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BettaTheProducer The Experience

A self taught musician and producer;

Betta has decided to come from behind the shadows of being the creator of the tunes and sounds we have heard over the years to now being the man who performs them. “With so many gifts, this man would be a fool not to maximize his abilities and show the world his amazing gift and knack for taking nothing and turning it into something, said Maxine Mitchell Chief Editor of “We Got Next Magazine” I

Working with Heatmakerz, Wyclef Jean and a host of world re-known producers and musicians, what better time than now to take his 20 years plus musical experience and share it with the world on a whole different level.

Betta has released 7 projects in the time span of 3 years with more music to follow. His debut EP “FRESHNESS” was released in October of 2019. Unable to create an effective campaign due to the Pandemic that hit in early 2020, his creativity still took flight. At a time when the music industry was severely hampered and slowed due to the world-wide Pandemic, it did not quench his passion for his love for music. Even though it made marketing sales and promotion somewhat difficult Betta was not deterred. Betta began to work even harder collaborating with other up and coming artist encouraging everyone to record and push their talents to their maximum potentials.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to some, and introduce to others Betta The Producer formally known as Moe Betta.

October 15th 2019
July 4th 2020
October 27th 2020
November 10th 2020
January 28th 2021
Released on July 9th 2021
Release on October 8th 2021

Recording at Quad Studios Manhattan New York

The Love of Music brings the joy in Life
The Boss
To MoeMent and all it’s Success
Performing The Hit record “Smile” Betta The Producer ft. Musiqq Child
Available Now!
Coming Soon!
Release May 29th 2023
Electronic Press Kit