
We are Year 1 at Moorlands

Welcome to Year 1

We hope the following pages and links will help support you and your child on their journey through Year 1.

Keeping you updated on attainment and progress

Throughout this year your child’s progress will be tracked and assessed by their teacher.

Parent and teacher meetings are scheduled twice a year, along with a summary and full progress report.

If you have any concerns regarding your child or their progress prior to scheduled reporting, you can contact the class teacher to arrange an appointment.


When your child is writing make sure that they are sitting comfortably and that their book is at an angle which will help their writing flow. Below is the formation that we teach in school.

We following the Penpals Handwriting scheme as shown below.


We send books home with children, appropriate to their level of reading, on a regular basis.

It is recommended that children read for 20 minutes per day. Please keep a record of your child's reading at home in their reading records. These will be acknowledged by staff. Once a page is completed, children will be rewarded with a merit for completing a full page of their reading record.

Children are also read with by an adult in school, at least once a week which may be on a one-to-one basis or as a small group. Books will always be selected to meet the reading stage of your child.


Each week your child will bring home a set of spellings to learn. This will include the week's spelling rule (usually related to phonics) and Common Exception Words for Year 1.

Please help your child learn their spellings using the following:

  • LOOK at the word,
  • SAY the word,
  • COVER the word,
  • WRITE the word and then
  • CHECK the word.

We follow the ‘Mastery’ approach to learning which provide children with a range of basic, advancing and deep learning activities to achieve the Year Group Expectations, based on the National Curriculum.


Created with images by Don Mroczkowski - "Pencils with Black background" • adragan - "Back to school. School bag with supplies for school on yellow background. Copy space for text" • netrun78 - "Top view of home office desk. Table with laptop and stationary. Flat lay home office workspace, remote work, distant learning, video conference, calls idea"