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Ysgol Christchurch Public Curriculum Overview – May 2022​

Unique factors of Ysgol Christchurch

At Ysgol Christchurch we are inclusive, and pride ourselves on our high standards of care and support that we offer our pupils.​

We have around 440 pupils aged 3 – 11​ years old.

We provide all pupils with a warm welcome and equal access to an education, regardless of culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability​

The most current Wales Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2019 report shows West Rhyl – our catchment area - is the most deprived area of Wales.​

Our current percentage of children on free school meals is 62.5%​

Our school has 3 additional support classrooms - 'Hafan', 'Cwtch' and 'Heulwen' - where pupils can access work in a smaller environment which can be adapted to their needs. We also have a wellbeing room - 'Barcud' - where children access nurture and other wellbeing interventions.

We provide a wide range of additional support - 29 younger pupils have accessed 'Cwtch', 70 Foundation Phase pupils have accessed 'Heulwen' and 10 KS2 pupils have benefitted from 'Hafan'. 7 pupils at our school currently have statements and 18 have IDP's (Individual Learning Plans). Over the year 99 pupils have accessed 'universal targeted support'. We also run an intervention programme where pupils can access intensive, high quality interventions in language and maths.

We have our own food bank "Pantri Bach" which is supported by local supermarkets, charity organisations, our families and staff.

Our pupils come from 21 different ethnic backgrounds​! We have 33 pupils whom English is an additional language with 13 different first languages​.

Although no children speak Welsh at home, we are very proud of the fact we are a school in Wales. Cymraeg is used throughout each day and taught in lessons to help the children develop their Welsh skills.

We hold an annual school Eisteddfod for all pupils to complete in singing and poetry recitation. We develop the children's sense of Cynefin (belonging) to the school, Rhyl and the wider world through our topics and ethos.

"10 key words to describe our school" - Pupils, Parents and Staff Survey, 2022


A school curriculum is all the experiences a learner has in school.

At Ysgol Christchurch, the needs of our learners is most important and informs Why, What and How we teach.

Our curriculum is meaningful and relevant in order for our learners to reach their full potential.

The wellbeing of our pupils is the highest priority in our curriculum.

OUr vision

Our school is a happy, safe and supportive space.​

We aim to create a can do attitude by providing an inclusive, engaging and fun curriculum, where EVERY pupil reaches their full potential.

Ysgol Christchurch Digital Classroom - Links to further information about curriculum design.

The 4 purposes underpin all our work at Ysgol Christchurch. The aim of our school curriculum is to support our pupils to be: Ambitious, Capable Learners – who are ready to learn and aim high throughout their lives. Enterprising, Creative Contributors – ready to play a full part in life and work. Ethical, Informed Citizens – of Wales and the world. Healthy, Confident Individuals – ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

Area of Learning Experiences.

There are 6 AoLE's in our curriculum. These are: ​

  • Language, Literacy and Communication – speaking, reading, writing and listening in English and Welsh and for our year 4, 5 and 6 pupils, a modern foreign language​.
  • Maths and Numeracy – number, statistics, measure, reasoning, using and applying​.
  • Science and technology – science, technology and design work.​
  • Humanities – history, geography, religious studies, social studies and business studies​.
  • Health and Wellbeing – physical and mental health education, how we develop and grow, relationships and keeping safe. looking after ourselves and each other​
  • Expressive Arts – art, drama, music, dance and digital media.

AoLE's - Statements of What Matters

Our curriculum uses a range of contexts, perspectives, topics and activities to help the learners progress and develop. These statements guide our content from Meithrin (Nursery) to Blywddyn Chwech (Year 6).​

AoLE's statements of what matters - Curriculum for Wales

Our curriculum model

Each year, our pupils will participate in a variety of topics that incorporate the AoLE's, integral skills and Cross-curricular skills. These are chosen by their class teacher or by their own interests as the year progresses. Pupil voice-led activities help engage children and develop positive attitudes about school.

Topics provide a wide range of knowledge, skills and experiences. Our curriculum needs to provide first-hand experiences to develop our pupils' cultural capital, understanding and knowledge of the world.

Our topics are designed using the 5C's of planning: Content – what will the children learn. Coherence – how does it link to previous and future learning. Compassion - how will it help the child care for themselves, others and the world. Cynefin - how does the topic develop the children's sense of belonging to School, Rhyl, Wales and the world. Creativity – how will the topic develop the children's creativity and problem-solving skills.

Using stories, books, characters, "let's say..." scenarios and real-life experiences, we aim to create an emotional link to learning. Topics have ethical and philosophical questions linked to them which help develop the children's thinking skills while also helping achieve the 4 purposes.

Our whole school key overviews for each AoLE and 4 purposes overview helps to provide structure and progression across the school.

Basic skills in language and maths play an integral part of our curriculum with the purpose of realising our vision where every pupil reaches their full potential.

Principles of Progression - Curriculum for Wales
The 12 Pedagogical Principles - Curriculum for Wales

These principles provide guidelines for our teachers on high quality teaching and learning for our pupils.

Our curriculum does not place emphasis on one particular learning style. Class teachers will use a variety of approaches depending on the pupils, context and purpose of the learning.

Pupil Voice

Our curriculum must be meaningful for our learners. Listening and building on their ideas is crucial to make a difference.​

Pupil voice is informing the development of our curriculum in a variety of ways:​

  • Reviewing previous learning opportunities.​
  • Suggesting new learning opportunities.​
  • Surveying pupils, communicating findings and impacting on curriculum.
  • Developing and adding to the vision of what a learner at Ysgol Christchurch needs.​
  • Reviewing whole school SDP targets and giving feedback.​
  • Collaborating with the community and all stakeholders.​

UNCRC - Rights respecting schools

At Ysgol Christchurch we are on the Rights Respecting School journey , we have achieved Bronze and are moving towards Silver. An understanding of children's human rights is at the heart of our curriculum.

The understanding of these under the two UN Conventions:

  • The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child ( UNCRC)​
  • The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. ( UNCRPD)​

Human rights education and diversity

At Ysgol Christchurch to ensure a curriculum which supports diversity and empowers the agency of those at risk of being left behind we​:

  • Model and teach critical thinking.​
  • Create racially literate curricular material for the exploration of contemporary societies.
  • Discover and remove barriers.​
  • Empower learners to think critically and share their thoughts and challenge classroom resources.​
  • Support students to develop confidence and feel comfortable sharing their opinions and life experience in class.​
  • Elevate class resources regularly for best impact.​

We have attended DARPL (Diversity and Anti-Racism Professional Learning) sessions to support our curriculum design.

Religion, value and ethics (RVE)

Religion, Values and Ethics is a mandatory part of our Humanities curriculum and is built upon a series of concepts and big ideas. Our curriculum provides a range of disciplinary approaches to support learners to engage critically with a broad range of religious and non-religious philosophical convictions. Religion, Values and Ethics in our school has been designed having regards to the Agreed Syllabus (the guidance for RVE). It is taught both as part of a wider topic building meaningful links through a key question, and as a separate lesson.

Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Relationship and Sexuality Education is a mandatory element of our curriculum, which is weaved into pupils learning as they progress through our school as well as forming part of the Health and Wellbeing AoLE. There are 3 strands: Relationship and Identity, Sexual Health and Wellbeing, Empowerment, Safety and Respect. Our RSE curriculum is designed to be suitable to our learners and their developmental stage.

Equal Opportunities

All learners in Ysgol Christchurch are supported, challenged and given opportunities to realise their full potential.

We have a clear understanding of the abilities, needs and experiences of our learners.

Our curriculum provides inclusive and accessible learning experiences for all learners, including learners with Additional Learning Needs (ALN), More Able and Talented (MAT), pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and pupils with medical conditions.

We have high expectations for all learners and our provision enables them to make appropriate progress throughout the same continuum from ages 3-16. We celebrate individual achievements and recognise that progress through the continuum will vary from child to child.

Our curriculum design and school support allows opportunities for enrichment, reflection, interventions and additional focus to promote skills, knowledge and understanding for every learner.


We are a very busy and inclusive school, that pride ourselves on the very high standard of care and wellbeing that we offer all our pupils and staff. At Ysgol Christchurch we recognise that the wellbeing of our pupils is essential. It is a curriculum driver and is central to our school vision and ethos. It helps to drive and shape the curriculum and is incorporated across all Areas of Learning and themes.

We invest in the wellbeing of our learners , not only so that they can become better learners, but to set them up for a more fulfilling life in the long term too. The wellbeing of our staff and stakeholders is a priority too.

Developing happy, caring, independent and well- rounded children is at the heart of everything we do.


Assessment at Ysgol Christchurch is intrinsic to our curriculum design. Its overarching purpose is to support every learner to make progress.

We use a wide range of strategies and tools to support us with assessment which include: verbal/written feedback, plenaries, shared targets. Online assessments are used and outcomes analysed in Pupil Progress Meetings.

We use Taith 360 to log and review learner's progress on their learning journey. Progress is reviewed through Learning Showcases and talking with pupils about their experiences.

Assessment has 3 main roles:​

  • supporting individual learners on an ongoing, day-to-day basis
  • identifying, capturing and reflecting on individual learner progress over time
  • understanding group progress in order to reflect on practice​

REFlect & review

Our curriculum, like our world, is fluid and will develop and change continuously to reflect modern society and the children's progression. It will incorporate new ideas based on robust educational research and engaging materials.

We want our curriculum to be relevant, exciting, to inspire the children in our community.

We will conduct a yearly formal review of our curriculum which will take pupil progress, pupil and staff wellbeing, latest research and guidance and all stakeholder views into account.


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