The aim of our visit was for UWE students to gain a better understanding of the learning journey of Gambian children, through a collaborative enquiry with Gambian youth leaders. By placing collaboration at the heart of the project we hoped to engender a strong sense of mutual respect from the outset, and a shared commitment to understanding the unique challenges and opportunities facing learners in the Gambia.
Students visited a range of educational settings from early years up to secondary and FE, in urban and rural locations. In each setting the students observed teachers delivering sessions, and then delivered their own pre-planned sessions around three themes…
Alongside their educational visits and projects, the students also took part in a range of day trips, exploring the cultural heritage and natural beauty of The Gambia
Across their two weeks in the Gambia the students were challenged by what they encountered, but they also grew and came away with powerful and even life changing learning experiences. Central to the impact of this learning experience was the support and direction they received from the Gambian young leaders who worked alongside them, and without whom the project would not have been the success it was.
'This project was incredibly impactful both personally and in my studies and aiding my career, I think any student should take up the opportunity to be a part of such an incredible collaboration' (UWE Student)
'This was one the most incredible experiences of my life. I really hope other students get the opportunity to experience it' (UWE Student)
A massive thank you to everyone who made this experience possible, particularly our partners at Daughters of Africa. We hope that it represents the start of a long journey with our Gambian partners and friends.
'This trip helped me meet some amazing peers that I now class as some of my best friends. So, thank you to everyone involved' (UWE Student)