In this Edition:
- Message from Pastor Kris
- Baptism Highlight
- How to Connect with Us
- Upcoming Events
- Life Transformation Tools
- Join Community
- Ministry Highlights
- Missions Updates
- Prayer Update
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Bible Reading Plan
- Giving
Message from Pastor Kris
For a pastor, Easter is a pretty busy time! While most around us slow down a bit and enjoy time off of school, we have a lot of exciting opportunities for growth and to reach our community. As I write this, I am surrounded by stacks of papers and books at my office desk. I have my tasklist open on one monitor and, if I'm honest, it's a bit daunting. I have my email inbox open on another screen and it's telling me I have 22 emails I haven't gotten to yet. On a third monitor is my schedule, which is behind where I'd like it to be. Oops; now it's 23 emails...
There's nothing wrong with keeping busy, but when we allow our schedules to own us we leave little (or no) room for God. As we approach Holy Week, I invite you to slow down and give God your intentional rest. Being present with Him is the single greatest place we can find ourselves, and I hope that we'll make it a priority this Easter. If you find it difficult, like I do, can I recommend a few things to try?
- Take time to celebrate. Since our last newsletter we're celebrating seven baptisms, alongside salvations, and a tremendous Upward Sunday! What is God doing in your life that you can celebrate?
- Enjoy nature. Spring can be challenging in Ohio; however, can we take just a moment and thank God for the beauty around us?
- Take time to reflect on God’s Word. Reading the different accounts of the life of Christ leading up to the crucifixion gives you a picture of what Jesus walked through before the cross.
- Join in a YouVersion Bible reading plan on Lent or Easter. There are so many to choose from, and you can invite friends to join you on this as well.
- Take time to reflect in prayer. The more you connect with God, the more you will notice an inward peace. Try using a guide through an app like Lectio 365 or the guided prayer part of the YouVersion App.
Baptism Highlight
We are celebrating with 7 people who decided to be baptized on February 26! Both children and adults were Baptized, including a 10-year-old who accepted Jesus in our LifeWise ministry and a 64-year-old who accepted Christ just two years ago and has excitedly jumped into her faith with both feet. God keeps working and moving in our lives, and we are so excited for the way they have chosen to take their next step in following Jesus. Below are some pictures and quotes from that great day.
"I am telling my friends about Jesus because I love Him very much." - Alexis Kesler, 8
"I am so grateful that Jesus has gotten me out of my comfort zone, that I am more into community. I am so grateful to Liz Allison for helping me come to this church, because ever since last October, I have grown in faith so much." - Rose Lautzenheiser, 64
"In the last 5 years, I've had a lot of reflection and heart change, realizing I wasn't where I wanted to be. I'm working on it, slowly but surely. I know the direction I want to go. God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. I know what my calling is, and I'm just working on becoming qualified for it." - Ian Ramey
"My parents have thankfully raised me to get to know Jesus, which has led me to being here today... To young me, I thought Jesus living within me was super awesome. I accepted Him, and over the years I've gotten to know Him a little better and really understood what it means for Him to live inside me... He's helping me with all my struggles, getting through life because it's kind of tough sometimes. He's also helping me help others." - Jeremiah Schumann, 15
"I started coming to Shawnee Alliance about 2 years ago, in the beginning more sporadically, but started coming more often when I realized what He could do. About 6 months after I started coming, I hit rock bottom. I had two choices: a sin path or turn to church. Thanks to Pastors Josh and Kris, Dre, Ryan - you all really helped me out... I accepted Him into my life last summer, and I felt like He was pushing me to do something more, I needed to take another step to get Baptized." - Ben Doseck
Caden accepted Jesus in LifeWise class earlier this year. LifeWise is a Bible-based character education program that meets during school. Caden decided to be baptized because “God can make me a better person.” – Caden Burnett, 10.
“I was introduced to God when I was really young, but I am finally over the last few years starting to realize it’s more of a relationship not a religion, so this is all new. Jesus is helping show me the steps I need to take to be stronger, not just in my relationship, but I have to teach my boys, too.”- Destiny Hunlock
God is doing big things in our community! Your generosity in giving to Shawnee Alliance continues to make Kingdom impact.
Building a community of faith... Leading people to become fully transformed followers of Jesus Christ.
New to Shawnee Alliance or have updated information?
Would you like to know more about the church, submit a prayer request or connect with a pastor? Or maybe you'd like to find out about upcoming groups and events or let us know of a change in contact information? Let us know by filling out a connect card below! We would love to hear from you!
How to Connect With Us
As you're continually called into God's presence, please be reminded of the community we have here. We invite you to reach out and connect with us.
Upcoming Events
Aerobic Walking - Mondays through Fridays from 8-9am in Activity Center Gym
Wednesday Activity Night - Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm until May 17
Traditional Choir Rehearsals - Saturdays, March 25-April 8 at 10am in East Campus Sanctuary
Lenten/Easter Traditional Choir - will sing on March 26 & April 9 during the 9:30am Traditional Services
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - March 28 at 11am
Palm Sunday - April 2 at 9:30 & 11am
"Current Cultural Issues" Class - Sundays at 10:15am in East Campus Rooms B & C
SonRise Seekers Womens' Bible Study - Tuesdays at 6:30-8am in East Campus Rooms B & C
Church Cleanup Night 2023 - April 5 at 6:30pm
Happy Easter! Church Office Closed - April 7 & 10
Good Friday Service - April 7 at 6:30 in Activity Center
Stamp Ministry - April 8 at 9am in East Campus Room C
Easter Saturday Service - April 8 at 6:30pm in Activity Center
Easter Sunday Services - April 9 at 9:30am in East Campus Sanctuary and at 9:30 & 11am in Activity Center
Easter Traditional Choir - will sing for us on April 9 at the 9:30am Traditional Service
Keenager Luncheon - April 11 at 11:30am in Kids Min Area
"Parenting: The Early Years" - small group begins April 12 at 6:30pm
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - April 20 at 11am
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - April 25 at 11am
Family Fun Night - April 28 at 6:30-8pm in Activity Center
"Envision Cleveland" - Renew the City 2023" - April 29 8am-1pm (registration is open)
Pastor's Dessert - April 30 at 6:30pm in Activity Center Lobby (register by April 23)
National Day of Prayer - May 4
Congregational Update - May 7 at 6:30pm in East Campus Sanctuary
Keenager Luncheon - May 9 at 11:30am
Stamp Ministry - May 13 at 9am in East Campus Room C
Happy Mothers Day! - May 14
Child Dedication Sunday - May 14 at 9:30 & 11am services (register by April 30)
Beulah Beach Work Mission Trip - May 15-19 (register)
Sunday Faith Track - May 21 from 10:45am-2:30pm in East Campus Room F (register by May 14)
Memorial Day - May 29 - Church Office Closed on May 26 & 29
Envision Guinea Mission Trip - November 17-25 (registration is open)
District & Community Events
OVD Seniors Retreat, sponsored by our Ohio Valley District - May 9-11 at Higher Grounds Conference & Retreat Center in Indiana (more info & register by Apr 25)
Traditional Choir
Our choir will be singing on Sunday, March 26 and Easter Sunday, April 9 in the 9:30am Traditional Service in the East Campus Sanctuary. All are welcome to attend.
If you are interested in joining our Lenten and Easter Choir, please attend rehearsals on Saturdays, March 11-April 8 at 10am in the East Campus Sanctuary.
Church Clean-Up Night
Please join us on Wednesday, April 5 from 6:30-8pm as we clean and spruce up our campuses. We will be working both inside and outside to prepare for more people to join us for our Easter services! Nursery and Kids Min will be in session.
Outside: Please bring your gloves, shovels, rakes, and other tools as we will be weeding, spreading mulch, and trimming hedges. Questions: Brian Scott,
Inside: Please meet in the East Campus Lobby to help with dusting, cleaning windows, and putting an extra shine on our facilities. Questions: Sarah Kennedy,
In case of rain, we will still work inside on Wednesday but will move the outside work to Thursday, April 6 from 6:30-8pm. There will be no Kids Min, but families are encouraged to work together.
Good Friday Service
Please join us on Friday, April 7 at 6:30pm in the Activity Center as we reflect upon the cross and what it meant for Jesus to take our punishment for our sins and die on the cross.
Our Good Friday Service is a Family service. All ages are invited to attend and there will be no Nursery or Kids Min that evening. Nurseries and lobby will be available for cry rooms as needed.
Easter Services
He is Risen! Please join for one of our Easter Services:
Saturday, April 8 at 6:30pm in the Activity Center (modern service)
Sunday, April 9 at 9:30 and 11:00am, both in the Activity Center and Online on Facebook and YouTube (modern services)
Sunday, April 9 at 9:30am at the East Campus (traditional service with Choir)
Keenager's Luncheon
Are you 55+ and looking for community? Join the Keenagers Ministry for a monthly celebration of birthdays on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We have a carry-in lunch in the Kids Min Room from 11:30am-1:30pm. We also have special events you are welcome to attend!
Our next Luncheon is on Tuesday, April 11 at 11:30am and will feature Kevin Haver. Kevin and his wife, Terri, are regular attendees of Shawnee Alliance. Kevin served as the Park Director for the Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District for nearly 40 years. On January 31, The Ohio Parks and Recreation Association honored Kevin as the newest member of the OPRA Hall of Fame.
If you have any questions, please contact Vicki at We look forward to seeing you there!
Envision Cleveland
Join us for the Renew the City 2023, a one day volunteer opportunity to love and serve with Envision Cleveland in their neighborhood. Teams will be transforming an empty lot into a safe and usable greenspace for the community to enjoy as well as space for education and engagement.
Saturday, April 29, 2023, 8am-1pm
Child Dedication
On Sunday, May 14 we give parents an opportunity to have their children prayed over as they publicly declare that their children belong to the Lord. This is also an opportunity for all of us as a church to renew our commitment to raising Christ-loving families.
Those who are joining for the first time are asked to attend the class on Sunday, May 7 at 10:45am in East Campus Avenue56 Room F.
One-Day Faith Track
Sunday, May 21 from 10:45am-2:30pm in East Campus Avenue56 Room F.
Together we will learn more about Shawnee Alliance, develop connections, and become more aware of our spiritual gifts and volunteer opportunities. If you're interested in becoming a member of Shawnee Alliance, this class will prepare you for that as well (but membership is not a requirement).
Please register by Sunday, May 14. Lunch will be provided. To request child care, please specify in your registration. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Brian (
Life Transformation Tools
As we celebrate all God is doing in our lives and in our community, we also reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and love for each one of us. The Lenten season brings an opportunity for growth and transformation. To continue on your personal journey, partner with us in the opportunities below:
Join Community
Life Transformation happens through discipleship, serving, and making connections with others. Below are some opportunities to join community throughout the week and month!
YouVersion Bible App
Join your church family on YouVersion! Download the app below and search for Shawnee Alliance, set as your home church, and connect others through our weekly devotionals.
As we walk through each week, watch for updates on social media and in the YouVersion app for new plans! Join in our newest plan below:
Connect with others! Join a Group!
For more details, please see below or visit If you are interested in leading or hosting a small group, please contact Pastor Brian at
New & Updated Groups
SonRise Seekers Women's Bible Study
Join us next week as we continue our new study on the book of Joshua (started March 21). We will be listening to a video by Jen Wilkin and filling out a workbook. The book of Joshua shows us God's faithfulness to His covenant with the Israelites to bring them into the land He promised to Abraham. This book points to the importance of covenant obedience before, during, and after God fulfills His promises. We would love for you to join us at 6:30am on Tuesdays! Coffee is on!
"The Sermon on the Mount" Women's Group
As Christians, we are called to look different from the world. In arguably His most famous teaching in all of Scripture, Jesus reveals how we are to walk in obedience in the Sermon on the Mount. "The Sermon on the Mount: A Study on God's Upside-Down Kingdom" is a 6-week study that equips believers to:
- Grow as disciples of Christ in pursuit of His kingdom.
- Develop biblical responses in seasons of anxiety and difficulty.
- Identify the next steps of obedience fueled by the grace of God.
Women are invited to meet Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm in East Campus Avenue56 Room F (down the hall from the office on the right) from March 22-May 3. Join in any time! Facilitated by Cori Fields. You can purchase the book on Amazon here.
Parenting: The Early Years
Join us for a 6-week video study from marriage & family therapists Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott. Pastor Brian will be facilitating this video series for parents who currently have young children. Brian says, "I have two young children. My daughter is 10 and my son is 4. They are the light of my life, but they also come with a lot of anxiety. We continually ask ourselves, 'Am I doing this right?' 'What matters most to me as a parent?' 'Is this normal?'
Each week, we will watch a 25-minute video and then have a discussion and Bible study about what matters to us as parents and how to live out those values. This will be a discussion-focused class. Instead of lectures, the goal will be for parents to build each other up and talk about our own experiences in parenting." Meets Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm from April 12-May 17 in East Campus Conference Room H.
Unanswered Prayer
Unanswered Prayer is an opportunity for groups to process pain and disappointment, to ask truthful and significant questions of faith, and to unite in the face of uncertainty towards healing and hope. In this 5-week session by Pete Greig, we will journey through the final days of Jesus, asking some of the hardest and most personal questions we face as Christians, such as “How am I going to get through this?”, “Why aren’t my prayers being answered?”, and “Where is God when heaven is silent?” Join us Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm from April 19-May 17 in East Campus Room A.
Wednesday Night Groups
Join us for Wednesday Night Groups from 6:30-8pm!
- Bible Institute - an in-depth look into the Bible with Dr. Bur Shilling (Rooms B-C)
- "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's Group - a great group of guys to walk through life with as we study Romans 8 (Scout Room L)
- Grief Share - a support group designed to help those who have lost a loved one to death (Youth Room D) - Thursday sessions are also available from 10am-noon
- The Prayer Course - uses conversation, testimony, and teaching to help you grow and deepen your prayer life (Room A; meets until April 12)
- NEW! "The Sermon on the Mount" Women's Group - A journey through Matthew 5-7 to encourage women to trust Jesus in difficult seasons and pursue Jesus and His kingdom with everything we are (Avenue56 Room F)
- Begins April 12! Parenting: The Early Years - a discussion-based video series focused on parents building each other up (Conference Room H)
- Begins April 19! Unanswered Prayer - an opportunity to process pain and disappointment together, to ask truthful and significant questions of faith, and to unite in the face of uncertainty as we move toward healing and hope (Room A)
Don't see a Wednesday Night Group you'd like to attend?
- Contact Pastor Brian at if you're interested in leading your own!
- Volunteer with Worship & Tech Ministry here!
- Volunteer with Kid's or Youth Ministries here!
Ongoing Weekly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sunday during 9:30 or 11:00am services
- Life in the Spirit - Sundays from 9:30-10:45am
- High School Girls Small Group - Sundays from 5-6pm until May 21
- Sunday Night Competitive Volleyball - Sundays from 6-9pm
- Aerobic Walking Exercise Class - Monday-Friday from 8-9am
- Retired Men's Prayer Group - Mondays from 9-10:30am
- SonRise Seekers Women's Bible Study - Tuesdays from 6:30-8am
- Gingersnaps - Tuesdays from 9-11am
- Tuesday Open Gym Volleyball - Tuesdays from 6-10pm
- Moms in Prayer - Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30am
- Stamp Ministry - 2nd Saturdays September-May from 9am-12pm
Ongoing Monthly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sundays at 8:20am or 8:45am
- Keenagers - 2nd Tuesdays at 11:30am
- Sewing Group - meets 2nd & 4th Mondays from 9am-2pm
Our Kids Ministry is very important to us. As the church continues to grow we look forward to connecting with more families!
As we get closer to Easter and think of the additional children and parents we will get to see, please consider partnering with the Kids Min family and volunteering during Easter weekend!
Thank you Hospitality Team for your extra efforts during our recent Upward Sunday! We saw so many new faces and your servant's heart was noticed!
As we prepare for Easter services on Saturday, April 8 and Sunday, April 9, we again expect to have many new faces come through our doors. We invite you to join with us in creating a welcoming environment at Shawnee Alliance!
Reflecting on Upward Basketball & Cheerleading 2023
Our 13th year of Upward Basketball and Cheerleading at Shawnee Alliance was another fantastic one! It’s truly amazing to see God’s hand so steadily at work, managing details and orchestrating so much in the background. He brought more kids to participate in the league this year than ever before: 240 basketball players & cheerleaders! That means we had 26 basketball teams, 3 cheer squads, 50+ coaches, a dozen referees, and the additional volunteers to run scoreboard, snack shack, announcements, and more for well over 300 people involved! Also, a HUGE shout out to all the halftime speakers who shared what Jesus is doing in their lives to all the parents, grandparents and friends at the games. It takes so many people to run this league effectively, and I am so thankful to each and every one of these kids and volunteers who helped to make it a great season.
Each Game Day, we had close to a thousand people moving through our gym. While Basketball and Cheer are what brought them to the church, they left each practice and game hearing about the love of Jesus! After our 8-week season concluded, we were blessed with an incredible Upward Sunday service, followed by an always entertaining show with our friends at Remix Education... and Jiggy! Check out some pictures below!
The feedback has been so amazing to hear. While we are all looking forward to some rest on upcoming Saturdays, Upward will be back before we know it. All of those kids' smiling faces and their families will be back, and we can’t wait for that again!
Josh Kennedy, Upward League Director
Missions Updates
Countless people today need to hear about Jesus and His healing love for them. But what if there is no one around to tell them?
God is pursuing them, and as the church we want to partner with Him to send people into their culture to speak and live out the gospel. Across our world, refugee camps and informal settlements, as well as entire nations and people groups, still have little opportunity of knowing Jesus. We must go.
Here at Shawnee Alliance, we have multiple opportunities to support missions. We strive to build HIS kingdom here, and we won’t stop until the job is done!
God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called.
Mission Trip to Guinea, West Africa
November 17–24, 2023
Envision Guinea is an Alliance site located in Conakry, a peninsula in West Africa. Packed with two million people, most live in extreme poverty. Such poverty, along with disease and the influence of traditional religions, provides many challenges for Alliance workers in sharing the love of Jesus. Teams work alongside the local church and other ministries offering aid, which leads to opportunities for the hope of Jesus to be shared.
The team will serve by teaching English classes, volunteering at student centers, assisting with eye exam & glasses distribution events, helping local churches and orphanages, and potentially teaching workshops. Cost is $800/person for a 10-day trip (includes ground transportation, meals & lodging) plus travel expenses.
If you have interest or any questions, please contact Jessica at
Beulah Beach Work Trip
Join us in a week of missions work at Beulah Beach: May 15-19. This is our 15th annual trip to Beulah Beach Camp in Vermilion, OH where we work with the staff to do whatever tasks they need! These could include carpentry, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, painting, and other odd jobs and/or general cleaning and cooking.
Prayer Update
One of our many important ministries at Shawnee Alliance is the weekly prayer team. We believe that prayer is a vital part of the daily disciplines that a believer is called to engage in, and that extends naturally outwards to covering the church and the ministries that take place within these walls with prayer. God's Kingdom purposes may be different than what our circumstances are, but we learn to listen to what God wants for our church, for our family, and for us personally and we grow our kingdom focus.
America's Prayer Meeting Movement will be hosting teams of believers from South Korea all over the United States this May. One of these teams will be in Lima from May 3-8 during the "National Day of Prayer" week. There will be opportunities to pray with these believers for the revival of America during this time.
There are many ways that you can partner with the prayer team! Join us on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Room A for small group discussions about prayer in The Prayer Course, which meets until April 12. Then, come back for a study on Unanswered Prayer from April 19-May 17.
On Sunday mornings, in a small group setting, we pray God’s heart on behalf of all aspects of our worship services. We pray for all who step through the doors, our staff, and for everything that goes on during worship service. Every day of the week we have a Ministry of Prayer email, where you can join in praying for the church body as you go about your daily life. If you'd like more information, please contact Denise Darbyshire at
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities to get more involved by serving together! Check out the list of volunteer opportunities below! Fill out a volunteer form or a connect card and our staff would be glad to connect you in serving at Shawnee Alliance or in our community in a way that uses your gifts, talents and passions!
Easter Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for a way to plug in? Interested in serving on a Celebration Sunday? We encourage you to attend one service and serve in another! Here are some opportunities to serve on Easter Sunday, April 9:
Hospitality Team
Our Hospitality Team has the unique privilege of creating an environment that welcomes each person to a new experience with God each week. Whether you greet, usher, make coffee or drive the shuttle, you each carry the hospitality of Jesus to all who drive into our parking lots and walk through our doors. Our volunteers can expect to have fun, share community with a team, and play a significant role in creating a welcoming environment with the goal of making a great first impression.
Being part of this team is also a great first step in serving at Shawnee Alliance, getting to know more about the church, and meeting new people! Please click below to volunteer. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Sarah at
Kids & Youth Ministries
If you have attended Shawnee Alliance for 6 months or longer and have a heart for children, consider volunteering in our Nursery-Preschool, Kids Min or HopeShakers Student ministries!
- Nursery (birth-age 3) - provides quality care of infants and toddlers while teaching them about Jesus' love.
- Preschool (age 3-PreK) - uses games and crafts to show how fun it can be to follow Jesus.
- Kids Min (grades K-4) - engages children in worship, a story lesson, crafts, and lots of fun while learning about Jesus.
- HopeShakers (grades 5-8) - discusses life and Jesus in a fun, understandable way.
Please click below to volunteer. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Josh at
Tech Team
The Worship & Tech Team leads the congregation in worship on Sunday mornings at our 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services. We practice Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. If you are interested in using your A/V talents for Jesus and volunteering to run sound, projection, lighting, or cameras, we would love to have you! Please click below to volunteer. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor John at
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
- LifeWise Shawnee - Bible-based education for elementary students during the school day
- Worship & Tech Teams - Lead the congregation into worship through singing, playing instruments, or running sound, projection, lighting or cameras
- Kids & Youth Ministries - Help with Birth-12th grade ministries and events
- Hands-On Ministry - Help people with driving, cleaning, small repairs and projects, etc
- Prayer Team
- Go on a Mission Trip
- Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen - serve lunch to the community
- Hospitality Team - make coffee, greet people, usher or drive the shuttle
Remember, you can reach out to our staff at any time by filling out a connect card at the bottom of our website!
Bible Reading Plan
Bring transformation to your life by reading your Bible! You will get to know Jesus on a deeper level and learn wisdom for your everyday choices.
You can find a free Bible in any of our church lobbies. Please feel free to take one when you're with us at church on Sunday or download the YouVersion app on your phone.
Use this simple SOAP format to guide your interaction with God's Word:
- Scripture. Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you.
- Observation. What do you see God doing in the Scripture? What is God saying to you?
- Application. Ask yourself how you can apply this to your life right now.
- Prayer. Communicate with God and ask Him to help you apply this to your life.
Try adding a chapter from Proverbs every day to the below plan! This list is also posted every Sunday on our Facebook page.
- Thursday, March 23 - Colossians 3
- Friday, March 24 - Romans 8
- Saturday, March 25 - 2 Corinthians 5
- Sunday, March 26 - Galatians 5:13-18
- Monday, March 27 - Acts 2
- Tuesday March 28 - 1 Corinthians 6
- Wednesday, March 29 - 1 Corinthians 12
- Thursday, March 30 - Romans 10
- Friday, March 31 - John 3
- Saturday, April 1 - Romans 6
- Sunday, April 2 - Acts 4:8-12
- Monday, April 3 - 1 Peter 1
- Tuesday, April 4 - Philippians 3
- Wednesday, April 5 - 1 Corinthians 15
- Thursday, April 6 - Matthew 20
- Friday, April 7 - Mark 16
- Saturday, April 8 - Matthew 28
- Sunday, April 9 - 1 Peter 1:3-9
- Monday, April 10 - Matthew 11
- Tuesday, April 11 - Psalm 25
- Wednesday, April 12 - Colossians 3
- Thursday, April 13 - Proverbs 29
- Friday, April 14 - 1 Peter 3
- Saturday, April 15 - luke 9
- Sunday, April 16 - Hebrews 13
- Monday, April 17 - John 4
- Tuesday, April 18 - 1 Peter 5
- Wednesday, April 19 - Psalm 145
- Thursday, April 20 - 2 Corinthians 1
- Friday, April 21 - James 3
- Saturday, April 22 - Psalm 108
- Sunday, April 23 - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
- Monday, April 24 - John 11
- Tuesday, April 25 - Proverbs 3
- Wednesday, April 26 - Mark 9
- Thursday, April 27 - Matthew 15
- Friday, April 28 - 2 Corinthians 5
- Saturday, April 29 - 1 John 5
- Sunday, April 30 - Matthew 9:35-38
Thank you for giving to the ministries of Shawnee Alliance Church. Through your generosity and faithfulness, we continue to see life transformation happen in our church, community, and around the world!
Ways to Give
- Text the giving amount to 84321
- Online at
- Church Center App - download today
- In Person - place check or cash in offering box after Sunday services
Thank you for your generosity and partnership with our ongoing ministries!
Thank you for reading this edition of the Shawnee Alliance SnapShot! Please visit to view previous editions of this newsletter, watch sermons and testimony videos with links to our YouTube channel, and check out our Tuesday Talks with Shawnee Alliance podcast!