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March 2022 @BVNLibrary Even with a long spring break, we still had a busy month. The highlights follow, read on!

Geography-Current Issues in Africa

Students in Mr. Breedlove's Geography class completed research about current issues in Africa. After finding relevant research using library resources, students planned a presentation and created a 1-page handout for students to view during the presentation. Students not only created these presentations, but also evaluated the work of others as their classmates presented. A few of the handouts can be seen below.

Sociology-Socialization Through the Lens of Children's Books

Students in Ms. Salimbene's Sociology class came to the library for story time! Students each chose a children's book and shared it with others. They figured out what they could learn about society through the books and identified morals important to society through children's literature. Many groups read more books than were required as they totally enjoyed listening to others and reading to their classmates!

AVID & Economics

Stick Together Mini-Grant

Ms. Snethen applied for and won a Stick Together mini-grant! This grant allowed us to order one giant sticker mosaic for students to complete in the library and gave us access to hundreds of digital sticker mosaics as well. This mosaic was the one we chose and students finished it just before the end of the school year!

ELA11 Research

Students in Mr. Chugg's and Mrs. Williams' ELA11 classes began the research process. Students used a current events quiz to decide their own feelings about certain topics and then investigated other topics that they felt strongly about. Students used library databases to find resources and used the resources to take notes and determine their opinions about the topics they chose. This paper resulted in an interesting comment from a senior. He saw the juniors working on this assignment and said, "I just want to thank you because last year we wrote papers in ELA 11, you really taught me to think for myself and it's had a major impact on my life. I have amazing relationships now because of the changes I've made from thinking for myself."

Geography-Africa Maps

Students in Mr. Breedlove's Geography class completed an activity where they drew inferences about regions of Africa based on different maps. Some maps were topographical, some displayed the locations of power plants, some focused on population density and some displayed ground cover. The students attempted to answer a series of questions using only the maps and then were allowed to look up answers. They were interested in the answers after trying to figure out the answers simply by reading the maps.

Girls Garage

After a few safety lessons with Mr. Riley, BVN's Girls Garage got to work by cutting pieces for bird houses to build with Girl Scouts from Valley Park. Each big girl made a set of pieces to construct with the little girls. It took a few weeks to get all of the pieces cut!

North Time Returns!

North Time in the library is great! It's busy and crowded, but at any one time you can find students working on a sticker mosaic, playing chess, playing board games, having a Smash Bros war on the N64, working on homework, sitting and talking with friends, reading, or playing checkers! We found all of these things happening during our first North Time in a long time on March 25th!

Medallion Hunt

After Spring Break, we sponsored the 2nd (Annual) Medallion Hunt at BVN. Students could only hunt outside, after school and had to follow 3 simple rules. The student that found the medallion first won a $100 Amazon gift card from SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone), a $25 gift card to The Stampede and a pile of cookies from Mr. Ollig. This year's winner was a freshman and it took them until the final day to find the medallion! Those clues were hard!

AP Human Geography-Test Prep

Created By
abby cornelius


Created with images by nito - "the text march break is coming written on a chalkboard" • sompong_tom - "key lock old stitched in the blue door." • - "research word cloud on a laptop"
