SHS holiday spiritby: Grace elder and Gretchen Turner
SHS shows holiday spirit while giving back to the community around them.
(top) Sophomore Sarah Cook sits at the front of the line greeting people and helping children with crafts. (bottom left) Junior Adam Bartley puts his elf headband on before all the children come. (bottom right) Sophomores Katie Essex and Rose Haflett work together to cut the string for the ornaments the Robotics team 3D printed. (Right) Senior Quentin Egan gives the kids an example on how to make their craft so they can make their own. Photos by Grace Elder
(top left) Margo Graphman works to sell items from her business, Christmas Jewelry Handmade. (top right) Baked goods line a table alongside twinkling Christmas lights. The booth also sold sweet bread. (bottom left) Suzanne Daly and Kim Richeson pose in front of their rack of quilts. (bottom right) A basket of elf plushies sit with customizable water bottles.