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Adobe Resources For Flinders University

This is a one stop shop for information on all the Adobe products that are available as a part of Flinders Uni & Adobe enterprise agreement. Scroll and Explore, to know more feel free to reach out to your Adobe Customer Success Manager or Account Executive.

Let's deep dive into the solutions

Free learning platform and community, designed by educators for educators, to ignite creativity in the classroom.


"It is only natural that you would want to take the most powerful collection of digital literacy tools and make them accessible to your students because this is how knowledge is made." ~ Dr. Todd Taylor (Professor of English at University of North Carolina)
Need an opportunity to connect with like minded educators around the world?

Well we got this covered !

Join the new Adobe Creative Educator program and receive curated professional development materials, information about virtual and in-person events, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded educators from around the world.

Not to forget you will also earn badges that you can flaunt in your signatures and professional websites !

Happy Learning :)

Created By
Kavneet Saini


Created with images by ElasticComputeFarm - "library books bookshelves" • Darkmoon_Art - "menu paper background" • myrfa - "files paper office" • 1681551 - "art paint water colors" • Sozavisimost - "man sign paper" • sweetlouise - "pencils colored pencils art" • Broesis - "friendship fun backlighting" • Bob_Dmyt - "team friendship group" • josephredfield - "people friends together" • Alexas_Fotos - "teamwork match together"