Native American Welcome Back Orientation
August 2021
For the first time since January 2020, the Native American Welcome Back Orientation was held in person in the Fall 2021 semester. Native American students gathered at the SCCR in the Cafeteria to eat breakfast, learn about the support and resources available at Porterville College, and to receive a free backpack and school supplies for the semester. It was great to welcome the students in person for the Fall semester.
Native American Heritage Month Celebration
November 2021
November celebrates Native American Heritage Month where the Native American culture is recognized and celebrated. The Native American Club hosted a tabling event to showcase students cultural practices like basket weaving, beading, and dancing. The event allowed other students and staff to stop by the booth and learn about the rich and beautiful Native American cultural traditions.
Thank you Tule River Education Center!
March 2022
The Tule River Education Program staff members Courtney Cardoza and Ron Carillo hosted a workshop for Native American students at Porterville College to discuss the TEP benefits for Tule River tribe members and their descendants. If students think they may qualify for financial services for their education, call the Tule River Education Department at 559-782-1605.
Native American Club Hosts High School Students
April 2022
The Native American Club hosted high school students that identify as Native American for a Porterville College campus tour, lunch, and admissions presentation. The high school students attended from local high schools, including Monache, Porterville, Butterfield, and Harmony High Schools. The Native American Club did an amazing job at exposing the high school students to what college life looks like at Porterville College.
End of the Year Native American Recognition Celebration
April 2022
Graduating Native American students and their family members participated in the Native American End of the Year Celebration. The graduates gathered at the SCCR in the Cafeteria to enjoy lunch, receive their graduation stoles, certificates, and celebrate their accomplishments. The Tule River Education Program (TEP) members Courtney Cardoza and Ron Carrillo joined the event to wish the graduates success in their future endeavors.
Join the Native American Club!
Join the Porterville College Native American Club for the opportunity to build an on campus community, gain leadership skills, plan events, and build your resume! Every academic year, we search for a Club President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you are interested in joining, contact the Club Advisor Katherine Figuroa at