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June 8th: Best Friends Day

Happy Best Friends Day!

June 8th is a day for taking care of your best friends and showing how much they mean to us. We’ve gathered some fun activities for you and your friends to try over summer break. Depending on what you and your friends love to do, there is something for everyone!

  • Arts and crafts- Wine and design if over 21+ or bring your own drinks/snacks with!
  • Long distance friend? - It only takes a second to call or facetime your friends. Need summer plans? Drive or fly to your friend's hometown to visit and make some new memories.
  • Grab dinner/drinks- Always a great option for friends with busy schedules
  • Walk outside or workout together- Working out with a friend helps to increase motivation, accountability, etc.
  • See a live show nearby
  • Find new recipes or grill out.
  • Puzzles or board games, cards
  • Start a book club- have a lot of friends who love to read? Start a book club!
  • Have a pool? Sit by the pool outside, don't forget sunscreen!
  • Take a day trip-
  • Movie night with snacks-
  • Self-care day- It's important to have a self-care day, bring your friends with for manis, pedis, haircuts, or anything that makes you feel good!
  • Need something more adventurous? Get a tattoo with your friend or those piercings you've been putting off.
  • Go on adventures- hiking, biking, lake, beach: Go on adventures with your best friends! Take a hike, bike around your neighborhood, jump into a lake or the ocean. Even smaller adventures such as exploring where you live can be fun with the right people!

We hope you enjoyed reading about how to celebrate your best friends this summer! Be sure to stay tuned for new blogs or check out the blog archives!


Created with an image by Jacob Lund - "Group of young friends having fun outdoors"
