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Dzd Central region coalition #Destinationzerodeaths

Here in Louisiana we average 700 highway fatalities every year. Louisiana continues to have one of the highest fatality rates in the nation.

To address this alarming issue, LADOTD has set up nine regional coalitions throughout the state. We enlist the help of all persons affected by this issue - drivers and passengers, law enforcement, educators, public officials, and anyone with a passion to bring the number of these tragic deaths down to zero. Louisiana is driving towards Destination Zero Deaths, with the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) as its vehicle to reduce motor vehicle-related fatalities and serious injuries. The plan is multidisciplinary, data-driven, and constantly evolving. It is a living document updated every five years with input from a broad array of stakeholders and with leadership from local Metropolitan Planning Organizations such as RAPC, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD), Louisiana State Police (LSP), and the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC).

Zero is not impossible, but it will take all of us to get there.

The goal of the DZD Central Region Coalition is to reduce the number of traffic related fatalities and serious injuries by developing and implementing a regional safety action plan that focuses on the specific problems and issues facing the Central Region. We focus on four emphasis areas: Infrastructure and Operations, Occupant Protection, Impaired Driving, and Distracted Driving.

Crash Data

The Regional Strategic Highway Safety Plan is a data-driven approach to reduce number of crashes on our roadways. To develop strategies and update action plans, the DZD Coalition utilizes safety related data such as crash reports, and analysis tools such as GIS.

To access the National Fatality Analysis Reporting System for the State Traffic Safety Information, visit FARS

To access SHSP data for regional coalitions, visit SHSP Reports

To access compiled Louisiana Crash Reports, visit LACRASH

Infrastructure & Operations

Roadway departure and intersection are the leading contributing factors for fatal and serious injury crashed in Central Louisiana. The Rapides Area Planning Commission has collaborated with the DOTD district offices, as well as parish and local governments to develop and implement the Infrastructure and Operations action plan.

Roadway Safety Assessments

A Road Safety Assessment (RSA) is the formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team consisting of members from the 4 Es: engineering, enforcement, EMS and education. It qualitatively estimates and reports on potential road safety issues and identifies opportunities for improvements in safety for all road users.

Interested in becoming a member of the Central Louisiana RSA team? Contact Destiny Kunefke at

Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety

The number of bike and pedestrian fatalities is on the rise. From 2016-2020, there were 809 bicycle and pedestrian fatalities in the state of Louisiana. Of those fatalities, 55 were in the Central Region. The DZD Central Region Infrastructure & Operations team works to implement a plan that provides data and countermeasures, as well as promotes bike/ped safety to combat this increasing issue.

For more information and resources on bicycle and pedestrian safety, please visit the NHTSA website.

Rural and Local Road Safety

Twice as many crash fatalities occur in rural areas of Louisiana than in urban areas. The Louisiana SHSP team provides tools and resources specifically for local and rural road safety. Assistance from the Local Road Safety Program and the Louisiana Local Technical Assistance Program help local agencies address safety problems on the roads they own and operate.

Local Road Safety Plans

DZD Central Region works along side the Rapides Area Planning Commission as well as parish and local agencies to create Local Road Safety Plans. These plans include gathering and mapping crash data, conducting Road Safety Audits, finding funding for local agencies, and offering low-cost and cost-effective countermeasures to make our locally owned roads safer for all forms of transit.

Occupant Protection

Seat belts save more than 13,000 lives every year. The DZD Central Region Coalition joins national and statewide leadership in promoting safety messages on seat belt use, child car seats use and other occupant protection systems. Our coalition has several Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians who can check your car seat at no cost, as well as Certified CarFit Technicians to help make sure mature drivers are comfortable utilizing their vehicle's restraint system properly.

Child Passenger Safety

The proper child safety seat can reduce the risk of infants (under 1 year of age) being killed in a car crash by 71%, and toddlers (1-4 years of age) by 54%.

Nine out of ten car seats are not installed or used properly. A Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician can educate caregivers as well as properly install your car seat free of charge. The Rapides Area Planning Commission is a CPS Fitting Station with a Certified CPS Technician available by appointment. For a free car seat check, contact Destiny Kunefke at (318)487-5401.

Louisiana CPS Law (Click to enlarge)

For more information visit or the Buckle Up Louisiana Facebook Page

Impaired Driving

Alcohol and car keys don't mix...

Every 52 minutes someone in the US dies in a drunk driving crash. From 2016-2020, 129 people in Central Louisiana lost their lives to drunk driving. In the US in 2019 alone, there were over 10,140 fatalities. That's about one third of all traffic related deaths. These deaths are avoidable and unacceptable. DZD Central Region joins the efforts with national, statewide, and local agencies to prevent drunk driving using enforcement, education, and outreach.

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign - Marketing Materials

Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving Campaign - Marketing Materials

Drugged Driving

According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, 44 percent of fatally injured drivers in 2016 tested positive for drugs and over half of those drivers were positive for two or more drugs. Whether prescription drugs, legal, or illegal substances - if you feel different, you drive different.

Drugged Driving - Marketing Materials

Distracted Driving

dis·trac·tion /dəˈstrakSH(ə)n/ noun

1. a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.

Cell phones, GPS, music, grooming, food... all of these contribute to the rising number of deaths on our roadways. Distracted and inattentive driving accounted for over 700 deaths in Louisiana in the last five years, and almost three times as many serious injuries.

Our coalition promotes safety messaging and outreach to educate the public on this dangerous behavior. Always remember: phone down, eyes up!

Distracted Driving - Marketing Materials

CDC - 3 Types of Distracted Driving

For more information, please visit:

Destination Zero Deaths Website

Destination Zero Death Resources and Marketing Materials

Or contact the Regional Transportation Safety Coordinator:

Destiny Kunefke

(318) 487-5401, x17


Created with images by Nabeel Syed - "Rows of car headlights" • Ryoji Iwata - "crossing"
