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Rationalization of Medicinal Chemistry Sebastian Zagler


Medicinal chemistry refers to the design, synthesis, and testing of compounds in the search for new drugs. Since the foundation of modern medicinal chemistry in the late 1800s, greater knowledge and many advancements have made the field more systematic and precise, through the process George Ritzer describes as rationalization. Rationalization is the transformation of industries and occupations and professions to become more efficient, calculable, predictable, and controlled. In this page, I will examine the history of the field of medicinal chemistry and specifically antibiotic development through the lens of rationalization and what it means for the industry, its workers, and society as a whole.

History of Medicinal Chemistry

Early Medicinal Chemistry

Early medicinal chemistry was practiced all over the world through the use of herbs, plants, and other traditional medicines discovered by chance for healing properties. Such medicines were often not proven to work or be safe, nor were they regulated, or discovered through a systematic process.

Modern Medicinal Chemistry

This changed in the 1800s when modern medicinal chemistry came about. The 1800s brought huge advancements to medicine and science, such as germ theory which more accurately described the nature and transmission of disease-causing pathogens. Developments in chemistry also continued allowing the purification and isolation of natural products such as salicin from aspirin in 1828. Over the course of the century, facilitated by a greater understanding of cellular functions and microscopes, chemists began looking for and testing more systematically potential isolated and novel drug compounds.

Paul Ehrlich and Side-Chain Theory

Paul Ehrlich developed his side-chain theory around the turn of the century. Based on his observation of the heightened tolerance of people who had been exposed to a disease or toxic substance before, Paul Ehrlich believed that toxins acted by blocking the receptors of side-chains but that with gradual exposure, more side-chains would be developed and toxic effects reduced. These receptors would form his theory of antitoxins and antibodies and explain why serum infusions or inoculations would cause immunity in vulnerable patients [6]. This early theory was important because it attempted to explain the mechanism of drugs at a chemical level, opening up the possibility for the targeted inhibition of certain proteins.

Ehrlich’s side-chain theory was applied further to many different bacterial diseases using serum treatment, where the serum of an immune organism was infused with a patient to help generate immunity or facilitate recovery. It was realized, however, that diseases caused by protozoa (single-cellular eukaryotic organisms) were not effectively cured using serum treatment. This led Ehrlich to develop the magic bullet hypothesis, that there might be chemical agents that can hit specific targets or organisms without damaging the host.

Salvarsan, the first Magic Bullet

In his search for a magic bullet, Ehrlich set his sights on syphilis, a widespread and chronic bacterial illness. He and his team pioneered the more modern drug development process with greater efficiency and systematic study. The bacterium causing syphilis is a spirochete, known to be similar to the parasitic trypanosomes. Trypanosomes had been targeted previously using arsenical compounds, laying the groundwork for Ehrlich’s search for the magic bullet [7].

The subsequent process closely mirrors later hit identification strategies. With the target identified and an understanding of what worked for similar targets, a broader screen was conducted. Together with his lab, Ehrlich first synthesized hundreds of arsenical compounds. Research assistant Sahachiro Hata realized how to infect rabbits with syphilis, and began inoculating hundreds with each syphilis and then injecting each arsenical compound. In 1909, on compound number 606, they received a hit. The compound, later dubbed Salvarsan was the first magic bullet, and its discovery would transform medicine.

Ehrlich had successfully pioneered the modern process of drug discovery by using systematic screening techniques. This was continued in clinical trials where 65,000 samples of Salvarsan were provided for free to demonstrate the drug’s effectiveness. Based on his work on Salvarsan, many more 'magic bullets' or chemotherapies were discovered, including Penicillin and entire classes of antibiotics, leading to vast improvements in healthcare, quality-of-life, and life expectancies in the 1900s.

New technologies and changing roles

More precise targeting

Over the 1900s, scientists made profound advancements in understanding biochemical pathways in humans and microorganisms. This includes knowledge of key enzyme or receptor targets. No longer did researchers need to take blind shots in the dark to stumble across compounds that happened to work. With greater knowledge of biochemical machinery and important targets, researchers began selecting individual proteins and active sites and testing compounds simply for binding affinity or inhibition to that specific target. Once compounds with affinity for a certain target were identified, they were then modified in the process of lead optimization to reduce toxicity, improve binding, and increase selectivity. Only after lead optimization would such drugs be tested against cells in vitro, animals in vivo, and ultimately humans in situ.

High-throughput synthesis and screening

Perhaps one of the most important in transforming the pharmaceutical industry is the introduction of high-throughput techniques in the late 1900s, allowing for the synthesis and screening of large numbers of compounds [10]. Whereas before, compounds were discovered by chance or through an iterative synthetic process, now compounds are synthesized broadly on a huge scale. Large chemical suppliers compile compound libraries of hundreds of thousands to over a million different compounds to provide labs around the world with potential drug compounds. The best compounds are identified as “hits” using automated screening in which robots and computers can analyze the binding of the drug compound to its intended target. The compounds are quantitatively ranked and the best are then selected for further testing. This process can be very attractive to pharmaceutical companies because it is quantitative and calculable and controlled and automated. It also prevents the need for early testing against animal or human models.

Virtual Screening

High-throughput techniques have transformed further in the 2000s with the introduction of virtual screening, in silico computer techniques where binding affinity of a compound to a protein can be estimated using a scoring function and based on the structure of the protein determined through x-ray crystallography. These molecular docking techniques open up even more chemical space that can be scanned and tested against a protein target for much cheaper than using physical compounds. In some cases, billions of compounds have been docked to a protein target using rounds of more precise methods to rapidly select potentially effective compounds [11].

The Changing Role of the Medicinal Chemist

While some aspects of the occupation have remained similar for the last 100 years, such as the high education level required for chemists and the approximate number of people employed in the position, the work of the medicinal chemist has become more structured and controlled from the early days of medicinal chemistry. With many of the low-hanging fruit of drug compounds already taken, chemists have seen less success with haphazard approaches. Instead, quantitative techniques take a central role, with chemists in early-stage drug development first identifying a target and then following a well-defined pathway of narrowing down candidate compounds. Calculability and predictability are valued, with chemists and drug companies opting to throw hundreds of thousands of compounds at a target to see what sticks before going toward animal models and large expensive clinical trials. These screens are enabled by automated and controlled robotic systems, which chemists control and evaluate data from using computers. Most data are quantified too, with scoring functions instead of chemical properties often used to more easily compare and rank compounds.

Stricter regulations and a higher bar for new drug compounds result in fewer animal and human studies. Where Ehrlich tested compounds directly on rabbits and soon after on humans with often very toxic but sometimes surprising results, chemists today rarely take such risks. While newer methods for drug development might result in more calculable data and more predictable and safe results, recent data suggest they have not achieved greater efficiency.

The Economics of Drug Discovery

Even with the invention of new technologies and more rationalized and systematic processes for finding drugs, the efficiency of the pharmaceutical industry and the productivity of the chemist have not increased but rather decreased since the 1970s and 1980s.

Eroom’s Law

This phenomenon has been described as Eroom’s Law, the reverse of Moore’s Law, which describes the doubling of transistor density and halving of transistor cost every 2 or 3 years in the semiconductor industry. Eroom’s Law means the opposite: it denotes a decline in the efficiency of the pharmaceutical industry, with the number of FDA-approved drugs per billion dollars of R&D spending halving every 9 years [12]. This is true for not just antibiotics, which are the focus of this paper, but for all drugs arriving to the US market. Why improvements in knowledge, technology, and increasingly rationalized processes have not delivered the efficiency they promised is an important and multifaceted question, several of which I will cover below.

Picked off low-hanging fruit

One reason why drug development has become more difficult is that many important and effective drugs already exist. Drugs like aspirin, for which precursors have been used by humans for thousands of years and have been approved for many decades are proven to work and well-understood. A drug is less likely to be developed to solve a problem that is already mostly solved, even if such a drug could produce marginally better results, an effect some researchers describe as the “better than The Beatles effect,” meaning that if all new music had to be better than The Beatles, very few new songs would be produced [12]. Instead, researchers and companies must set their sights on new diseases and targets which might be less known, important, or affect a smaller number of people to avoid producing a drug that essentially already exists. This increases the cost and difficulty of developing new drugs.

More stringent regulatory environment

Regulatory restrictions tightened significantly in the 1960s with the number of approved FDA drugs dropping significantly. This number continued to sink over time compared to the money spent on R&D. More stringent regulations result in greater assurances for the safety and effectiveness of compounds, but this also means companies need to run larger preclinical and clinical trials and meet a higher bar for approval. In contrast to the times of Ehrlich, when relatively toxic arsenic compounds were distributed and used to test their effectiveness against syphilis in animal and human patients, today there are strict restrictions on safety even for pre-clinical trials. The regulatory process has become more bureaucratized and rationalized through non-human control and strict requirements for efficacy data, and predictability data. The emphasis for this is on the safety of the consumers and it has worked to this end, but navigating the regulatory process has become much more difficult where only large corporations can afford to do so and still incur significant risk since compounds can fail late in highly expensive clinical trials.

Less favorable risk and reward

This brings up an important point that producing new drugs, especially antibiotics, has become much less economically favorable. Simply showing that a compound is promising is no longer enough since extensive testing is required for a company before a drug can be approved and profits can be made. This process is risky and expensive, and only large companies have the capital to push a drug through both the drug development pipeline and the complex regulatory pipeline that follows.

Demand for many new drugs is also low. Since most important drugs already have solutions, as discussed above, this means researchers must set their sights on more obscure targets and rarer diseases. With fewer people using new drugs, a company becomes much less likely to get sufficient return on their investments and the prices of new drugs will increase. This is especially true for antibiotics. As antibiotic resistance grows, regulators urge them to be used very sparingly to ensure they will continue to be effective against drug-resistant pathogens. When the patent on such compounds expires, cheap generics further cut into the profits of the original developer.

The result is that fewer companies can afford to carry out drug development and the total number of new drugs per dollar spent, especially among antibiotics has decreased sharply (from 30 antibiotic approvals in the 1980s to 7 from 2000 to 2009). This is incredibly concerning as antibiotic resistance and deaths from drug-resistant pathogens become more common.

Is there still hope?

The stark decline in pharmaceutical efficiency described above with the looming threat of antibiotic resistance and out-of-control drug prices certainly paints a gloomy picture, however, there is room for hope.

Reversing Eroom’s Law

Although Eroom’s Law was observed from 1950 to 2010, in the past decade we have experienced what appears to be a reversal in Eroom’s Law [15]. The reasons for this are not exactly clear yet, but there are some theories as to why. One theory is that new technologies, such as the greater understanding of human genetic data have tipped the balance back into the favor of drug development. Genetic data also helps diagnose and target rare genetic diseases which are the focus of many drug companies currently. Finally, the regulatory system has become less strict, a kind of counter-rationalization, where the threshold for efficiency and predictability was lowered for novel treatments of rare diseases to make it more likely for drugs to be approved where there was no other alternative. The rate of the introduction of new antibiotics also increased during the 2010s, with 15 new antibiotics approved over 7 in the previous decade.

The pharmaceutical industry also showed great efficiency during the covid-19 pandemic, producing several vaccines with completely new technologies and many antivirals coming to market in under 2 years of development. This unheard-of rate of progress was facilitated by new technologies and approaches and relaxation of stringent regulations shows that the pharmaceutical industry can still be productive given the right conditions. The counter-rationalization and relaxation of regulatory bodies as well as the important return of mass human and animal testing helped facilitate these successes, and present a solution to ensure the productivity of the pharmaceutical industry and its workers.


The field of medicinal chemistry and the role of the medicinal chemist have changed profoundly due to rationalization. An increasingly rationalized regulatory system ensures the safety and efficacy of drug compounds. Through the invention of new rationalized processes such as high-throughput screening and the move away from human testing, chemists today often spend much of their efforts quantifiably testing and ranking hundreds of thousands of compounds against single protein targets before conducting further studies.

While this approach has yielded results and greater safety, it comes at a cost. High-throughput techniques are not cheap and the strict regulatory process means that most drugs fail before they are approved for use. This has resulted in greater drug prices, decreased drugs availability, and chemists often working in a rut—by repetitively testing the same single target but not making accidental discoveries.

Recently, however, the field and occupation have seen a counter-rationalization with relaxation in regulations allowing for greater approval of drugs and treatment and alleviating the economic pressure on companies. The urgency of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has also seen the resurgence of human and animal testing earlier in the drug development process which were so important to medicinal successes in the early 1900s.

The forces of rationalization present both the problem and the solution for the challenges the pharmaceutical industry faces. Increased rationalization has provided new technologies while also improving drug safety, but too much rationalization makes drug development too difficult and stifles the creativity and lucky discoveries of the medicinal chemist. Finding just the right amount of rationalization is important for all of society to continue to reap the benefits of over 100 years of success in medicinal chemistry.

Image Sources

Multi channel pipette loading biological samples in microplate for test in the laboratory. from angellodeco,

from Adobe Stock

Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) at work in his laboratory. from

Salvarsan treatment kit for syphilis, Germany, 1909-1912. from Science Museum, London

HtpG on grey background. from Sebastian Zagler

High-throughput screening robots. from Maggie Bartlett, National Human Genome Research Institute

Molecular docking using Schrodinger's Maestro. from Sebastian Zagler

Working with assays in Southern Research’s High Throughput Screening lab. from Southern Research

Eroom's Law in pharmaceutical R&D. from Scannell et al, Nature Review Drug Discovery

Pharmacie in Paulista Avenue. from Wilfredor, Wikipedia

White oak exterior. from Food and Drug Administration

Cumulative profits from antibiotic research. from Review on Antimicrobial Resistance

University of North Carolina Genome Science Building. from SOM

Count of new molecular entities (NMEs) per billion US$ R&D spending. from Ringel et al, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Trimming a thinning herd. from Maryn McKenna, Nature

Medical test or research. from Sergey, Adobe Stock


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Created with an image by Pascal Halder - "detailed view several plastic pipette tips, pink liquid, black rack"
