Students performed one act plays written and directed by fellow students on Friday, Jan. 7.
Murder Mystery... Gasp!
Written by juniors Jazlyn Jackson and Grayson Meece. Directed by senior Emma Meredith, Jazlyn Jackson and Grayson Meece
(top) Cast hold a dramatic pause to induce suspense. (bottom) Freshman Michael Washington reveals the killer to be Freshman Keygan Southern.
Written and directed by senior Sean Burke
(top left) Junior Kaylee Hardin gets yelled at and made fun of by her fellow classmates. (top right) Junior Alexandria Myles narrates the scene. (bottom) Junior December Tling reads a book to her class.
Salem Flower
Written and directed by junior Parker Large
(top left) Freshman Parker Costello falls on the ground after being struck in the head with the judges mallet by sophomore Jonathan Parks. (top right) Junior Annabelle Shrieves goes to wake Costello up after falling on the ground. (bottom) Costello sprawls out along the chair while in trial.
The Morning After
Written and directed by senior Hayden Brite
(left) Sophomore Kevin Rogers carries sophomore Annabelle Southern across the stage. (bottom right) Southern and sophomore Lexi Nix wake up next to each other.
The News Channel
Written and directed by junior Kaitlin Osborne
(top left) Sophomores Natalie Walker and Nix argue about whether or not they should include cats in the broadcast. (top right) Sophomore Jaz Surface waves an incense in Walkers face. (bottom) Cast hold hands and bow at the end of the show.
The Peasant
Written and directed by senior Ralston Bantug
(left) Freshman Lizzie Forrester holds a gun up to her face. (right) Forrester sits on the ground after being thrown through the fourth wall in awe of the audience.