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Winter 21'-22' EJC Arboretum

Dear Friends of the Arboretum,

What an amazingly frosty and snowy winter we've had this year! It has been unlike most any Virginia winter that I've experienced in a very long time, if ever, in this century. To have the snow and cold stay around for so long created a winter wonderland here at the Arboretum for 5 weeks! It has been a delight to see all the lighting and mood changes, sound changes, and utter still silence that some of the colder days have ushered in. We've had fog roll in over the snow, sun on snow, new snow on top of ice and snow, and snowdrifts. With the snowcover now gone, any sign of spring popping up through the ground in February will be all the more apparent and welcome.

Please excuse our mess in the pavilion area and pavilion parking lot. A very exciting undertaking is ongoing there with the installation of our new At Home in the Woods Family Garden. The contractors will be working in that area through March and possibly into early April while the artisans and landscapers will be on site through May and into June. We aren't sure when the snow fence will come down and the parking lot reopened. Once the large trucks have finished their part, the main trail may be open again, even if the pavilion area is still off-limits to visitors. We hope to dedicate the garden in June!

In 2022 and 2023, the Arboretum will have a focus, a theme, we are calling Forest Soundscapes which will include Healing through Sound and Birdsong Soundscapes. Sounds are such an important part of the feeling of finding sanctuary that comes with spending time here or in any forest. Whether the music to your ears is the sound of a stream flowing over rocks, wind blowing through the branches, the rustle of leaves underfoot, the birds chirping and flitting around from within the shrubs and understory, or the sounds of children laughing; this impact on our auditory system helps us to feel safe and allows our guards to come down when in a natural area. These sounds are not only calming but can profoundly affect our health and one's sense of well-being.

A meta-analysis of 18 different sound studies found that water sounds were often the most effective at affecting mood, while birdsongs were best for lowering stress. Summertime recordings from 66 national parks were played for participants in lab settings across the world, and the most significant outcome for these participants was decreased stress and annoyance. Additionally, many reported decreased pain and improved mood, while everyone performed better on cognitive tests. Other studies of huge groups from around the world found that people who lived near or in green spaces tended to live longer than those who did not have access to much green space. Just two hours per week are needed in a natural setting to have a significant effect on a greater sense of well-being.

I encourage you to go for a walk or sit a spell at a bench or near streamside and simply listen. The Arboretum has a multitude of year-round birds living and singing here, and many more who migrate through starting in March. Come visit the trails and take a birdsong walk while you breathe in the immune-boosting aromatherapy compounds of the forest. Listen up! Listen in! The forest is singing to you. Click here to open a new tab and experience the healing sound of singing birds as you enjoy our newsletter.

May the sounds of nature soothe your soul this season,

Jan Sievers Mahon, EJC Arboretum Director

Mark your Calendar!

2022 Frances Litten Lecture

An In-Person or Virtual Learning Experience for 2022!

This year, the annual Frances Litten Lecture will be returning to an in-person reception and lecture with the option to attend virtually! Please RSVP as seats are filling quickly.


As communities navigated through the challenges of the past year, awareness surrounding the importance of caring for outdoor spaces has grown exponentially. Parks, campgrounds, and local/state/national forests were heavily sought after, as people became more engaged in outdoor recreation opportunities. As we begin our journey through 2022, the Edith J. Carrier Arboretum continues its mission to serve as a beautiful urban sanctuary that blossoms with educational opportunities, accessible to our local community, students, and visitors.

Along with all of our friends who help protect and care for these spaces, we invite your support. We ask you to join our environmental stewards and supporters this Giving Day, February 22, 2022. Help us maintain and care for this forest sanctuary where we play, relax, exercise, learn, and become healthier individuals, together. Save the date (2-2-’22, "2's-Day") and look for a link to be shared that day to support your favorite public urban garden and forested greenspace in Harrisonburg, the Edith J. Carrier Arboretum at James Madison University.

If you would like to make your contribution today:

Education On Many Levels!

We are fortunate to have many beautiful outdoor spaces to offer educational and recreational opportunities at the EJC Arboretum. Staff is focused on offering your favorite returning in-person activities alongside new exciting programs that provide comfortable, engaging, and enlightening experiences.

JMU Intern, Hannah Martin, organized with staff a new spin on the returning Fairy House/Gnome Home Building youth program that was enjoyed by local preschool-elementary age children.
Participants of our Wondercraft: The Beauty of Snowflakes learned how to make snowflakes shaped like animals!
A Snowflake Snake!
Have you ever seen what a snowflake looks like at a microscopic level? These photos were captured as snowflakes fell on a sweater.

Katie Rankin | Education Coordinator

Katie Rankin, Education Coordinator

"It's been an exciting time for me as the new education coordinator. We have rebooted some favorite past programs and are expanding our offerings for young children through teens going into the spring. We have an intrepid group of JMU student interns who are actively increasing their nature knowledge, preparing to be tour docents this spring for the many school groups we hope to welcome on field trips, and helping me plan new and exciting programs for our community. For current and future educators, we are pleased to announce we are hosting two nationally recognized professional development workshops for nature education this March, Project WILD & Aquatic WILD, and Project Learning Tree. Please see our website for more information about registering. This spring we will also kick off a new Nature Study series for youth where we focus in each session on a particular plant that's in bloom at the time. I invite you to keep an eye on our website as spring approaches for more details and dates."

Winter Window Wonderings

Did you know the retention of dead plant organs that normally shed, such as leaves that are still in tact during mid-Winter months is called marcescence? Check out the marcescent oak leaves in the below photo!

A Snow Blanketed Winter

This snowy winter has created many opportunities for magical walks in the EJC Arboretum.

Snow is our winter mulch while insulating the soil and plants.

Many of our programs and activities for the upcoming year celebrate our theme, "Forest Soundscape". When remembering what sounds you experience in the forest, one of the most noticeable is birdsong. The Virginia Cooperative Extension provides resources on how to become more familiar or identify common species of birds in Virginia.

We invite you to check out the E-Bird Link on our website to see what birds your friends and neighbors of have observed in the EJC Arboretum, learn about different species including their sounds and habits, and join in by submitting your own bird sounds and sightings!

Visit eBird on our Website

Enjoy this video to associate bird species with their sound.

Save the Date!

Spring Celebration Plant Sale

The EJC Arboretum will have native plants and cultivars during our Spring Plant Sale. Online ordering will be available.

Member Plant Sale Day | April 21 | 9 AM - 3 PM

Spring Celebration Plant Sale | April 22 - 23, April 25 - 29, May 2 - 7 | 9 AM - 3 PM

Art Exhibition

Featuring Fine Artist and Nature Journalist - Kelli Hertzler

Artist Statement:

Living in view of the Shenandoah National Park for the last two decades, Kelli Hertzler frequently paints the mountains as she observes them with all the changes brought on by the seasons, time of day and weather. She hikes the mountains around the valley and kayaks the Shenandoah River with art supplies in tow to capture the experience of living in one of God's most beautifully created places. Some pieces will feature vistas and landscapes; others will focus on the details, the small things that escape notice, the 'microscapes' all around us.

Kelli Hertzler has a BS in Fine Art from JMU with a minor in biology. She teaches art classes and journaling workshops, and exhibits her work. She lives in McGaheysville, Virginia. Visit her website at

Kelli's art is displayed at the Frances Plecker Education Center until February 25. Original pieces and prints are available for purchase Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM.

Gift Shop Goodies

Frances Plecker Education Center

Monday - Friday | 8 AM - 4 PM

Did you know we have a gift shop at the FPEC? Stop by during the week to pick out a new shirt, fun earrings, lavender and other gifts we have available!



Frances Litten Lecture: Galápagos | February 22

Biodiversity & Conservation: Tortoises, Trees, & Tourists

Dr. Conley K. McMullen


JMU Giving Day | February 22 (2-22-'22)!


Storytime in the Understory | February 14 & 28

Preschoolers and Families


Fairy Houses/Gnome Home Building | February 21

Pre-School - Elementary Ages



Art Exhibition | March – April

Featuring Mary Hairston


Shh! Bear's Sleeping - All About Hibernation | March 4

Elementary Ages & Families


Project WILD Workshop for Educators | March 14

Formal & Non-Formal Educators Welcome


Project Learning Tree Workshop for Educators | March 15

Formal & Non-Formal Educators Welcome


Nature Study Series: Explore the Flora | March 22

Program for the Whole Family


Fairy House/Gnome Home Building | March 28

Pre-School - Elementary Ages

Storytime in the Understory | March 7 & 21

Preschoolers and Families
