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our spiritual community!


"Gratitude is an opening of the heart - to reach out to one another."

Haraman Singh..."Life will be seen in a different sense if we change the words in our head."


Dr. Narenda Bhalodkar..."Soul and Spirituality + Body and Science = What we need."

rabbi randy sheinberg

So, What Do You Have in Common with That Maple Tree Growing Outside Your Window?

  • This month we celebrate the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. Originally a day significant primarily for tax purposes (it marked the beginning of the year for the produce of the trees), it grew over the years to become a celebration of nature and especially the trees that grace our world.
  • So, what do we have in common with that maple tree? Why should we care about the trees in our midst?
  • Of course, there are the obvious reasons. Trees provide us with things that help us to live - food, fuel, construction materials, and oxygen to name a few. However, Judaism suggests that our relationship to trees runs deeper than that. The Torah teaches “ki ha’adam etz ha’sadeh, “A person is like the tree of the field.” (Deuteronomy 20.19) And later sages take the analogy even further - “The Holy Blessed One created the entire world, the heavens and the earth, above and below, and created in humans whatever was created in the world.” (Avot d’Rabbi Natan 31) According to this, we human beings are a microcosm of the physical world. The physical world in general, and trees in particular, can be our teachers. As we observe them, we can better learn about ourselves.
  • Here are a few lessons the trees can teach us: Savlanut/Patience: The folk singer Malvina Reynolds wrote these lyrics • If you love me, if you love, love, love me, • Plant a rose for me. • And if you think you’ll love me for a long, long time, • Plant an apple tree...Trees do not grow overnight. It takes years for a tree to grow to any significant height, and even longer for them to bear fruit. Trees can teach us to slow down and to wait. They can remind us that the best fruits we bear can take years, or even a lifetime to ripen. We shouldn’t judge ourselves or others prematurely. Shalom/Peace and Wholeness: A friend of mine recently shared with me her experience of a newly popularized practice, shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing.” The practice, which was developed in Japan in the 1980s, is the conscious and contemplative practice of being immersed in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest. Proponents of the practice note its health benefits, as well as its spiritual benefits...The concept of finding peace and serenity in a forest is not unique to the Japanese. Taking a solitary walk amidst the trees is a part of Rabbi Nachman of Bretslav’s prayer practice. Contemporary Jewish thinkers like Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and Martin Buber teach that a direct encounter with the natural world can be a way to experience God, a pathway to holiness. Forests can reduce our level of stress and elevate our spirits...Shitufiut/Cooperation: To humans, it may look like trees operate as independent, individual entities, yet that is not really the case. Suzanne Simard, a professor of forest ecology at the University of British Columbia, has done research to prove that trees actually function as a community. Networks of underground fungi allow connected trees to share resources, such as water, nutrients, and carbon. Trees can communicate with one another through these resources and can warn each other when a fast-spreading disease is headed their way...We humans can learn from the trees the importance of cooperation. Although we, like the trees, lead seemingly independent lives, the more we communicate with one another, the more we share our knowledge and our resources, the better off we are. As the Talmud teaches, “Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh.” “We should all be responsible for one another.” (Talmud Shevuot 39a)

These are only some of the many lessons we can learn from the trees. This Tu B’Shevat, let’s listen to our leafy neighbors. Let’s give thanks for the many gifts they give us and allow them to teach us so that we can better care for ourselves, for them, and for our planet.

Our house of worship that feels like home needs us...

It is heartwarming to remember the many beautiful celebrations we shared in our Temple, and now it is heartbreaking to see the devastation from the flood. However, we are more than a building. We are are a community!

Temple President

andrea comerchero

Happy New Year!

  • As we enter the new year, I think about how much we have overcome and how much we have to look forward to. January is the start of something new…resolutions, new beginnings, and fresh starts.
  • This January I decided to plant a tree in Israel. Trees give us life. They provide oxygen to help us breathe. They provide beauty to remind us of what is good and what we have to be thankful for. They give us fruit to help sustain us. They are strong and they tell stories with their trunks, their branches, and their leaves.
  • Trees also tell a story about our history. We build family trees as a way to remember all who have come before us.
  • For all of us, our building has represented our tree. It tells the story of our history. Of the people who created our home. Of the people who sustained us. And of the people who keep us strong and give us life.
  • No one knows the future of a tree. Will it live for hundreds of years? Will it fall, because of a storm? Will it be taken to provide sustenance somewhere else?
  • Our future is unknown, just like that of a tree. However, I have hope and I have faith that our strength, our resiliency, and in our love for each other that our future will be bright and be the start of something new.
  • So, as we celebrate and recognize Tu B’Shevat this month, let’s harness the power of a new start and take the first step to kickstart the new year and elevate our lives, improve our character, and aspire to greatness. (Adam Ross,

Be safe…Be well… Be happy!


  • ANGEL • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Cheryle & Steve Levine • Barbara Silberman • Ken & Neela Weber
  • CHESED • Lynn & Jay Beber • Andrea & Marc Comerchero • Phyllis & Marc Newman • Janet & Barry Spool • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • TZEDEKAH • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Elaine Farber • Justin Wax Jacobs • Anonymous • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Marilyn Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Sandra & David Peskin • Susan & Martin Siroka • Teresa & Jeffrey Weisbrot • Madeleine Wolf
  • BENEFACTOR • Anonymous • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashitpour • Arline & Jack Cazes • Nancy Eschemuller • Libby Glowatz • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Carole Kaplan
  • PATRON • Robert Bader • Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Beth Feldman • Sonia Fink • Fran Fredrick • Lori & Mark Gordon • Michael Greene & Ruth Loomis • Ronni & Charles Hollanders • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Traci & Victor Levy • Helaine & Ed Schachter • Stuart & Judy Weinstock
  • SPONSOR • Maureen & Steve Berman • Brotherhood of Temple Tikvah • Terry & Michael Cutler • Arleen & Ronald Degen • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard • Joe & Judy Kirschner • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie • Lynn Moser • Phyllis Richards • Susan Schall
  • DONOR • Muriel Adler • Sharon Adler • Michael & Karen Arkin • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Florence Baravarian • Sharon Bibergal • Betsy Jacob Bivrano • Henry Bloch • The Chirel Family • The Diamond Family • Rochelle & Evan Fischer • Merle Fishkin • Vivian E. Floch • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Sharon Fricano • Steven & Doreen Geller • Vivian Goldbaum • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Anonymous • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Mimi Kahn • Andrea & Doug King • Leslie Kizner • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Sandra Lichtenstein • The Magidson Family • Mark & Robin Mandell • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Robert Peskin & Tracey Browning • Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ravens • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg & Family • Ron, Barbara, Melissa & Justin Schreiber • June & Jack Schwarz • Claire Shapiro • Doris & Irv Silberman • Julie Steiner O'Donnell • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Joan Wiener • Laurence & Aki Wolfson • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos
  • PARTICIPANT • Deborah Abramowitz • Jeanie & George Berger • Cindy & Joe Bettelheim • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Sharyn & Joel Chanin • Rochelle & Evan Fischer • Muriel Gorochow • Toby & Steve Israel • Abe & Hanna Kormas • Steven B. Levine • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Sandy Portnoy • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg • Helene & Alene Schonhaut • Susan & Irwin Schneider • Rosalyn Schwartz • Jeffrey Young • Howard & Gale Zeidman

religious school

Is it still wintry and cold where you live? Don't worry - there are lots of great indoor activities that will help you start a garden...SEE PJ LIBRARY LINK BELOW

Education Director


Our Virtues Enable Us to Appreciate Ourselves, One Another, and the Many Gifts the Earth Offers

  • We usher in 2022 by expressing our gratitude to many • Thank you to Brotherhood for sponsoring our security every Sunday. • Thank you to Sisterhood for sponsoring our Special Education Program. • A big thank you to Andrea Comerchero and Lisa Lupo for all the work they do to support the school every day and finding us the great space at Shelter Rock Jewish Center so we can continue to meet in person. • Thank you to Shelter Rock for your hospitality in hosting us while we cannot use our space.
  • The new year will bring in a new Middah (a Jewish value or virtue, that is a smart way to live.) In January our students will learn about Achrayut – the responsibility to care for ourselves, others, and the world around us.
  • The value of Achrayut is in taking action. We need to know, feel, and act regarding our responsibilities toward individual people, society in general, and the environment (including animals and all that is created by God.) Through prescribed behavior (mitzvot and rituals), Jewish culture tries to instill a healthy sense of responsibility to self and others.
  • Please join me in welcoming Morah Kayla Homapour to our Religious School Staff. She will be taking over for Michali Betesch, who is leaving us to take a full-time teaching position.
  • Congratulations to the Weprin Family on the January 15th Bat Mitzvah of Ellie!
  • Congratulations to the Wolfson Family on the January 22 Bar Mitzvah of Jared!
  • January Calendar: January 8th - Junior Congregation at 9:30am • January 9th - Kol Simkha Choir at 9:00am & Religious School Committee Meeting at 10:00am • January 14th - Shabbat Family Service / MLK Service with Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 7:30am • January 15th - Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Weprin at 10:30am • January 16th - Religious School Closed / MLK Day • January 17th - MLK Family Day of Service at Common Point Queens • January 22nd - Bar Mitzvah of Jared Wolfson at 10:30am • January 23rd - Kol Simkha Choir at 9:00am & Religious School Tu B’Shevat Program at 9:30am • January 30th - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am & Tikvah Tots Tu B'Shevat Program at 11:00am (Shelter Rock)

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and peaceful new year.

mazel tov Jared!

  • My name is Jared Wolfson, and I will be celebrating my Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, January 22nd 2022. This is a big day for me, because I have worked really hard for this day, and it is an honor to read from the Torah. My hobbies are playing football with my friends and playing tennis. I live with my parents and my older sister, Alana and a pet bunny named Midnight.
  • My Mitzvah Project was volunteering in the “Kehilat Food Pantry,” where I was able to help pack food and help people in need. Our society has suffered a lot in the past two years, because of the pandemic and I was really happy to help anyway that I could for those in need in our community. The pantry had only around 50 recipients a day and worked 2 days a week, now during Covid they work 5 days a week, serving up to 500 recipients. I am fortunate to have two wonderful and supportive parents, a fantastic sister, and all my mentors to help me get through these trying times. When a person is as fortunate as myself, I believe we should all try to give back to the community. Not only do you feel good about yourself, but it also helps the community get back on its feet and bring life back to normal.



The Magical Transformation of Our Seasons

  • Tu B’Shevat is the start of Springtime in Israel, yet right now Spring feels far away, as we look out our windows and see trees that are bare and feel the cold wind on our faces. However, we know that if we continue to remain patient, we will see the magical transformation as saplings bloom.
  • Our children teach us this same patience. Those of us with more than one child realize how each child blooms in his/her own time, just like the trees outside. We know the beauty in discovering each “season” with our children. Sometimes, it feels like the seasons will never change or evolve and then the time passes; and sure enough, we can barely remember that time.
  • At a recent Tikvah Tots Event, one of the tiniest attendees kept kicking off his shoes and socks. The mom proclaimed how he never keeps them on despite the cold weather. I smiled, recalling that phase in my own child’s growth, so long ago; and realizing that while she may no longer kick off her socks in synagogue, my 14 year old might lose her socks in the mess of her teen-covered, clothes-strewn bedroom. There is something joyful in knowing that with every new season and birth of new discoveries, there always remains some connection to the cyclical nature of Mother Earth.

May all parents trust in the knowledge that bad times will only be there for a season and good times will always come again.

Tikvah Tots Celebrating Hanukah at Shelter Rock Jewish Center on Sunday, December 5th 2021


upcoming events:

mark your calendars!

Director of Youth & Family Engagement

Cheryl Stern

As Tu B’Shevat Approaches Let Us Dream, Think Positive, and Celebrate the Power of Our Ideas - Since This is How We Grow

  • I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating Hanukah and all the wonderful events we had in December at Religious School.
  • A special thank you to all the students that attended the Havdallah / Family Trivia Game Night. Congratulations to our winners - Hope and Jeremy!
  • This month, Junior Congregation will resume on Saturday, January 8th at 9:30am; MLK, Jr. Family Day of Service at Common Points Queens will be held on Monday, January 17th - Please look for an email and registration information to follow; and on Sunday, January 23rd at 9:30am we will have our Tu B’Shevat Program during Religious School, where we will explore the meaning and traditions of this holiday.
  • On the horizon we are looking forward to beginning our Teen Program on Sunday, February 13th with a Challah Baking Program at Common Point Queens and we are working on our Purim Program for Sunday, March 13th.
  • Through participation in the community, it is our tikvah, our hope that all families will create deep and lasting bonds inside of Temple Tikvah that will radiate outside of our walls.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at


Religious School Celebrating Hanukah at Shelter Rock Jewish Center on Sunday, December 5th 2021



* Tu B'Shvat’s message is that all great accomplishments begin in a compelling idea and goal. So dream, think positive and celebrate the power of our ideas!


mazel tov!



Happy New Year…One and All!

  • It appeared for a while we might be returning to normality from the harrowing challenges of 2020. Things had begun to ease up a bit, but sadly they are not. PLEASE, continue to be careful - get vaccinated and boostered - wear your masks - and simply be proactive.
  • So, this month we are being asked to talk about Tu B’Shevat, and trees and all their glory. In Israel it is Ecological Awareness Day and this year it falls on January 16th 2022. Trees, trees, trees…I really think we take them for granted.
  • We all have periods of winter in our lives, times of darkness, coldness, and isolation, and sometimes it is hard to imagine ourselves back in a positive place ( As I am writing, I am looking out my window and see the leafless barren tree in front of my house. This particular tree is waiting for the winter to pass and bring on the spring, so that it can regain its springtime beauty.
  • I believe, as I said that we take trees for granted and this includes our environment as well. We see trees every day and sometimes we comment on the beauty of a particular tree. I have a little challenge for everyone - *without looking it up, how many different kinds of trees are there? I know we have some experts out there who could answer this question. However, I am not one of them. Off the top of my head, I have come up with: Oak, Elm, Pine, Sycamore, Cedar, Aspen, Poplar, Chestnut, Ash, Spruce, Evergreen, Magnolia, Weeping Willows, and Aspen trees?
  • Brotherhood News: In December we had our 3rd Trivia Night for our members on ZOOM. What fun we had! • On The Marc Sports Talk had a very special guest on December 23rd. Dennis Witkowski, a former member of the Washington Generals joined our show. He is from the same Generals team that played against the famed Harlem Globetrotters. What a delightful gentleman! Dennis captured the attention of our panel of sports experts with his stories of the days playing against the Globetrotters all over the world. This show can be heard on Spotify if you missed it. • Our Annual Defensive Driving Course will be on Sunday, February 20th at 10:00am in the North Shore Towers, Towers Restaurant. Please see the Weekly Updates for registration information.
  • *EDITOR’S NOTE: It is estimated that there are about 10,000 unique tree species in the world, and an average of 110,000 different species.

Happy New Year and Let Us Make 2022 a Super Year!

fun, laughs & GOOD TIMES!

TT Brotherhood Challah Delivery Team


Brotherhood Trivia Night




Tu B’Shevat and Renewal

  • January is usually thought of as a time to renew our commitments. It is interesting that Tu B’Shevat arrives on January 16th and it too brings into focus renewal. There is an emphasis on our relationship with trees which are often planted for this holiday. Chad Sugg, the musician/author said, “Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.”
  • I cannot help but relate this quote to our situation. Our leaves fell off! We are down to bare walls and floors. Yet we are encouraging each other to try again. Sisterhood has been helping the Temple with generous donations and is continuing to pay for the security guard at Shabbat Services. Sisterhood is also busy planning events, such as our Annual Fundraiser for Purim. Stay tuned to find out about our next General Meeting. And, though we were not able to have our paid-up membership brunch, we are planning to have a special end of year dinner. We are thankful that we have so many devoted Sisterhood members who yearly renew their commitment to Temple and Judaism.

In the Spirit of Tu B’Shevat, Let Us Continue to Take Care of Our Environment and One Another

Social action


Happy New Year!

  • In the cycle of seasons, this is the time we begin to look forward to the renewal of spring and have hopes that things will be better. In January we also celebrate Tu B’Shevat, “the birthday” of all trees and in our times, a holiday that symbolizes not only attachment to the land of Israel, but also recognition of our stewardship of the earth.
  • This year Social Action has been focused on the climate crisis. While national and international action is critical, there are also changes we can make closer to home. For example, you may have heard Patti Woods speak about Long Island’s waters at the Social Action Shabbat we held this year and/or have heard Jana Jacobson, who also spoke this past year at one of our events talk about the hidden dangers in personal care and home products we use every day.
  • We have a new Pledge for Action for your consideration.
  • TIP OF THE MONTH: Do you want to know what is really in all those products we use at home? Check them out at Environmental Working Group:

The next Social Action Meeting will be on Sunday, February 6th 2022 at 10:30am. Please contact for the ZOOM LINK.



Tu B’Shevat Reminds Us to Focus on the Tree of Our Torah, Our Individual and Collective Spiritual Growth, and Potential Self-Growth

  • Lunch & Learn: “More Than One Way to Worship” - Join us for a virtual field trip to Lake Success Jewish Center on Saturday, January 8th to attend Saturday Morning Services with their congregation via ZOOM. Services start at 10:00am. Following Services, at 11:30am we will have a discussion with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg to discuss the many ways of worshiping. There will be one ZOOM LINK for the 10:00am Service and a second ZOOM LINK for the L & L Discussion at 11:30am. All ZOOM LINKS will be available in the Weekly Updates. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
  • Torah Study: Torah Study with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg continues every Saturday morning at 9:00am on ZOOM. All LINKS are available in the Weekly Updates. We just started reading Sh’mot/Exodus. We leave the stories of our ancestors and B’reishit/Genesis and begin the journey to freedom. Join the discussion and see how the Torah is as timely as ever. All are welcome and no experience is required.

I wish us all a happy, healthy, and safe 2022!

caring community


Better Times Can Come in the Blink of An Eye – The Talmud

  • The past 2 years have been difficult, it has been a time of isolation, a time of worry, and has been uncomfortable for us. I think…when will we back in a positive time, how much longer will it be that we must worry about those that still have not been vaccinated, when will we be able to NOT wear a mask, and when will we be back in OUR TEMPLE? There is some comfort in thinking about the Tu B'Shevat message which tells us that in Israel, after 4 long cold months most trees have lost their leaves and been battered by harsh winds; yet just when they look ready to be cut down and used for other purposes, new life appears again. We should not let difficult times define us. Like trees, we too live our lives in cycles. Spring is coming, and as the Talmud states: “Better times can come in the blink of an eye."
  • Once again upon reviewing past articles, I wanted to reshare additional thoughts for the New Year, which hopefully will inspire us to move forward easier knowing we can cheer up ourselves by trying to bring cheer to someone else:

REMINDERS: The Creative Writing Group will next meet on Tuesday, January 18th at 7:30pm • The Afternoon Book Club will next be reviewing The Soul of a Woman by Isabel Allende (Allende presents a rich and intimate account of her lifelong commitment to feminism. For Allende, feminism is “a philosophical posture and a rising against male authority.” She further clarifies that patriarchy is “stony,” while feminism is fluid and “like the ocean, never stays quiet.” The book’s biographical details include Allende’s youthful fight for equality in sports; her early years as a journalist in Chile in the 1960s and ’70s; profiles of her beloved mother and chauvinist stepfather; and a tribute to legendary literary agent Carmen Balcells (“my mentor and my friend”), who helped Allende enter the male-dominated world of Latin American literature with the publication of her debut novel, The House of the Spirits, in 1982. Allende also memorializes her daughter, Paula, who died at age 29, and describes the foundation she started in Paula’s honor to “invest in the power of vulnerable women and girls.” Allende also discusses her three marriages and proudly takes on the mantle of “emboldened” grandmother: “We have nothing to lose and therefore are not easily scared.” This spirited call for women to continue fighting for “a joyful world” will resonate with Allende’s many fans. (Publishers Weekly) at 1:30pm on Thursday, January 20th 2022. • The Evening Book Club will next be reviewing The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles (In June, 1954, eighteen-year-old Emmett Watson is driven home to Nebraska by the warden of the work farm where he has just served a year for involuntary manslaughter. His mother long gone, his father recently deceased, and the family farm foreclosed upon by the bank, Emmett’s intention is to pick up his eight-year-old brother and head west where they can start their lives anew. But when the warden drives away, Emmett discovers that two friends from the work farm have hidden themselves in the trunk of the warden’s car. Together, they have hatched an altogether different plan for Emmett’s future. / Spanning just ten days and told from multiple points of view, Towles’s third novel will satisfy fans of his multi-layered literary styling while providing them an array of new and richly imagined settings, characters, and themes. ( at 7:30pm on Monday, January 24th 2022.

Best wishes for everyone to stay safe, stay well. Here's to a HEALTHY, HAPPY, PEACEFUL NEW YEAR!!!!!

with Gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה


  • HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECT FUND: Robert Bader in memory of Henry Wexler • Helaine & Edward Schachter in honor of Bob Bader’s Birthday
  • KEHIL FUND: Mindy Aloff • Alton Bader in honor of Robert Bader as a past president • Florence Baravarian • Diane Berger • Michael Bidner in memory of Michael Losow • Michael Blick • Betsy Jacob Biviano • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Amy & Alan Brachfeld • Marione Cassese • Brad Cetron • Sharyn & Joel Chanin in memory of Lester Bertan • Bart Cirker in appreciation of the ongoing leadership and support extended by two generations of the Spool Family • Ariel Cohen • Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Michael & Talia Cohen • Terri Cohen • Bernice Comerchero • Alan Cooper • Vincent Corrado • Amy & Thomas Cordero • The Domeny Family • Assemblyman Anthony D'Urso • Laurence Edelstein • Mary Egan in honor of Helen Lipson's 100th Birthday • Randee Epstein • Jewish Federation & Foundation • Rochelle Fischer • Judith Fisher • Judith Fisher in memory of Burt Schall • Janice Florence • Nina Foley in appreciation of Janet Spool • Sue Ginsberg • The Golden Estate in memory of Charles & Jeannette Golden • Paul & Eloise Goldberg • Mary Gorham • Marcia & Frank Gould • Gustave Greis • Steven Greenstein • Irene Haber • Stephanie Hernan in memory of Sebastiana Hernan • Alana Hollander • Andy Hollander • Andrew Hollander • Stephen & Gail Hollander • Terry Hood • Charles Hyman • Rabbi Mark Kaiserman & RTFH • Rabbi Lewis Kamrass • Peter Kassel • Ed Klein • Elysa Kritz • Audrey & Paul Korman • Cheryl Kuster • The Mah-Jongg Ladies in memory of Lester Bertan • Laurence Lande • Nicole & Rachel Lavoie • Traci & Victor Levy • Sandra Lichtenstein • Faustina Lindsay • Susan & Andre Louis • Bonnie & Bob Love • Sari Mainzer in memory of Ronald Mainzer • Mark & Robin Mandell • Cecelia Manley • Lois Marcus • The Margolin Family • Jill Marcus • Marsha Mason • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Libby Glowatz • Michele Mavrovouniotis • Jacqueline & Kevin McCorey • Denise McCreadie • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in honor of the birth of Lisa Lupo’s and Susan & Marty Siroka’s new granddaughter, Anna Bea • Bruce & Melanie Miller and Maxx, Sam & Gabe • Constance Miller • Stacy Miller • Henry Mohrman • Jacqueline Mulligan • Roni Nelson • Edna Diana Oling • Theresa Odell • Edward & Margery Orenstein • Jody & Terry Osterweil • Carol Pally • Karen Palmer • Susan Pearce • Lois Pepkin • Robert Peskin & Tracey Browning • Sandra & David Peskin • Dr. Benjamin Piltch in honor of April, Hodari & Jeremy Heron • Bill Pobiner in memory of Ted & Lee Pobiner • Larry Pollack • Sandy Portnoy • Alice Purus • Martin Ruckel • Helaine & Edward Schachter • Alene Schonhaut • Alene Schonhaut in honor of the birth of Lisa Lupo's granddaughter, Anna Bea • Glenn & Naomi Schwartz • Roni Schweer • Claire Shapiro • Deborah (Kaplan) Shapiro in memory of Edward Kaplan • Arlene Sheff • Lois Silverman • Sisterhood • Merry & Richard Slone in memory Beatrice & Benjamin Hurwood Lawrence & Jennifer Smilg • Michael & Ruth Smilg • Jeanette Louise Spangle • Sheryl & Michael Stolar • Joyce Stoner • Leo & Jane Tajuk • Richard & Brenda Tannenbaum • Candice & David Tarr • Norma Taylor in honor of Helen Lipson's 100th Birthday • Temple Tikvah Board of Trustees in memory of Libby Glowatz • Maura Turner • Thomas Walsh • Sandra Wapner • Ken & Neela Weber • Robert Weibman • Joan Wiener • Susan & Walter Witte • Jack Zaffos & Linda Lustig-Zaffos • Henry Zanetti • Maureen Zent
  • PRAYER BOOK DEDICATION: Lakeville Estates Civic Association, INC
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Lorraine Bertan • Muriel Gorochow in memory Mae Rossin • Yvette Greiff
  • SIMCHA FUND: Brotherhood in appreciation of the outing to Ben’s Restaurant • Barbara & Joseph Massey in honor of the birth of Anna Bea Siroka, granddaughter of Lisa Lupo, and daughter of Marisa and Michael • Sandra & David Peskin in honor of the birth of Anna Bea Siroka • Miriam & Steven Saunders in honor of Terry & Michael Cutler • Helaine & Edward Schachter in honor of the birth of Anna Bea Siroka; in honor of the birth of Adin Mordechai Kolios; in honor Cheryle Levine’s Birthday; in honor of Cantor Erik Contzius’ Birthday; Happy Anniversary to Meryl Root and John Romano; and Happy 20th Anniversary to Andrea & Marc Comerchero
  • SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND: Sisterhood in honor of the Special Anniversaries of: Sheila & Martin Bokser (60 years on December 24th 2021); Gale & Howard Zeidman (50 years on January 9th 2022); and Sandra & David Peskin (55 years on January 21st 2022
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Muriel Adler in memory of Betty Hersh • Lorraine Bertan in memory of Anna Appel and Howard Bertan • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch in memory of Stanley H. Bloch • Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory of Carol Cohen • Joel & Gayle Feinstein in memory of Charles Feinstein • Marc & Michele Gold in memory of Sarah Lasker, Ann Pauline Gold, and Gilbert & Evelyn Gold • Dean Hernan in memory of Sebastiana Hernan and Esther Rosen • Steven & Toby Israel in memory of Milton Israel and Ruth Beers • Joe & Judy Kirschner in memory of Elaine Kirschner • Judy & Sol Lefkowitz in memory of George Silverman • Steven Levine in memory of Frances & Joseph Levine • Bonnie & Bob Love in memory of Richard Storch • Mitchell & Judy Friedman in memory of Miriam Breakstone and Arnold Herroit • Edward & Margery Orenstein in memory of Deborah Orenstein • Karla & Orlando Osuna in memory of Mae Rossin and Ethel Brooks • Helaine & Edward Schachter in memory of Lester Bertan and Libby Glowatz • Susan Schall in memory of Sara Schall • Jack & June Schwarz in memory of Ellen Schwarz • Claire Shapiro in memory of Morton Linzer • Roslyn & Burton Tropp in memory of Max I. Goldman • Stuart & Judith Weinstock in memory of Kurt Weinstock

December yahrzeits


*JANUARY calendar

tevet - SHEVAT 5782
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 1st - NEW YEAR'S DAY / Torah Study at 9:00am
  • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5th Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm & Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th - Tikvah Tots at 6:30pm & Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 8th - Torah Study at 9:00am; Junior Congregation at 9:30am; Learning Service at 10:30am; and Lifelong Learning at 11:30am (Lake Success)
  • SUNDAY, JANUARY 9th - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am & Religious School Committee Meeting at 10:00am
  • WEDNESDAY,  JANUARY 12th - Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 13th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:30pm
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 14th - Family / MLK Service with Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th - Torah Study at 9:00am & Ellie Weprin's Bat Mitzvah at 10:30pm
  • MONDAY, JANUARY 17th - TU B'SHEVAT / MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY: MLK Family Day of Service at Common Point Queens
  • TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th - Writing Group Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19th - Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th - Afternoon Book Club at 1:30pm & On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 21st - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd - Torah Study at 9:00am & Jared Wolfson's Bar Mitzvah at 10:30am
  • SUNDAY, JANUARY 23rd - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am & Religious School Tu B’Shevat Program at 9:30am
  • MONDAY, JANUARY 24th - Evening Book Club at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26th - Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JANUARY 27th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JANUARY 29th - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • SUNDAY, JANUARY 30th - Kol Simkha Junior Choir at 9:00am & Tikvah Tots Tu B’Shevat Program at 11:00am (Shelter Rock)



Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant


Created with images by MabelAmber - "flowers twigs dry" • Wokandapix - "plan objective strategy"
