
March '22 Update

Headteacher (Acting) Message

Dates for the diary

Friday, 1 April 2022 - Last day of Term 3 before Easter Holidays

Tuesday, 26 April 2022 - Start of SQA Exam leave for S5 and S6 learners

Wednesday, 27 April 2022 - Start of SQA Exam leave for S4 learners

Monday, 2 May 2022 - May Day Holiday

Thursday, 5 May 2022 - Inset Day 5

Tuesday, 17 May 2022 - Parent Voice Meeting

Friday, 3 June 2022 - Queen's Jubilee Holiday

Monday, 6 June 2022 - June Holiday

Tuesday, 7 June 2022  - Change of timetable and end of SQA Study Leave


We are pleased to share with you that 8 pupils from our S2 Creative Writing Elective class taught by Mr Burnett and Miss Greig have been chosen to have a poem published in the Young Writers' Empowered Competition Book, 'Empowered 2022 - Inner Wonders':

Sports Update

We were represented at the recent Scottish Schools Indoor Athletics Championships. Two pupils performed exceptionally:

  • Katie Sandilands won a bronze medal in the U16 Girls 800m.
  • Anastasia Cotorobia achieved 5th place in the Final of the U16 girls 300m
Katie with her bronze medal

Foodbank Friday

On Friday, 25 March we held "Foodbank Friday" in support of the Kirkcaldy Foodbank. Pupils and staff were offered the opportunity to donate food to support people in our community.

Ukraine Collection

Organised by Mrs Robertson (PT Pupil Support), Mrs Johnstone (Support Services Co-ordinator) and Mrs Williams (Teacher of RME), Balwearie High School's pupils, staff and parents donated enough items to fill 2 van loads of aid for Ukraine in just a few days. Items included medical supplies, clothes, pushchairs, tents, sleeping bags, toiletries and food. Our donations were taken by an Edinburgh based charity directly to Ukraine.

Developing the Young Workforce - Apprenticeship Week

Scottish Apprenticeship Week ran from 7 - 11 March. Miss Purves (PT DYW) developed a daily newsletter, raising awareness amongst staff and learners. These newsletters can be found in the following link to our school website.


Pupil Apprenticeship Success

One of our current S6 - Ceryss Conroy - successfully secured an apprenticeship at Arnold Clark! She has worked so hard during the application process and in preparation for the interview itself - she will be an asset to their team.

Parent Voice

Balwearie’s Parent Voice hold meetings once a term to enable parents and carers to hear what’s happening at school, ask questions about school life and make suggestions. The school welcomes parental involvement!

Have a look on the school website in the PARENT section and find the new PARENT VOICE – SAY IT OUT LOUD. This is an easy way to contact us so that we can raise an issue with the school on your behalf if you can’t make it along to the next meeting or to let us know what we could be doing to help support you.

The next meeting is on 17 May 2022 at 7pm. Most likely it will be virtual again. Please consider joining us for an hour that evening. A link to the meeting will be posted on the school website in the NEWS section so it should be straightforward to join.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Louise and Josephine



Introducing the Modern Languages Department

‘We currently offer 2 foreign languages at Balwearie High School: French and Spanish. Our aim in the Modern Languages Department is to enable pupils to communicate at their own level in the foreign language they are studying. Through learning a foreign language we strive to develop cultural awareness in all our pupils irrespective of their background or country of origin.

Pupils will continue with the language started in primary school through to the end of S3, when they will make their choices for S4.

Pupils are given experience of the four skills involved in learning a foreign language: talking, listening, reading and writing.

We aim to maintain and stimulate lasting pupil curiosity, interest and enjoyment in their chosen foreign language(s) by providing a happy, safe and enjoyable atmosphere where pupils can achieve their potential.

Check out our twitter feed: https://twitter.com/BalwearieML

And our Instagram: balwearie_ml

Mr Leslie

Principal Teacher Modern Languages - Teacher of French

Languages Spoken: French, German, Dutch

Favourite European Cities: Cologne (Germany) & Prague (Czech Republic)

Ideal Lunch: moules frites, baguette et bière blonde (Mussels and chips, bread and lager)

Favourite European actor: Gerard Jugnot (‘les Choristes’, ‘Monsieur Batignole’)

3 things I love about life in France:

  • Hot freshly baked bread – delicious !
  • Beautiful cities/scenery – some of the nicest places to visit on the planet
  • Shopping in a hypermarket – such choice ! So much cheese !

What I really don’t like about France: Having to pay to use a toilet in a restaurant

Favourite Words in a Foreign Language: 1. Spiegelei - (German for ‘fried egg’) 2. Chagrin – (French for ‘sadness/regret’)

Mrs Brown

Teacher of French and Spanish

Languages Spoken: French, Spanish, Italian (and I have also studied Latin and Russian)

Favourite European cities: Paris and Marseille (France), Rome (Italy), Málaga (Spain)

Ideal Lunch: Tarte Flambée and a glass of Riesling (Bacon and onion tart from Alsace with a glass of white wine)

Favourite European Singer: Edith Piaf – a French singer famous in the 1940s / 50s who sang the songs “Je Ne Regrette Rien” and “La Vie en Rose”

3 things I love about life in France OR Spain

  • Hearing French or Spanish being spoken all around me and understanding the locals’ conversations.
  • Sitting in an outside café watching the world go by.
  • The beautiful and diverse architecture in different cities.

What I really don’t like about France:

  • Driving on the other side of the road.
  • Toilets!

Favourite Words in a Foreign Language:

  • Dégueulasse – disgusting (French)
  • Chiacchierare – to chat, gossip (Italian)

Mrs Fenelon

Teacher of French and Spanish

Languages Spoken: French, Spanish, German

Favourite European Cities: Paris (France), Florence (Italy), Heidelberg (Germany), Barcelona (Spain)

Ideal Lunch: Bouillabaisse (French fish soup)

Favourite European Actor/Singer: Actor-Omar Sy (Lupin, Untouchable), Singer – Héloïsse Letissier (Christine and the Queens)

3 things I love about life in France OR Spain:

  • Café life – being able to sit in the sun and enjoy food/drink in a café.
  • Being able to go out in the evening, without a jacket!
  • Fresh food markets in the town square.

What I really don’t like about France: Smelly toilets/drains.

Favourite words in a foreign language: Sacapuntas (Spanish for pencil sharpener), Ananas (French for pineapple)

Miss Lafferty

Teacher of Spanish and French

Languages Spoken: French, Spanish

Favourite European Cities: Madrid, Paris, Barcelona

Ideal Lunch: Chorizo, queso de cabra (goats cheese) and vino blanco (white wine)

Favourite European Actor/Singer: Antonio Banderas

3 things I love about life in Spain:

  • The sun.
  • The beaches.
  • Speaking Spanish!

What I really don’t like about Spain:

  • All the different regional versions of the Spanish language.

Favourite words in a foreign language:

  • Sacapuntas - (pencil case).
  • Guapo - (good looking).
  • Desafortunadamente - (unfortunately).

Mrs S Low

Principal Teacher Guidance – Teacher of French

Languages Spoken: French, German, Italian I am currently learning Danish on the DuoLingo app on my phone

Favourite European Cities: Berlin (Germany) and Copenhagen (Denmark)

Ideal Lunch: Tapas / vin rouge (tapas and red wine)

Favourite European Actor/Singer: Javier Bardem (Skyfall/ Vicky Cristina Barcelona/ No Country for Old Men)

3 things I love about life in France:

  • The lovely pâtisseries.
  • Never-ending lunches.
  • The way French shops gift wrap everything for you.

What I really don’t like about France: Unnecessary form-filling for just about everything!

Favourite words in a foreign language :

  • Libellule- (French for dragonfly).
  • Pantoufles- (French for slippers).
  • Crepuscolo- (Italian for twilight).

Introducing the Music Department

Part of the Expressive Arts Faculty, the Music Department is a busy place, with opportunities for all! As well as our 4 classroom staff, we also welcome 10 Instrumental Instructors to the Department during the week, further increasing opportunities to learn instruments for many. Learning a musical instrument or singing has a positive effect on both our social and emotional wellbeing as well as brain development. As such, it is a core aim of the Department that every student finishes first year being able to play music on at least one instrument.

As well as music in class, we also offer the following extra-curricular opportunities. The Department also put together concerts annually - see the website for our latest offering. To get involved, see below or speak to a music teacher.

  • S1-S3 Junior Choir - Thursday lunchtimes in C302 - Everyone welcome!
  • S4-S6 Senior Choir - Tuesday lunchtimes in C304 - Everyone welcome!
  • Guitar Group - Wednesday interval/lunchtime (rotates) - All guitarists welcome!
  • Jazz Group - Monday lunchtimes in C304 - All students who play a Jazz instrument welcome!
  • Folk Group- Wednesday lunchtimes in C302 - All students who play a folk instrument welcome!
  • S1-S3 Junior Strings - Friday 12:30pm in C304 - All Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass players welcome!
  • S3-S6 Senior Strings - Thursday 3:45pm in C304 - All Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass players welcome!
  • Wind Band - Tuesday 13:45pm in C304 - All Woodwind and Brass players welcome!
  • Brass Band - Wednesday lunchtimes in C304 - All Brass players welcome!
  • Percussion Group - Thursday lunchtimes in C306 - All Percussion lesson students welcome!
  • Bagpipe Group - Tuesday lunchtimes in C302 - All Bagpipe lesson students welcome!

Mr Harlow

Faculty Head Expressive Arts

How/Why did you become a Music Teacher? Whilst I studied engineering initially at university, I have always loved and played music, playing in bands and teaching violin to earn extra money. I enjoy the never-ending challenge of trying to help people improve and believe that every young person can achieve, and this is why I became a Music Teacher.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Smurfs Go Pop!

Miss Charnley

Music Teacher

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I was always interested in music and musical theatre in particular. I was involved in several shows as a kid and was determined to be on a stage. I had amazing Music Teachers at school who mentioned going to study music and become a classical trained singer as it would give me a bit of an edge. I started volunteering at a local high school whilst at uni and had a complete change of heart. The holidays are not too bad either.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Spice World by The Spice Girls

Miss Douglas

Music Teacher

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I picked up the viola at age 8, but it was during S1 at secondary school when I started learning drum kit and guitar I realised I’d be happy doing this every day. Another couple of instruments and four years at Aberdeen Uni later, multiple years at various schools and a stint as a cello instructor and here we are! Also, the holidays aren’t bad...

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Step One by Steps

Mrs Normand

Music Teacher

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I was lucky to have some supportive Music Teachers who encouraged me in my time at school. I became a Music Teacher with the hope of being a person that could help pupils develop their musical skills and knowledge and support them in realising their ambitions.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Smurfs Go Pop!

Mr Clarke

Violin/Viola Instructor

How/Why did you become a music teacher? Having played violin professionally for a number of years, I returned from Australia with a young family. Having a school instructing job fitted perfectly with this.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Twist and Shout

Mrs Morrison

Percussion instructor

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I’ve got a MMus in Music Performance on Percussion however wanted to change to be a teacher for the holidays!

My favourite thing to be involved in playing and teaching is percussion ensembles.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Kylie by Kylie Minogue

Mr Anderson

Guitar instructor

How/Why did you become a music teacher? In the last year of school, a couple of friends asked if I would teach them guitar. It gave me the idea that I could aim to do it as a profession, with the appropriate study and focus.

I've been obsessed with Music for all the life I can remember, so it gives me purpose to feel I can impart some of the knowledge and skills I have acquired, to others.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Ghostbusters OST

Mr Fraser

Double Bass instructor

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I became a Music Teacher because my passion is music and I have a special interest in all the low string instruments. Being able to spark an interest in pupils in the bassy side of things is the best part of being an instructor.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Cool for Cats by Squeeze

Ms Drever

Piano instructor

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I became a Piano Teacher because I loved listening to all the piano concertos my mum used to play on her old record player and just thought it was the best sound.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? A 7inch single Popcorn - I was 7 years old and it featured new electronic sounds!

Ms Pettican

Woodwind instructor

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I always knew I wanted to be an Instrumental Instructor but after I graduated from Strathclyde Uni's BA Applied Music course there weren't any jobs available in Fife. Then one day, my former Instructor, Mrs Craib, came into the restaurant I was working in at break for a coffee and said there was a post coming up. I started teaching in Primary Schools one day a week and gradually built up to a full-time position and tutoring and two of the regional bands.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? After Hours by Tenor Sax player Scott Hamilton

Mrs Furness

Cello instructor

How/Why did you become a music teacher? I wanted to become a Cellist after hearing The Swan by Camille Saint-Saens.

What was the first album/record you ever bought? Locomotion by Kylie Minogue

Our other instructors not pictured are;

Mrs McLaughlin, Brass Instructor

Miss Muir, Bagpipes Instructor

Mr Brown, Snare Drum Instructor


Created with images by webandi - "calendar wall calendar days" • Hero Images/Hero Images - "View from behind of girls on soccer team." • Maksym Dragunov - "Ukrainian flag" • dizain - "OLA (Hello Greeting in Portuguese) word cloud in different languages of the world with marker" • Pixel-Shot - "Man teaching little girl to play piano"