atmosphere of a festival. In inspiring presentations, vibrant discussions, and interactive workshops, the global Design Thinking community will exchange learnings and develop new business, education, public policy, and social innovation concepts. HPI hosted the first two d.confestivals in 2012 and 2017. This time we shift the focus to Africa as the Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika at UCT will host the third d.confestival as well as celebrate the opening of their newly built four-story building, the HPI d-school at UCT, which aims to be a 6 Green Star rated building – making it the first 6 Green Star rated academic building in Africa. Register now for the d.confestival!



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