Picture Day
We combined picture day with book check out this year! We scheduled picture day in the library through ELA classes, so not only did EVERY SINGLE STUDENT get their picture taken, they also had the opportunity to get reading suggestions from the librarians and check out independent reading books!
Library Orientation
Freshmen in Geography and AVID classes learned specific note-taking skills for taking notes on paper from both a lecture and while reading. These students struggled with taking notes during class, so we created activities to help them practice. They also read articles with evidence that taking notes by hand on paper is better for learning than taking notes on a computer, tablet, or phone.
Natural Resources
Students in Mr. Ocon's Earth/Space Science classes used library databases to research natural resources in preparation for a natural resources tournament!
On tournament day, students battled it out to prove who had the most valuable resource. The class voted on the most compelling argument in each battle.
The winner received bragging rights and an adorable 3D printed trophy!
Trans-Saharan Trade Simulation
The Hurdles
As librarians, we learned a few things during a school start unlike any other. We battled to provide services while also accomplishing all of the tasks that library paras previously did. We struggled mightily to plan, teach, supervise, provide support of all kinds to students and maintain our program. Unfortunately, we did the best we could, but failed to provide as many services as our students were used to. Some students walked away without the help they needed while we were occupied and there was no para to assist them! Hopefully this will become easier as we adapt, but this was a start we will never forget and was completely unrelated to a global pandemic!
Created with an image by Hermann - "books stack literature"