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Imagen Dedicado A Mi Padre By: Josefina Chavez, 2023

As said in the title, “Imagen Dedicado A Mi Padre”, is an image dedicated to my father. This is a breakdown of every object in that image. All objects/images were either passed down to me or are a part of my personal archive, with the intention to intertwine the past, present and future. The past refers to the items passed down to me and the present refers to the items that are part of my safe keeps. The future refers to the fact that sooner or later, my belongings will be passed down, but if this is where I decide to end my bloodline, I wonder in whose home they'll rest.


La cartera de mi Padre.
We can see that the wallet has aged. Aged the same way my fathers hair turned white as his only daughter grew up overnight. We all grow older together.
(Album cover of the 1972 album Malo) When I was in the 8th grade, my favorite song was Suavecito by Malo. When my dad was in the 8th grade, this was also his favorite song as it came out that same year. Unironically, this song will probably continue to be my favorite for the rest of my life.

My father holding newborn me (2006)

My Fathers high school graduation. ( PNHS 1976)
Mi papa visitando a mi abuela en el cementerio. (2023)
Mi abuelo fumando su pipa en su carto. (1985)
Compartiendo una sonrisa con mi abuelo en la sala. (2008)
Mis abuelos de vacaciones. (1950s)
Mi abuela y yo en la cocina. (2009)
El perfil lateral de mi tía, sentada en su recámara. (2023)
My Brothers 18th Birthday. (2011) 23 para siempre, 04/21/2016.
El aniversario de mis abuelos. (2009)
Homies that decorated my fathers space. (2000s)
Mi abuela rezaba muchísimo por todos nosotros en la familia. La visito todos los domingos en el cementerio, con la esperanza de que eso no haya cambiado, aunque ya no está aquí con nosotros.
Roses from a loved one. (2023)
Love letter from a loved one. (2023)
Polaroids of/with loved ones. (2023)
Jewlery Pieces that are a part of me.
Created By
josefina chavez