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IMF An interactive ELEARNING Video series

In the following interactive videos, you can learn about current strategies and the future possibilities in the fight against climate change.

Introduction to Climate Change

The first video of a series that discusses the meaning of climate change and the areas to tackle climate change.


The stories of climate change unfold in this overview video that helps tell the story of what climate change means.
Introduction to Climate Change
To make an impact, a series of questions and answers are offered to allow viewers to interact and correspond, as the story is told with images, text and visuals.
Together, these stories weave a larger narrative of IMF’s years of advocacy, results and its positive impact on the industry.
Introduction to Climate Change
Introduction to Climate Change

Mitigation and Carbon Pricing

A broad review of the use of mitigation to tackle climate change, its costs, benefits and building blocks, including carbon pricing.

Stabilization of Global Temperatures

The narrative of adapting to climate change is better understood with this short interactive video about the goal of mitigation.
Mitigation and Carbon Pricing
Graphically the visuals can be illustrated with icons and typography to represent a display of artifacts.
Interactive Q & A creates an immersive experience and allows for reactive response to change.
Answers to the interactive questions create an immersive experience.
Mitigation and Carbon Pricing
Mitigation and Carbon Pricing

Adaptation and Resilience Building

A broad review of the use of adaptation to tackle climate change, and of national adaptation plans across the world which could increase capacity and resilience.

Global Temperature is on the Rise

Telling a story to an audience on climate change has impact and be informative. This video is driven with purpose to reduce damages that is brought on by climate change.
Adaptation and Resilience Building
Adaptation is defined as the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects in order to moderate harm or exploit beneficial opportunities.
A multiple choice of options that adaptation strategies can address are given as selective states in this interactive.
Choosing the right answer comes with a purpose statement that allows for more to think about.
Adaptation and Resilience Building
Adaptation and Resilience Building

Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy

An overview of the steps that countries must take to transition to a low-carbon economy as a long-term strategy to stabilize global temperatures.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Telling the story of low-carbon economy is a narrative that tells the tale of fossil fuels towards renewable resources and a global temperature stabilization that's not a fairy tale.
Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy
Interactive statements that define a 'low-carbon economy' help bring an immersive experience to viewers making selections with multiple choice.
Selecting multiple answers gives the audience a random definition to the question ~ thus giving the choice as the take-away.
Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy
Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy
Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy

Climate Change Video Series An Interactive Experience

Created By
David Flood Creative Strategist
