
Minera VA School Newyddion Friday 20th January 2023/Dydd Gwener, Ionawr 20 2023

'Love Your Neighbour As Yourself' Matthew 22:39
'Love the Lord Your God' Mark 12:30

God will guide us to be:


It has been a disruptive week with snow and ice causing problems at drop off and pick up times. Thankfully, we were able to open as normal and everyone kept safe. The children have really enjoyed playing in the snow in school as you can see from the photographs.

Fun in the snow

Happy Birthday to these children who are celebrating their birthday this month:

  • Lily
  • Martha
  • Ellis
  • Ronnie
  • Ethan
  • Mia
  • Aradia
  • Stanley
  • Jamie
  • Gaja
  • Evan
  • Grace
  • Layla
Our Best

Look at our wonderful week of learning. We are very proud of our children for trying their best and not giving up.

Visit to Chester Zoo

On Monday, children from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed a visit to Chester Zoo. Everyone had a really enjoyable time at the zoo despite the cold weather.

Other News

Teachers’ Strike Action 2023

You will be aware that strike action will take place on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 1 February
  • Tuesday 14 February
  • Wednesday 15 March
  • Thursday 16 March

We are currently waiting for guidance from Wrexham County Borough Council as to how this action will effect schools in Wrexham.

Year 3 and 4 Class Worship

We would like invite parents, family and friends to the Year 3 and 4 Class Service on Friday 27th January at 9:30am. Everyone welcome! The hall doors will open at 9:00am.

Nursery Applications for September 2023

Nursery Places are now open to children who will have their 3rd birthday on or before 31st August 2023. Watch the video below for information on how to apply for a place at Minera School. Please share with family and friends.

We have already received a large number of applications for our Nursery class. If you would like to visit Minera School or you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

App Guides for Families

HWB have produced a collection of guides to provide parents and carers with key information about the most popular social media and gaming apps children and young people are using today.

The guides include a detailed overview of the app, outlining the age rating and key terminology. They also highlight the risks each app poses to young people and give detailed instructions on how to enable parental controls and safety settings.

This guide can also help parents and carers have a conversation with their child about a sensitive issue. Click on the button below to access the guides.

Diary Dates

  • 27th – Year 3 and 4 Class Worship
  • 3rd - NSPCC TT Rockstars Competition
  • 8th - Safer Internet Day
  • 10th – Visit to Coedpoeth Library
  • 16th – First Experience Music Session for Year 3 and 4
  • 17th – School Closes for Half Term
  • 27th – School Re-Opens
  • 1st to 3rd – Nant BH
  • 1st - St David's Day
  • 6th – Minera World Book Day
  • 31st – School Closes for Easter Holidays
  • 17th – School Re-Opens for Summer Term

Contact Information

Phone: 01978 269500
Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk
Website: www.mineraprimary.com
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter