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Your Community Voice needs you!

We’re looking to recruit customers (tenants and leaseholders) of all ages, lifestyles and viewpoints to join our growing Community Voice group. We’ve no set tick list, you just need to share our desire to create the best services that we can for all. It’s a great way to make new friends and build your confidence, whilst helping us ensure our customer’s opinions really are at the heart of MHA.

Still not sure?

Let’s hear from our youngest member, who has been part of our Community Voice group since it was created in 2020:

“I first got involved in Engagement activities with MHA when there was an event put on in my local area. At the event I learnt out about a local community group and how they were trying to make the area a better place to live for everyone in the community. I was absolutely amazed by what I found out from the Engagement team, who were so passionate about helping people and building stronger safer communities.

As my confidence grew from being part of the local group, it wasn’t long before there was an opportunity to join MHA’s Community Voice group, so I jumped at the chance.

I was very nervous at first as most of the meetings were online due to the Covid pandemic and I was meeting staff who were Managers and Directors, but I needn’t have been because they were friendly & really open about the way MHA operated. They really valued our opinions and suggestions.

I was gobsmacked by the amount of influence we were having as a group and I had never dreamt that tenants could be involved in helping MHA and their fellow tenants in that way. After all we were just tenants and what did we know about housing? That was something we learnt fast, we were all tenants and leaseholders, and we were living the experience, who better to advice MHA about its services and direction. MHA were so helpful and the staff really made us feel valued and respected and supported us by offering advice, training and the use of a tablet.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances with family and work, I have had to come off the group for the time being. MHA are going to be recruiting new volunteers for the group and I would just like to say, it is important that there is a diverse group of people with open minds who can represent all the tenants and leaseholders at MHA.

I’m a mum and never thought that I would be able to contribute anything meaningful, but I was wrong, and I am so glad that I joined the group, I am sure our input has helped tenants and helped the Board make better decisions. The experience has also given me a lot more confidence, so much so that I have got a new job. Thank you MHA ! But it is now somebody else’s turn to make a difference and it really could be you…”

Be part of something that makes a positive difference!

Your Homes, Your Neighbours, Your Community, Your Voice

If you want to find out more, contact Kate Fitzpatrick for an informal chat on 0345 677 2277 or email


Created with images by Stillfx - "Team holding hands together" • enterlinedesign - "Change Concept Wooden Letterpress Type"