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Route 20 Corridor Study

Route 20 Study Area

Route 20 Corridor Wide Issues

Our study area was divided into four sections. Section I from Sibley Ave to Craiwell Ave, Section II from Graystone Ave to Altamont Ave, Section III from Ely Ave to Woodmont St and Section IV from Wilder Terrace to Kings Highway.

Section I Silbey Ave to Craiwell Ave

Section I Silbey Ave to Craiwell Ave

1. The roadway geometry and multiple travel lanes along with lack of traffic calming elements along the roadway are some of the factors that contribute to higher travel speeds along the corridor.

Eastbound on Route 20, from Sibley Avenue
Eastbound vehicle taking left turn into Lower Beverly Hills Road
Route 20 Eastbound between Sibley Ave and Hillcrest Ave

Section II Greystone Ave to Altamont Ave

Section II Greystone Ave to Altamont Ave

2. The road has horizontal curve along the sections 2 and 3 of the study area that could result in visibility issues that contribute to higher crashes.

3. During Spring and Fall seasons there is solar glare along this section of roadway between Craiwell Avenue and Fife Lane.

Greystone Ave
Eastbound drivers face glare from morning sun
Crosswalk between Wolcott Ave and Sherwood Ave

Section III Ely Ave to Woodmont St

Section III Ely Ave to Woodmont St

4. Higher travel speeds have contributed to multiple rear end collisions between two, three and also four vehicles. This is the most prevalent manner of collision in the study area.

5. The pavement markings have faded and there are drainage issues.

Vehicle Eastbound turning left onto Rogers Ave
Eastbound vehicle taking left turn into Mittineague Children's Center
Street markings at entrance to Fife Land

Section IV Wilder Terrace to Kings Highway

Section IV Wilder Terrace to Kings Highway

6. Multiple side streets intersect the corridor and there are two travel lanes in each direction. This has led to some courtesy crashes (in most cases angled collisions) when vehicles in nearby lane yield to approaching or waiting traffic from side streets while the vehicles in farther lane do not yield or they could not see the merging traffic.

Wilder Ave and Route 20 Eastbound
Route 20 Eastbound approaching Kings Highway
Road markings along Route 20 Eastbound

Sun glare impacts visibility along Rte. 20 (Westfield St.) in West Springfield.

For more information on the Route 20 Eastbound Crash Report, please contact Khyati Parmar at