A message from our Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
I do hope you have had a good week.
Another half term at school is flying by. We now only have 2 weeks left to the Whit term break. During the holiday the country will celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, with an additional bank holiday to mark the occasion at the end of the Whit break. In the final week of term, we will help the children in school prepare for the celebrations, with some assemblies and a special lunch. Can I remind you please that as the extra bank holiday falls within a school holiday we have identified Friday 24th June as the additional school holiday, when St John Vianney School will be closed.
A major part of our school improvement activity this year has been around raising aspirations of pupils and developing appropriate work-related learning experiences for all our children. The process begins in Key Stage 3 with 'Careers information' lessons delivered to all classes by our Careers’ Advisor. In Key Stage 4 and 5, we begin to arrange work experience opportunities for our older pupils. We feel we have made an excellent start in this area and it is great to see the pupils engaged in a range of activities that our external partners are able to provide. Key Stage 3 pupils this term have been over to Asda in Trafford Park, to look at the range of employment opportunities that the supermarket offers and have really enjoyed the experience. In KS4, we have a class of pupils taking part in weekly employment tasks in School working with the estates, catering and admin teams each Thursday. Additionally, another class have weekly work experience at the Bishop of Salford’s residence at Wardley Hall, where they are undertaking horticultural activities. In Key Stage 5 our students are involved in work activity at CAFT, the Salvation Army and the Bread and Butter thing, which complements their preparation for adulthood learning at Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning. These opportunities are further enhanced by personalised work experience opportunities for pupils, where these can be arranged. A great start to our offer; if any parent is able to support us in providing work related experiences for a group or individual pupils it would be great to hear from you. Please do let me know if you are able to offer us anything?
We are starting this week to compile the end of year reports for your child. We will be sending these home to you in late June, so you can have a complete record of the achievements made by your child in school this year.
I hope you have a great weekend with your families.
Best wishes.
Mr A Moloney
Please note, we have made a change to the School Calendar for the summer term 2022.
Friday 24th June is now an additional School holiday for St John Vianney School. The School will be closed on this date.
This additional date is in lieu of the national holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, which falls during the Whit break on June 3rd 2022.
The term dates for 2022-23 have now been approved by the Governing Body and are now available on the School website.
Stars of the Week
Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements both academic and pastoral.
This week we are celebrating the following achievements:
- Charlie - For always working hard, being mature and setting a good example to his classmates.
- Kenzie - For asking lots of questions on the trip to ASDA and staying engaged throughout.
- Jase - For adapting well to a change of routine.
- Troy - For good regulation and improvements in classroom behaviour.
- Harley - For working hard in maths this week.
- Leon - For being a great support to his classmates.
- Damien - For working hard all week.
- Oskar - For being brave and getting deeper in the swimming pools.
- Leon - For working hard to improve his end of key stage results.
- Rhys - For an amazing 'have a go' attitude at the farm.
- Filip - For having a really good week and settling back down into his SJV routine.
- Chael - For managing his emotions well!
- Blythe - For being an always pupil.
SJV Class News
Class 7
Class 7 had an amazing first session at Forest School last week! We were introduced to the Forest and learned about the animals that live there. We also made some 'stick pets', played hide and seek, had hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows. We had so much fun, and can't wait for our next session.
Our Catholic School
This week at SJV; as part of our whole school prayer and reflection we are looking at what Pope Francis says about opportunities. He reminds us that we never walk on our own and to make the most of the opportunities we are presented with. Class 6 went on a retreat this week to Father Nick’s home at Just Youth. They had a great time exploring themes of friendships and relationship. It is important that our students have a chance to think and reflect on key issues and their faith with our wonderful chaplain.
The lead chaplains have meet to discuss prayer tables and future liturgical events, and to discuss the colour choice of our new lead chaplaincy jumpers. We will hopefully show the result to you soon!
The whole chaplaincy team are continuing to support the school, with celebrating May as the month of Mary. We have been saying the Rosary, making altars for Mary and encouraging our community to reflect and say more Hail Mary’s.
In RE this week, we have continued to look at vocation, the influence of Mary and the importance of saying and doing the Rosary. We have made our own rosary beads to use within our classes and for our prayer tables. We have also continued to look at Islam and how Mary is viewed in Islam. We are really enjoying our focus on vocation and Mary within our religious education lesson.
By Mrs Garfin
A word from our Family Liaison Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Are you and your family struggling to make ends meet and need support?
Do you live in Manchester or Salford?
From time to time, we all need a little help and sometimes it’s hard to know where to turn. Wood Street Mission helps support families living on a low income in Manchester and Salford, with practical help and services.
They can help you with children’s clothes, toys, bedding, baby equipment and toiletries through their Family Basics service, from their base in Manchester City Centre. You and your family can come along to their Book Clubs, to pick up books to take home and have a fun morning together each school holiday. Their Smart Start* project can help you with school uniform and other school kit for your children, and at Christmas they can help with gifts for your children.
Christmas is an expensive time of year for all families but we know for the families we support it can be a time of worry, stress and upset to not be able to provide presents for your children to open on Christmas Day.
How does it work?
You cannot self -refer. You need to be referred to Wood Street Mission by a professional who knows your family’s circumstances well – Contact Mrs Griffin – Family Liaison Officer if you would like her to make a referral for you to the project
All Wood Street Mission services are free for your family to access.
As a charity we rely on donations to provide the services we do, so we cannot guarantee the level of support we can offer, but will do our best to help. If you have any questions please call us on 0161 834 3140.
Mrs Julie Griffin
A few tips from our emotional and mental wellbeing team here at SJV.
This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week 2022. The official theme is ‘loneliness’ and, across the week, we are encouraged to build meaningful connections with friends, family, colleagues and communities.
Loneliness affects many of us at one time or another. We know that loneliness can be both the driver for and a product of poor mental health.
Our society is changing fast. The pandemic has given rise to a sense of loneliness and isolation undermining confidence in daily routines. In recent times, many of us have had far less access to loved ones. Tech is enabling healthcare professionals to see more patients without the need to travel, but on the other hand, convenience and cost efficiencies are driving more and more activities online.
Our workplaces are also changing. With many adapting to home and hybrid working, we need to embrace this change while building and maintaining meaningful connections with our colleagues.
Enjoy your Weekend!
Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • MNStudio - "Adorable young girl riding a bike in a city park on sunny autumn day. Active family leisure with kids." • BGStock72 - "Happy kids programming electric toys and robots at robotics classroom" • Alex Stemmers - "Footpath in a green deciduous forest on a sunny day. Idyllic summer rural scene. Environmental conservation in Europe. Travel destinations, eco tourism, recreation, walking, cycling. Panoramic view" • smolaw11 - "Video Pre-production for film movie storyboard concept : Color pencil drawing story board animation comic carton, design creative scene layout at studio. Behind process work before production films" • .shock - "people shopping in modern supermarket" • tutye - "Beautiful Oak at the sunset"