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St John Vianney Newsletter 20.05.2022

A message from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are rapidly approaching the end of another half term in school. Although the period since Easter has been relatively short, 5 school weeks, we have been very busy with lots of activity for pupils to engage with. There is a very positive feel to the school each day and our many visitors reflect on the calm and productive atmosphere that our pupils contribute so well too. The pupils are showing excellent lesson ‘readiness’ each day and this supports the staff in creating fun and creative lessons for our children to learn in. The wide range of enrichment activities, we offer, continues to complement the formal curriculum in bringing learning to life. Thank you for your support and help in preparing your children for school each day; it is really appreciated.

We have sent home this week ballot papers, for our election of a new Parent Governor. We have 2 candidates, who have prepared short citations for you to consider, which were sent home to you earlier this week by post. The role of the Governing Body is essential in supporting and challenging the leadership of the school and is an equally important role in representing the body of parents and carers of our school community. Please do take the opportunity to vote and to submit your ballot papers to the Admin office by Wednesday morning next week. We will inform you of the outcome of the election next week.

I hope you and your families have a safe and restful weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr A Moloney


Please note, we have made a change to the School Calendar for the summer term 2022.

Friday 24th June is now an additional School holiday for St John Vianney School. The School will be closed on this date.

This additional date is in lieu of the national holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, which falls during the Whit break on June 3rd 2022.

The term dates for 2022-23 have now been approved by the Governing Body and are now available on the School website.

Stars of the Week

Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements both academic and pastoral.

This week we are celebrating the following achievements:

  • Arshvin -For leading a game with his peers during independence.
  • Dylan -For working hard staying on task to complete his BTEC units.
  • Kyan -For another excellent week at school and for trying really hard to improve his handwriting.
  • Theo -For joining in well during PE lesson- Well done Theo!
  • K-Leum -For great improvement in his behaviour!
  • Jenna -For working really hard in class and trying her best in her friendship groups.
  • Abdul -For coping well with a change to routine and having calmer lunchtimes.
  • James -For showing increased confidence with his speaking, independence skills and in general, whilst in Post 16.
  • Miya -For being resilient in maths lessons.
  • Andrew -For a brilliant attitude to all aspects of school.
  • Leah -For making the right choices both in her lessons and in her own recreation time.
  • Renee -For a much-improved approach to her lessons.

SJV Class News

Class 6

The weather was sunny and all students were able to work as part of a team to make their own dens.

On Tuesday we visited Chorlton Post Office.

The challenge for the students was to split into two groups and find out the following:

• What is the difference between a 1st Class stamp and a 2nd class stamp.

• What bills can you pay at the post office?

All students worked really well cooperatively.

Miss Ball delivered an engaging 'Food and Nutrition' session this week too. The class got to try a variety of healthy foods, with very pleasing results. What a busy week!

Class 1

Class 1 have had 2 fantastic days at CAFT this week. We’ve fed and walked the animals, played on the park, explored the forest and had tons of fun on the inflatable slide!

Class 5

What a varied and busy week we’ve had here in Class 5!

In food technology we enjoyed cutting fruit, and trying new foods. We went twitching, and saw lots of different birds. We ticked off the birds as we found them in the playground.

We also had a fantastic time at the Children's Adventure Farm! We toasted marshmallows, used the sensory rooms and spent a lot of time on the playground!

Class 9

Class 9 have worked hard with Mr Dumville in the school garden during their horticulture lessons this week.

Class 3

Class 3 had a great time at Longford Park on Thursday. They played disc golf in the sun.

Class 12

This week in Photography, Post 16 visited The Northern Quarter, in Manchester. Using SLR cameras and IPads the students were able to take photographs of street art and signs and symbols. The students worked really hard and gathered a range of interesting images for their coursework.

Happy Birthday

It was great celebrating Tyler’s 17th birthday with him last week. We had a party and enjoyed some cakes, crisps, drinks and popcorn.

Happy birthday Tyler, from all the Staff and Pupils of Class 12.

Class 7

Class 7 have enjoyed spending time in the new library. We have all visited, spent time reading there, and we chose a few books to bring back to the classroom. We look forward to spending some more peaceful time here.

Class 13

Class 13 have been working indoors this week at Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning because of the rain. They all worked really hard and were a massive help.

Class 8

Class 8 had the privilege of cleaning the goat area during our visit to the farm. The cheeky goats had escaped and were running around the barn, helping themselves to all the snacks they could eat; great team work guys!

Poetry by Heart Competition

Mr Lomax and Mrs Garfin, working with pupils in Class 8 have been developing their poetry development skills this year. Mr Lomax, our Poet in Residence, has worked with children in all classes developing a deeper understanding and a love for poetry, which has improved our pupils’ literacy skills significantly.

Mr Lomax has also entered pupil compositions into a national ‘Poetry by Heart’ competition. We were thrilled to hear this week that our entries have been highly commended by the poetry experts in the panel and they have recognised the achievement of our pupils by awarding certificates and sending each child a personalised letter, with feedback on their entry.

We hope that some of the entries will make it to the national final in late June, in London

Well done all Class 8 for their combined entry and Sian, Leah and Hassan for the recognition they received for their individual poems. Well done also to Mr Lomax and Mrs Garfin. A great news story to share!

Mr A Moloney

Our Catholic School

Our school prayer focus this week is looking at 'Scripture' and reminding ourselves the importance of love in our lives. ‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love’. Corinthians 13.

Within our Catholic school this week, the chaplaincy continues to help support the school during the month of May. Encouraging their classes to say the Hail Mary and making sure Mary is reflected on their prayer table.

The leaders of the Chaplaincy team met to discuss their leaderships and roles and how they would ‘Make a Difference’ to the chaplaincy. We also discussed and voted for the colour of the new leaders’ jumpers! (All the colours were based on key liturgical colours). Hopefully, before the end of the term we will be able to show you the result.

In Religious Education this week we have continued on our focus on Mary during the month of May. Saying our prayers to Mary, making pictures and statues for our prayer table.

It’s has been an exciting time within Year 11 and Post 16 as we have been completing our folder ready for moderation and grading for their Salford Diocesan Certificate in RE. Hopefully, we will all be successful so that we can graduate and collect our certificates from the Bishop, later in the year.

By Mrs Garfin

A word from our Family Liaison Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Merlin’s Magic Wand is a worldwide charity for children they arrange magical days out at Merlin Entertainments attractions, such as LEGOLAND Resorts®, SEA LIFE Centres and Madame Tussauds.

On their magical days out, families have a chance to create long-lasting memories and take valuable time out from stressful daily routine

What they do: Merlin’s Magic Wand supports seriously ill, disabled and disadvantaged children by supplying tickets and travel grants to enable them to visit our attractions – however, some children are faced with conditions and circumstances that prevent them from making the trip. This is why they invest in 'Taking the Magic to the Children'.

'Taking the Magic to the Children' is a local outreach project, designed to ensure that local children, who are prevented from visiting our attractions due to severe illness, physical disability or other exceptional circumstances still have the opportunity to experience the unique magic of Merlin.

Click on the link to find out how to find out more!

Mrs Julie Griffin

As the weather begins to improve we tend to take to the outdoors for numerous activities. How about trying some yoga?

Yoga has lots of personal and health benefits, such as relieving pain, supporting your immune system, strengthening your spine, heart and joints and it can help to focus your mind, improve your mood and help you to sleep.

Maybe this weekend, take to the outdoors and try some yoga poses, whether on your own or get your family to join in, there are plenty of free videos online which show you how to do it. Have a go and see the benefits for yourself.

Enjoy your Weekend!


Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • Raymond - "Tools needed for gardening aligned along an ivy plant in pot, including a watering tank, a pair of gloves and rake and a shovel." • Mat Hayward - "Men playing disc golf " • Alessandro Biascioli - "Street artist painting a colorful graffiti " • vectorfusionart - "Teacher and kids using digital tablet in library" • Ольга Альперович - "White goat in the village close up"
