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College Chronicle Issue 2, 2022

Meet Our 2022 College Captains

Welcome to Week 4, the College has transitioned well to all students returning to face to face learning. We are very proud of our staff and students for the manner in which they are managing the restrictions. Last week we had the honour of appointing our College Captains for 2022. The selection of our College Captains is something we take seriously at Southern Vales Christian College. Students present a written application, attend an interview, prepare a written response, and meet the criteria of the selection panel of school leaders.

I am pleased to announce our 2022 College Captains are: Sophia Mack, Gabrielle Clark, Armand Grové, Nathan Evans and Edwin De Haaij. These remarkable students have demonstrated their exceptional leadership capabilities, diligence, and faithfulness throughout their journey at SVCC . We look forward to watching them continue to develop as they lead our student body throughout 2022.

We have challenged our 2022 student leaders to display: • commitment to serve our College community at every opportunity; • a Christ like example to the student body; • commitment to being an effective team player; • commitment to leave the College in a better place than they found it; and. • a passion to develop student voice.

We look forward to the impact our College Captains will have on our College.

Jenny Nelson, Principal

College Captains' Reflection: "As College Captains, we are hoping to achieve a greater sense of community throughout the College. We have collectively decided on introducing new clubs and sporting events, with the aim of seeing an increase of kindness and friendship between different year levels. In addition to encouraging fellowship, the sporting events will also result in heightened physical activity amongst students, thus improving their overall wellbeing. Another goal of the College Captains is to encourage students in developing their relationships with Christ. The incorporation of prayer boxes in classrooms will provide students with the opportunity to pray for one another and gain an understanding of God's loving nature."

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:4-5



Foundation Class, Morphett Vale with Mrs Harland

The Morphett Vale Foundation class has had a busy and fun-filled month at SVCC! They have settled in really well into class, learning about the rules and routines at school and getting to know their teachers and friends. Our Unit of Inquiry for this term is ‘Who Am I?’ where we explore all about ourselves and our families. One of the main highlights every day is Jolly Phonics, where the children enjoy learning their letter sounds through a multisensory approach. A great start to the year for our beautiful Foundation class!

Joanna Harland, Foundation Teacher, Morphett Vale Campus

Foundation Class, Aldinga

The Aldinga Foundation students have had a fabulous start to the year and are settling into the school routine so well. They are enjoying learning their sounds using the Jolly Phonics actions and songs, and multiple hands on manipulatives to help start making words. They also enjoy counting and using blocks to make patterns. The Foundation students have made a great start in their UBD unit, 'Who Am I?', creating fantastic art works of their homes and families. We are all looking forward to a fantastic year.

Kathryn Butler, Foundation Teacher, Aldinga Campus


The Primary students at both campuses had fun celebrating "Twos-Day" on Tuesday 22 February 2022. This date marks a special date on the calendar for the following reasons - it is not only a palindrome date, meaning it can be read the same both forwards and backwards, but also has the added value of being all twos. It is also a palindrome date around the world, even in countries that may write dates in a different format.

Some of the activities included making "Twos-Day" crowns at the Morphett Vale campus! The Morphett Vale Foundation students learnt different ways to represent the number two. The Morphett Vale Year 5 students took part in a Maths table group challenge involving two, twenty two, and two thousand and twenty two.

The Year 2 students at Aldinga counted on number lines from 22 or 200 or in 2s! They also did some journal writing reflecting on "When I'm 22 I will..." At 2:22pm the Aldinga Foundation and Year 2 students had fun doing the 'cupid shuffle' dance on the basketball court.

INVESTIGATING Photosynthesis

Year 12 Biology

This week, the Year 12 Biology students prepared and investigated the rate of photosynthesis of a plant (Pandorea sp.) by varying concentrations of sodium bicarbonate solutions. In addition, they recorded the time taken for each leaf disc to float and considered factors that may have impacted data. This investigation will prepare them for their upcoming experiment on the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in algae captured in alginate balls. This type of research develops the scientific skills and dispositions required in many fields, and the scientific understanding needed by scientists developing biofuels, seaweed as food replacements, growing plants in space, and much more - further developing our students for a great future!

Heidi Scriven, Biology Teacher

Year 9 Digital Design

The new subject of Digital Design was made available for Year 9 students this year. The students are currently learning a variety of methods to create digital illustrations using the Adobe Illustrator program. One method they learnt was to sketch a drawing of a piece of fruit and then outline it with felt tip pen. After taking a photo of the drawing, this was converted into a vector image in Illustrator. Next, they will be using these new skills to create their own digital cartoon character design.

Melody Parker, Digital Design Teacher


This term our Junior Primary students have started learning Auslan - Sign Language. Mrs Lovett is teaching it at Morphett Vale and Miss Bone at Aldinga. The Essential Questions being explored are:

How can I express myself if I cannot speak or hear? Why is AUSLAN signed that way? How is it the same as spoken language? How is it different to spoken language?"

Students will be learning how to sign greetings, numbers, letters and songs. This week, the Aldinga students learnt how to introduce themselves using the Alphabet signs. It's amazing how quickly young children can pick up a new language.

Amanda Bone, Head of Primary, Aldinga

Bathroom Makeover

Year 9 Rite Journey

The Rite Journey young ladies of 2021 embarked on a project last year to paint and makeover the Senior Girl's toilet block. Under the skilful direction of Mr Wormald, they learned some valuable tips on correct painting techniques, then took turns to paint the inside of the facility. New toilets, paper dispensers and hand dryers were installed by Mr Wormald over the holidays. It was with great excitement that the final decorating touches were added to give a beautiful fresh new look to this facility. The young ladies truly engaged with the entire project and understood the value of doing something for others without any specific reward. This is an underlying principle of The Rite Journey which encourages looking outward and thinking of others as a way of life.

Sherry James, Rite Journey Teacher
