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And now there are 12... by Jeannette Poling for

Celebrating the 12th Collie to earn the Champion Tracker title

Rory, MBISS GCH CT Chelsea Here Comes the Sun, VCD1 CD BN VST TDX MXP MJP CGC HIC received his AKC certificates for both his Variable Surface Tracking Title (VST) and his Champion Tracker Title (CT).

To earn a Champion Tracker title a dog must earn both a TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent Title) and a VST (Variable Surface Tracking Title). They are the two jewels in the Champion Tracker crown. The AKC began the Champion Tracker title in 1995. The first Collie to earn that title was in 2005: CT Highcroft Regal Rogue (Reggie). Since 2005 only 11 other Collies have earned it, and then Rory on April 17, 2022 became the 12th Collie to be designated a Champion Tracker. I am very proud that Rory belongs to such an elite group of extraordinary Collies: ones who show intelligent, fortitude and the love of working with a partner. He is five years old.

For those unfamiliar with what this entails I will list the components required to get each title, and then what Rory did. The VST requirements are: 600 - 800 yards long, 3 different surfaces (concrete, dirt, grass, asphalt, mulch), the length of each section of the track will be at 30 yards long, aged 3 - 5 hours, 4 -8 turns, there will be a start article, end article, and 2 intermediate articles: cloth, leather, metal and plastic. This type of tracking is done in an urban setting, generally a college campus or shopping center.

Rory’s VST track was 640 yards long (235 vegetation and 405 non-vegetation), 3 different surfaces (concrete, mulch, grass) articles were: small food tin, small plastic container, scarf, and leather glove, 4 turns, Rory’s VST was at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, Ca. with many distractions: students, construction vehicles, cars, loose dogs, food and litter on the ground etc. Rory is a steady confident worker who completed his VST track in 16 minutes with a bounce in his step and a happy tail wag to the judges and the team. Thank you, Paula.

The TDX requirements are: 800 - 1000 yards long, aged 3-5 hours, 5 to 7 turns, 2 intermediate articles, cross tracks by humans over 2 of the legs, and at least two obstacles. This type of tracking is done in a rural setting, generally a field or woods.

Rory’s TDX track was 825 yards long, with 4 articles (scarf, hat, sock, glove) and 5 turns through varied terrain, across wildlife trails and with human cross tracks. He completed his track with confidence, style and efficiency in 14 minutes. He earned his TDX in January 2019. Thank you Paula.

Rory’s training partner and handler is Paula Cingota from his very first TD lesson. Thank you, Paula for the many lessons over the years … so many good times, way too many to count with you, and our “Fluffy Man”!

Thank you also to the coaches who helped train Team Rory. Sally Nesbitt from the very beginning through to his VST work, and Steven Nytko for his final VST work. You are the best. Thank you Sally for your devotion to this sport of tracking. This title is a group effort and there are no words for how grateful I am to everyone who helped put this CT in front of Rory’s name.


Watching my Rory track (or actually do anything) is where joy lives. There are no words adequate to convey how proud I am of him, how much I love him, or how much joy he brings into my life. Rory is truly a Collie who “brings the sun.”

Rory was bred and is co-owned by Gayle Kaye of Chelsea Collies

Feature Story by Jeannette Poling :: May 17, 2022

See TDX Feature Story published in 2019

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