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DELVE Program includes Category 2: Outside of Thailand COURSES Outside of Thailand includeD in DELVE for the First Time After COVID-19 Pandemic

DELVE is an abbreviation of Discover, Explore, Learn, Volunteer, and Enrich. It is an experiential learning week which takes students throughout Thailand and South East Asia and into local communities. In February 2020, ISB did DELVE because COVID-19 in Thailand was not extreme at that time. In May 2021, DELVE was canceled due to the continued worldwide pandemic and the number of infected people in Thailand surged. In May 2022, ISB restarted it because the number of infections was mitigated. However, May 2022 DELVE only executed Category 1: inside of Thailand without Category 2. Finally, in December 2022, ISB is going to reopen Category 2: outside of Thailand too. The pandemic standard of Category 2 based on the presence or absence of quarantine and the number of infected people in South East Asia.

DELVE in 2020, included locations such as Bali, Bhutan, Borneo, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Northern India, Oman, Sumatra, and Vietnam. In 2022, DELVE will include locations such as Bali, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, and Sumatra. However, Bhutan, Borneo, Northern India, Oman, and Vietnam are not on the list this year. Nevertheless, there are new Malaysia DELVE courses. What hasn't changed is that all locations are Southeast Asian locations that are relatively close to Thailand. Yet, regardless of country or region, DELVE experience helps students’ have a wider point of view and cultural understanding of the world. Also, it helps to enrich the local community by service activities.

ISB uses a lucky draw number system for equality of student’s DELVE. Before the lucky draw number system was introduced, People who quickly submitted Google forms were able to get the DELVE course as they wanted. However, the first-come, first-served system was unfair, and to solve this problem, a new system called Lucky Draw Number was implemented. Still, same as previously, Senior Class has first priority sign-ups and Freshman Class has final priority sign-ups. Yet, 'speed' is no longer important to be assigned the desired delivery course, 'luck' is the most important.

Country list for DELVE may expand after COVID-19 stamps out. However, it is a complicated formality and requires approval from many officials. CAS and Service Learning Coordinator, Peter Assimakopoulos also mentioned “Expansion plans for DELVE is not up to me for the decision.” Accordingly, there is no fixed list of outside countries for DELVE in the future.

Due to DELVE being essential to graduate in ISB, students must attend. According to the DELVE Handbook, Delve helps “Enriching communities through the intellectual, humanitarian and creative thoughts and actions of our learners.” There is an adequate reason why DELVE is a required course. Hope students make a decision as to suitable and helpful DELVE courses which would help to make them as caring global citizens!


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