The Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asia Schools, IASAS for short, has been an integral part of ISB’s culture since its formal inception in 1981, however, the pandemic has caused a mass disruption over the past three years which was heavily endured by the world.
But after 972 days since the preceding tournaments, IASAS finally took place from the 6th to 8th October 2022, with roughly 600 athletes traveling between the six member schools dispersed around Southeast Asia. The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) and ISB hosted the three sports, with our soccer athletes traveling, and our volleyball and cross country athletes playing in front of the home crowd. This article will highlight the event as a whole from the eyes of an organizer of the event here in Bangkok, as well as an ecstatic fan who absorbed all the action.
What returned?
Weeks before the arrival of the event, it seemed like the hexagonal norm of six member schools competing seasonally would be compromised, when the Taipei American School were uncertain about their participation. As of September of 2022, Taiwan still held relatively stringent COVID-19 measures, which made international travel and re-entry ever-so intricate. However, order was restored when their participation was confirmed a mere three weeks before the event was marked to begin.
So yes, IASAS truly was back. With all six member schools, the championship was up for grabs after a two year hiatus.
In terms of ISB events, many regulars made a return too. Firstly, food vendors were back! An integral part of the panther spirit, the incredible makeshift stalls which line the breezeway made a return, serving hungry athletes, fans, and tournament officials for three days straight. What's an IASAS without the food stalls, they all say. Well, not as enticing. Over the two years of the pandemic, with the ceasing of food consumption in all areas except the cafeteria, enjoying a game with a sizzling warm burger was impossible. However, those times have finally returned.
Why was this year different?
After taking a two year intermission, things were bound to be different, and right off the bat, it was apparent. Firstly, a clear disparity between the level of play from school to school was present based on their level of normality throughout the pandemic. Event sweepers, the Taipei American School Tigers, won both Male and Female Volleyball, as well as clearing the field in male cross country. All top six runners in the race were from TAS, allocating them the maximum number of points achievable; this marked the first time in IASAS history where this feat occurred. What can also be noted was Taiwan’s negligible brush with COVID, which allowed the American School to remain open for roughly 4 out of 5 semesters within the pandemic. Clearly, this had an effect on the results, as student athletes were given more time to develop and train.
Obviously, soon the playing field will be evened against once teams gain the chance to get valuable time under their belt, but currently, the lasting effect COVID has had is still noticeable.
IASAS is back. And it is back like it never left. The tri-annual sporting and arts event is one of the most memorable parts of the year, as well as for students. The return of the event does not only mark the resumption of a regular spectacle, but also acts as a symbol of our community’s resilience and determination to bring back what belongs to society.