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MKA Newsletter Finland | Sept - Oct 2022

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Holy Quran

And they were only commanded to worship Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience and having integrity, and to observe Prayer, and pay Zakāt. And this is the religion that contains the teachings that are enduring.

(Surah Al-Bayinnah Verse 6)

The Hadith

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Zubair that he heard Jabir b. 'Abdullah saying. I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) observing this:

"Between man and polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of salat".

(Sahih Muslim Kitabul Emaan Hadees no. 82)

Friday Sermon & Kahoot

Brief Summary of Friday Sermon 30th September 2022

Hazrat Amirul Momineen (ABA) started the sermon by narrating how a journalist had asked him about the significance of constructing a mosque in this particular part of the world. Huzoor (ABA) said he explained to her that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community built mosques across the globe. They were all important to us. However, a unique significance of this mosque was that this city of Zion was built by a staunch opponent of Islam. Huzoor (ABA) said that those interested in history could learn more about it through an exhibition that Jamaat had set up at the mosque.

Masjid Fath-e-Azeem (Mosque of the Great Victory)

Huzoor (ABA) said that the mosque had been named Masjid Fath-e-Azeem (Mosque of the Great Victory) based on the revelation and prophecy of the Promised Messiah (AS). It referred to the victory Allah granted to the Promised Messiah (AS) over John Alexander Dowie. “Today, is the next step [of that fulfillment], as we inaugurate this mosque in his city. We saw one aspect of the revelation of the Promised Messiahas being fulfilled 115 years ago, and we are witnessing its next step today,” Huzoor (ABA) said.

Full Summary

Kahoot Quiz

All khuddam are requested to take part in the 'Weekly Kahoot Quiz' from the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (MABHH) every Saturday @ 19:00.

Tableegh Stall in Helsinki

Tableegh Stall in Helsinki Center

A tableegh stall was arranged on 24th September with 'Ask a Muslim' campaign in the central area of Helsinki. The purpose of this event was to give free books, distribute brochures and let the public ask questions from us so that we can promote 'Ask a Muslim' campaign. There were 15 visitor discussions and 11 books were distributed among them.

Solar Well in Africa

As you all know that Huzoor e Anwar (MABHH) instructed Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland to donate a mini solar well in Africa, so it is requested to all khuddam to kindly try their best to take part in it. If each khadim donates around 40€ then we can easily reach our target, insh'Allah. For further details, you can check the email which has been sent earlier. Or you can contact Mohtamim Khidmat e Khalq, Jaree Ullah Junbah Saheb.

Donation collection progress:

Below is our current progress until the month of September in terms of collecting the donation for a mini solar well in Africa:

How to make a payment?

The payment for solar well donation in Africa can be made in the same way as you pay your chanda normally.

Step 1: Pay your donation to the following bank details:

Account Name: Ahmadiyya Muslimi Jamaat Suomi

IBAN: FI25 1228 3000 0664 54

Reference: 1232

Step 2: After you make the payment, please fill out the following Chanda Detail form to write your details.

Chanda Detail Form

Step 3: In the section "Others", please write "MKA Solar Well"

Blood Drive Campaign

During the month of September, a blood drive campaign was held for one week in which khuddam were asked to donate blood as it helps save lives.

Blood Donation Campaign in Finland

Sports Activities in Central Region

In the central region 'Helsinki', different sports are being played including Cricket and Volleyball. All khuddam are requested to actively participate in sports activities.

Hazrat Khaliful Masih V (ABA) during one of his addresses said:

"Taking part in sports and doing exercise is important because it enables a person to stay fit and if a person is physically strong and healthy, he is better able to worship and fulfill the rights of Allah the Almighty and His creation."

Here are the timings for the upcoming scheduled games in the central region:

  • Volleyball: Every Wednesday From 20:00 - 22:00
  • Cricket: Every Saturday From 19:00 - 22:00

Khuddam Update

Below is the updated khuddam tajneed in Finland and it also shows how many khuddam are situated in different regions of Finland.

Atfal Ijtema 2022

On 22nd October, Atfal ul ahmadiyya ijtema is going to be held in Helsinki. All atfal are requested to come and actively take part in educational and sports competitions. All khuddam are also requested to come for the encouragement of atfal.

Educational Competitions:

Tilawat, Nazam, Azaan, Speech

Sports Competitions:

Football, Tug of War, 3-Leg Race, Relay Race, 100m race, Table Tennis, Arm Wrestling

Upcoming Events

  • MKA Volleyball Game (Capital Region) - Every Wednesday From 20:00 - 22:00
  • MKA Cricket/Volleyball Game (Capital Region) - Every Saturday From 19:00 - 22:00
  • Atfal | Weekly Quran Class: Every Saturday @21:00
  • Atfal | Ijtema: 22nd October
  • MKA Connect | Tarbiyyat Day: 30th October @ 14:30

Published by the Department of Ishaat Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland
