AP World History Research
Senior Research Process
Seniors ELA students continued the research process. ELA 12 students moved on to creating Works Cited pages and note taking while Contemporary Communications students started the process with topic selection and preliminary research. Papers were due just before and after Thanksgiving break!
Surprise Visit!
While Mrs. Weir's classes were learning about note taking from the note taking fairy and Mr. Taylor's students were finalizing their Works Cited pages, the Surprise Squad appeared to award BVN teachers with BV Ed Foundation Grants! Many teachers were here to receive grants including supplies for the Beta, funds to help students attend Driver's Ed, and exercise equipment for Adaptive PE classes. Ms. Snethen was awarded a $3000 grant to buy instruments, recording equipment and sound mixing equipment, an idea provided by a freshman, Sid L. Mrs. Cornelius received a $750 grant to replenish the sticker mosaics that students work on constantly in the library!
ELA 10
Students in Mrs. Worthington's and Mr. McCoy's ELA 10 classes used the Gale Opposing Viewpoints database to find an article of their choosing and take notes. They began the activity by all reading an article about digital privacy and then taking notes on whiteboard tables. Students shared what they learned from the article. Then they used the same techniques for the article they found!
Created with images by agrus - "world map silhouete on old paper surface " • mojo_cp - "college students doing homework research data together."